Автострахование. Актуальная практика

И. С. Иванов

  Автострахование. Актуальная практика  И. С. Иванов  Феникс.   Консультирует юрист.   Зачем надо знать, что такое Феникс. Консультирует юрист. Зачем надо знать, что такое "утрата товарной стоимости", "обоюдная вина", "суброгация" и "регресс"? Почему водителю, застраховавшему свою ответственность, невыгодно садиться пьяным за руль? Зачем придумано понятие "внутренняя территория организации"? Сколько и кому страховая компания заплатит в случае ДТП? На эти и другие вопросы поможет найти ответ данная книга. Предназначено руководителям страховых компаний, сотрудникам отделов выплат и юридических служб, водителям и пешеходам и, не дай Бог, тем, кто уже признан потерпевшим в дорожно-транспортном происшествии. Особая рекомендация прочитать написанное страховым агентам - тем, кто продает людям надежду на скорейшее решение их проблем, связанных с использованием автотранспорта. Рекомендуется в качестве дополнительной литературы по курсам "Гражданское право", "Страховое право" и ряд смежных дисциплин....

Betraying Our Troops: The Destructive Results of Privatizing War

Dina Rasor, Robert Bauman

  Betraying Our Troops: The Destructive Results of Privatizing War  Dina Rasor, Robert Bauman  In this shocking exposA©, two government fraud experts reveal how private contractors have put the lives of countless American soldiers on the line while damaging our strategic interests and our image abroad. From the shameful war profiteering of companies like Halliburton/KBR to the sinister influence that corporate lobbyists have on American foreign policy, Dina Rasor and Robert H. Bauman paint a disturbing picture. Here they give the inside story on troops forced to subsist on little food and contaminated water, on officers afraid to lodge complaints because of Halliburton's political clout, on millions of dollars in contractors' bogus claims that are funded by American taxpayers. Drawing on exclusive sources within government and the military, the authors show how money and power have conspired to undermine our fighting forces and threaten the security of our country.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In this shocking exposA©, two government fraud experts reveal how private contractors have put the lives of countless American soldiers on the line while damaging our strategic interests and our image abroad. From the shameful war profiteering of companies like Halliburton/KBR to the sinister influence that corporate lobbyists have on American foreign policy, Dina Rasor and Robert H. Bauman paint a disturbing picture. Here they give the inside story on troops forced to subsist on little food and contaminated water, on officers afraid to lodge complaints because of Halliburton's political clout, on millions of dollars in contractors' bogus claims that are funded by American taxpayers. Drawing on exclusive sources within government and the military, the authors show how money and power have conspired to undermine our fighting forces and threaten the security of our country....

Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life (Critical Perspectives on the Past)

Tiffany Ruby Patterson

  Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life (Critical Perspectives on the Past)  Tiffany Ruby Patterson  A historian hoping to reconstruct the social world of all-black towns or the segregated black sections of other towns in the South finds only scant traces of their existence. In Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life, Tiffany Ruby Patterson uses the ethnographic and literary work of Zora Neale Hurston to augment the few official documents, newspaper accounts, and family records that pertain to these places hidden from history. Hurston's ethnographies, plays, and fiction focused on the day-to-day life in all-black social spaces as well as A historian hoping to reconstruct the social world of all-black towns or the segregated black sections of other towns in the South finds only scant traces of their existence. In Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life, Tiffany Ruby Patterson uses the ethnographic and literary work of Zora Neale Hurston to augment the few official documents, newspaper accounts, and family records that pertain to these places hidden from history. Hurston's ethnographies, plays, and fiction focused on the day-to-day life in all-black social spaces as well as "the Negro farthest down" in labor camps. Patterson shows how Hurston's work complements the fragmented historical record, using the folklore and stories to provide a full description of these people of these towns as active human subjects, shaped by history and shaping their private world. Beyond the view and domination of whites in these spaces, black people created their own codes of social behavior, honor, and justice. In Patterson's......

Quicken 2007 For Dummies

Stephen L. Nelson

  Quicken 2007 For Dummies  Stephen L. Nelson  * Stephen Nelson's previous For Dummies guides to Quicken have sold more than 900,000 copies * Quicken has more than 16 million active users and 75 percent of the personal finance software market * Shows people how to get their finances under control quickly and easily using Quicken * Covers online banking and bill paying, tracking credit cards, managing loans, maximizing investments, calculating interest, preparing payroll, setting up accounts, creating reports, and more * Completely updated to cover the latest features and enhancements in the new version of Quicken * Published in conjunction with the release of Quicken * Stephen Nelson's previous For Dummies guides to Quicken have sold more than 900,000 copies * Quicken has more than 16 million active users and 75 percent of the personal finance software market * Shows people how to get their finances under control quickly and easily using Quicken * Covers online banking and bill paying, tracking credit cards, managing loans, maximizing investments, calculating interest, preparing payroll, setting up accounts, creating reports, and more * Completely updated to cover the latest features and enhancements in the new version of Quicken * Published in conjunction with the release of Quicken "X"...

Smart Economics: Commonsense Answers to 50 Questions about Government, Taxes, Business, and Households

Michael L. Walden

  Smart Economics: Commonsense Answers to 50 Questions about Government, Taxes, Business, and Households  Michael L. Walden  Budget deficits, gas prices, health care costs, social security, job security.... Anxiety over the economy pervades our daily lives--from reports on the early morning newscasts to gossip around the water cooler to dinner table debate. Yet most citizens are woefully ignorant when it comes to understanding how the economy works and how to interpret the impact of policies and business decisions. It's easy to slip into generalities: government spending is wasteful, taxes are too high, good-paying jobs are being shipped overseas, Americans don't save enough. Other issues become hijacked by political partisans to advance their agendas: Budget deficits, gas prices, health care costs, social security, job security.... Anxiety over the economy pervades our daily lives--from reports on the early morning newscasts to gossip around the water cooler to dinner table debate. Yet most citizens are woefully ignorant when it comes to understanding how the economy works and how to interpret the impact of policies and business decisions. It's easy to slip into generalities: government spending is wasteful, taxes are too high, good-paying jobs are being shipped overseas, Americans don't save enough. Other issues become hijacked by political partisans to advance their agendas: "trade must be fair!", "tax cuts will pay for themselves!", "there will be no money left in the social security till after the baby boomers loot it!" In Smart Economics, Michael Walden provides an antidote: take 50 of today's top economic issues and explain their meaning, implications, and potential solutions in a logical, straightforward, commonsense, and......

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Автострахование. Актуальная практика. И. С. Иванов . Книги.

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Биологические науки. Анатомия| Самоменеджмент. Сделай себя сам| Кинофильмы для детей| На немецком языке| Новейшая история (с 1917 года)| Промышленность. Энергетика| Биографии художников| Офисные приложения| Уголовное право| Экранизации современной прозы| Всемирная история| Право. Юриспруденция| Сборники отечественных мультфильмов| Нетрадиционные исторические теории и гипотезы| Технология строительно-монтажных работ| Все сказки мира| История| Фильмы ужасов| Познавательные программы| Полицейские фильмы| Бои без правил| Зарубежная фантастика| Живопись| Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (ОБЖ)| Шейпинг| Скандалы. Сенсации. Катастрофы| Отраслевой и специальный бухучет| Внутренние болезни| Мемуары. Биографии| Криминальные боевики| Психология в бизнесе. Деловое общение и этикет| Любовный роман| Филологические науки| Общий менеджмент|
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