Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology: 2-Volume Set, Expert Consult: Online and Print (Textbook of Rheumatology (Kelley's)(2 Vol))

Gary S. Firestein, Ralph C. Budd, Edward D. Harris, Iain B. McInnes, Shaun Ruddy, John S. Sergent

  Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology: 2-Volume Set, Expert Consult: Online and Print (Textbook of Rheumatology (Kelley's)(2 Vol))  Gary S. Firestein, Ralph C. Budd, Edward D. Harris, Iain B. McInnes, Shaun Ruddy, John S. Sergent  Staying current in a field that's advancing rapidly is difficult. Now more than ever, Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology, 8th Edition helps you better understand today's scientific underpinnings of rheumatic diseases, so that you can better manage your patients. With its new full-color design, scholarly approach to scientific concepts, and sweeping updates, you'll have a source of knowledge at your disposal to help you face even your toughest challenges. And, as an Expert Consult title, this thoroughly updated 8th edition comes with access to the complete contents online, fully searchable-enabling you to consult it rapidly from any computer with an Internet connection.Provides access to the complete contents online, fully searchable, enabling you to consult it rapidly from any computer with an Internet connection. Features state-of-the-art, evidence-based guidance to help you offer your patients the best possible outcomes.Provides an increased understanding of mechanisms and molecules...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Staying current in a field that's advancing rapidly is difficult. Now more than ever, Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology, 8th Edition helps you better understand today's scientific underpinnings of rheumatic diseases, so that you can better manage your patients. With its new full-color design, scholarly approach to scientific concepts, and sweeping updates, you'll have a source of knowledge at your disposal to help you face even your toughest challenges. And, as an Expert Consult title, this thoroughly updated 8th edition comes with access to the complete contents online, fully searchable-enabling you to consult it rapidly from any computer with an Internet connection.Provides access to the complete contents online, fully searchable, enabling you to consult it rapidly from any computer with an Internet connection. Features state-of-the-art, evidence-based guidance to help you offer your patients the best possible outcomes.Provides an increased understanding of mechanisms and molecules......

Справочник школьника для начальных классов. Русский язык. Математика. Природоведение

Е. М. Дорогова, Л. Ф. Знаменская, В. Д. Майоров

  Справочник школьника для начальных классов. Русский язык. Математика. Природоведение  Е. М. Дорогова, Л. Ф. Знаменская, В. Д. Майоров  Стрекоза.   Справочник адресован учащимся начальной школы, учителям и родителям. Он содержит весь объем информации, который должны усвоить дети в младших классах. Справочник адаптирован ко всем учебникам и учебным программам для начальной школы. Эта книга поможет систематизировать знания учащихся, а также устранить возможные пробелы в образовании детей.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Стрекоза. Справочник адресован учащимся начальной школы, учителям и родителям. Он содержит весь объем информации, который должны усвоить дети в младших классах. Справочник адаптирован ко всем учебникам и учебным программам для начальной школы. Эта книга поможет систематизировать знания учащихся, а также устранить возможные пробелы в образовании детей....

Organizational Epics and Sagas: Tales of Organizations

  Organizational Epics and Sagas: Tales of Organizations  This second volume in a trilogy on myth making in organizing focuses on organizational virtues and vices, as well as attributes and abilities of organizations, and legendary organizations that have become mythical in themselves. These narratives are presented as organizational sagas to reveal an archetypal dimension of organizing and organizations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This second volume in a trilogy on myth making in organizing focuses on organizational virtues and vices, as well as attributes and abilities of organizations, and legendary organizations that have become mythical in themselves. These narratives are presented as organizational sagas to reveal an archetypal dimension of organizing and organizations....

BrandDigital: Simple Ways Top Brands Succeed in the Digital World

Allen P. Adamson

  BrandDigital: Simple Ways Top Brands Succeed in the Digital World  Allen P. Adamson  Since the publication of his bestselling book BrandSimple, advertising expert Allen Adamson has devoted his research to the cutting edge of digital technology and its intersections with brand marketing. This timely book discusses how global digital acceleration has the social networking and customer-based brand promotion of websites such as Google, YouTube, Craigslist, Wikipedia, Facebook, and MySpace. Adamson explains how to harness the multiple functions of new technologies such as the Blackberry and iPhone, and discusses the impact of rapid globalization on the digital-age brand as well as the importance of social initiatives and the opinions of newly web-based preteens and teens. Citing specific case studies of successful branding through social networking, digital word-of-mouth, consumer-generated ideas, and Since the publication of his bestselling book BrandSimple, advertising expert Allen Adamson has devoted his research to the cutting edge of digital technology and its intersections with brand marketing. This timely book discusses how global digital acceleration has the social networking and customer-based brand promotion of websites such as Google, YouTube, Craigslist, Wikipedia, Facebook, and MySpace. Adamson explains how to harness the multiple functions of new technologies such as the Blackberry and iPhone, and discusses the impact of rapid globalization on the digital-age brand as well as the importance of social initiatives and the opinions of newly web-based preteens and teens. Citing specific case studies of successful branding through social networking, digital word-of-mouth, consumer-generated ideas, and "green" branding, BrandDigital offers a comprehensive assessment of the future's marketing landscape....

Информатика и ИКТ. Рабочая тетрадь для 2 класса. Часть 2

Н. В. Матвеева, Е. Н. Челак, Н. К. Конопатова, Л. П. Панкратова

  Информатика и ИКТ. Рабочая тетрадь для 2 класса. Часть 2  Н. В. Матвеева, Е. Н. Челак, Н. К. Конопатова, Л. П. Панкратова  Бином. Лаборатория знаний.   Информатика.   Рабочие тетради для 2 класса входят в состав УМК по информатике и ИКТ для начальной школы. Для каждого класса предлагаются: учебник, рабочие тетради, методическое пособие для учителя, CD-ROM. УМК обеспечивает пропедевтическое изучение курса информатики, цель которого - сформировать у учащихся представление об основных понятиях информатики на основе их личного опыта и знаний, полученных ими при изучении других школьных дисциплин, а также развить начальные навыки работы на персональном компьютере.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Бином. Лаборатория знаний. Информатика. Рабочие тетради для 2 класса входят в состав УМК по информатике и ИКТ для начальной школы. Для каждого класса предлагаются: учебник, рабочие тетради, методическое пособие для учителя, CD-ROM. УМК обеспечивает пропедевтическое изучение курса информатики, цель которого - сформировать у учащихся представление об основных понятиях информатики на основе их личного опыта и знаний, полученных ими при изучении других школьных дисциплин, а также развить начальные навыки работы на персональном компьютере....

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Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology: 2-Volume Set, Expert Consult: Online and Print (Textbook of Rheumatology (Kelley's)(2 Vol)). Gary S. Firestein, Ralph C. Budd, Edward D. Harris, Iain B. McInnes, Shaun Ruddy, John S. Sergent . Книги.

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