Последние хозяева Кремля

Гарри Табачник

  Последние хозяева Кремля  Гарри Табачник  Проф-Пресс.   Черная картотека.   Деяния последних советских руководителей, уступающие в размахе неописуемым злодействам первым, представляют огромный интерес для современного читателя, прожившего значительную - или большую часть жизни при коммунистическом режиме. Проф-Пресс. Черная картотека. Деяния последних советских руководителей, уступающие в размахе неописуемым злодействам первым, представляют огромный интерес для современного читателя, прожившего значительную - или большую часть жизни при коммунистическом режиме. "Последние хозяева Кремля" являются во всей своей закулисной неприглядности. Книга насыщена достоверными историческими сведениями и захватывает с первой же страницы....

Последний странник

Джон Твелв Хоукс

  Последний странник  Джон Твелв Хоукс  АСТ, АСТ Москва, Транзиткнига.   Интеллектуальный детектив.   Эта тайная война веками идет рядом с нами - но мы не знаем о ней ничего. Война между управляющей нашим миром и контролирующей каждый наш шаг Системой - и извечными врагами Системы Странниками, способными покидать свое тело и путешествовать между мирами. Охоту на Странников ведут цепные псы Системы - наемники, именующие себя братством... Но Странников защищают арлекины - таинственные воины, вооруженные самурайскими мечами... Противостояние Системы и Странников веками меняло наше прошлое... Исход их последней битвы изменит наше будущее!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, АСТ Москва, Транзиткнига. Интеллектуальный детектив. Эта тайная война веками идет рядом с нами - но мы не знаем о ней ничего. Война между управляющей нашим миром и контролирующей каждый наш шаг Системой - и извечными врагами Системы Странниками, способными покидать свое тело и путешествовать между мирами. Охоту на Странников ведут цепные псы Системы - наемники, именующие себя братством... Но Странников защищают арлекины - таинственные воины, вооруженные самурайскими мечами... Противостояние Системы и Странников веками меняло наше прошлое... Исход их последней битвы изменит наше будущее!...

The Prudence of Mr. Gordon Brown

William Keegan

  The Prudence of Mr. Gordon Brown  William Keegan  Book DescriptionA compelling book that examines Gordon Brown's rise to power, his years as Chancellor, and his dramatic decision to give the Bank of England independence Book DescriptionA compelling book that examines Gordon Brown's rise to power, his years as Chancellor, and his dramatic decision to give the Bank of England independence "An essential read for anyone who wants to properly understand political and economic policy developments over the past 15 years and enjoy some good insights about the future." Neil Kinnock, Vice President of the European Commission and former leader of the Labour Party. "For twenty years one of the most sceptical and authoritative voices on economic affairs in the British press." Robert Harris, best selling author. "A splendidly vivid account of the background, outlook and record of the most powerful Chancellor of modern times." Anthony Howard, biographer and political commentator. The economic policy of new Labour has been fundamental to its success. Gordon Brown has been at the very heart of new Labour's economic policy since the late 1980s and has......

The Prisoner : A Day In The Life (Prisoner Collection)

Hank Stine

  The Prisoner : A Day In The Life (Prisoner Collection)  Hank Stine  Book Description Every day in The Village is just like every other. There's the beach and the theatre, and the tennis court . . . and the mysterious underground chamber where every move is watched. In this sinister wonderland for those who know too much ever to know freedom, the average day is just a trip to the grocer's, a conversation with a Number . . . and a chance to escape. . . . Download DescriptionEvery day in The Village is just like every other. There's the beach and the theatre, and the tennis court . . . and the mysterious underground chamber where every move is watched. In this sinister wonderland for those who know too much ever to know freedom, the average day is just a trip to the grocer's, a conversation with a Number . . . and a chance to escape. . . .  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Every day in The Village is just like every other. There's the beach and the theatre, and the tennis court . . . and the mysterious underground chamber where every move is watched. In this sinister wonderland for those who know too much ever to know freedom, the average day is just a trip to the grocer's, a conversation with a Number . . . and a chance to escape. . . . Download DescriptionEvery day in The Village is just like every other. There's the beach and the theatre, and the tennis court . . . and the mysterious underground chamber where every move is watched. In this sinister wonderland for those who know too much ever to know freedom, the average day is just a trip to the grocer's, a conversation with a Number . . . and a chance to escape. . . ....

Operator #5: Invasion of the Crimson Death Cult

Curtis Steele

  Operator #5: Invasion of the Crimson Death Cult  Curtis Steele  Book DescriptionOperator #5, America's Secret Service Ace, appeared in 48 novels in the classic pulp magazine bearing his name. From April 1934 to November 1939, Jimmy Christopher fought villains from inside the United States and invaders from without. With World War II looming on the horizon, the Operator #5 novels became a reflection of the times, showcasing American fears of technology and oppression. In Invasion of the Crimson Death Cult, Kasma, a baleful divinity from the wastes of Asia, has laid his blighting curse upon America. All who oppose him come to ghastly ends: amnesia, madness, and screaming, agonizing death—for the cult of Kasma enforces its dread dictates with a new, deadly weapon, unseen, unheard, which razed the mightiest buildings, which lay wide regions barren -- without man or bird or beast! One man, Jimmy Christopher -- known in the Secret Service as Operator #5 — understood the grim purpose behind that crafty plan. And Operator #5, hampered by a...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionOperator #5, America's Secret Service Ace, appeared in 48 novels in the classic pulp magazine bearing his name. From April 1934 to November 1939, Jimmy Christopher fought villains from inside the United States and invaders from without. With World War II looming on the horizon, the Operator #5 novels became a reflection of the times, showcasing American fears of technology and oppression. In Invasion of the Crimson Death Cult, Kasma, a baleful divinity from the wastes of Asia, has laid his blighting curse upon America. All who oppose him come to ghastly ends: amnesia, madness, and screaming, agonizing death—for the cult of Kasma enforces its dread dictates with a new, deadly weapon, unseen, unheard, which razed the mightiest buildings, which lay wide regions barren -- without man or bird or beast! One man, Jimmy Christopher -- known in the Secret Service as Operator #5 — understood the grim purpose behind that crafty plan. And Operator #5, hampered by a......

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Последние хозяева Кремля. Гарри Табачник . Книги.

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