Complete Origami: Easy Techniques 25 Great Projects

  Complete Origami: Easy Techniques 25 Great Projects  David Mitchell  David Mitchell  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин David Mitchell...

Design: Harold Curwen & Oliver Simon: Curwen Press

Brian Webb

  Design: Harold Curwen & Oliver Simon: Curwen Press  Brian Webb  A new book in the Design series, following the career of Harold Curwen, a pioneering figure in the technical revolution, that transformed the printing industry.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A new book in the Design series, following the career of Harold Curwen, a pioneering figure in the technical revolution, that transformed the printing industry....

Joachim Brohm: Ohio

Thomas Weski, Vince Leo

  Joachim Brohm: Ohio  Thomas Weski, Vince Leo  At the end of the 1970s, serious artistic photography was still generally thought to be made only in black-and-white--despite major examples to the contrary, such as William Eggleston's ground-breaking 1976 show at The Museum of Modern Art in New York. Joachim Brohm was among the first of a younger generation of Germans to discover in color photography new opportunities for self-expression. His Ohio photographs, made in 1983 and 1984 while he was living in the state as a student and Fulbright scholar, show cluttered yards and houses and focus on apparently trivial and banal scenes of everyday American life. As one commentator puts it, Brohm's images seem strangely empty. Their centers seem to have fled; a surface has appeared in front of the camera's lens that surrounds the actual image. At the end of the 1970s, serious artistic photography was still generally thought to be made only in black-and-white--despite major examples to the contrary, such as William Eggleston's ground-breaking 1976 show at The Museum of Modern Art in New York. Joachim Brohm was among the first of a younger generation of Germans to discover in color photography new opportunities for self-expression. His Ohio photographs, made in 1983 and 1984 while he was living in the state as a student and Fulbright scholar, show cluttered yards and houses and focus on apparently trivial and banal scenes of everyday American life. As one commentator puts it, Brohm's images seem strangely empty. Their centers seem to have fled; a surface has appeared in front of the camera's lens that surrounds the actual image." At the time, such mundane scenarios were considered unworthy of photographic documentation, but today this approach constitutes almost an entire genre of its own. This precocity of subject and the......

Helmut Lang: Alles Gleich Schwer

Neville Wakefield, Frank-Thorsten Moll, Ulf Poschardt, Helmut Lang

  Helmut Lang: Alles Gleich Schwer  Neville Wakefield, Frank-Thorsten Moll, Ulf Poschardt, Helmut Lang  Alles Gleich Schwer--which translates in English to Everything Has an Equal Weight--presents the first institutional solo exhibition of work by the influential Austrian designer-turned-artist Helmut Lang. Having given up fashion design in 2005, Lang views his transformation not as a break but a continuation of his essential preoccupation with the combination of evocative textures. From the physical body and its social and sculptural articulation through clothing, Lang has progressed to a material-led art in his sculptural objects, which address the intersection of public and private experience. The 40-foot-long sculpture Alles Gleich Schwer--which translates in English to Everything Has an Equal Weight--presents the first institutional solo exhibition of work by the influential Austrian designer-turned-artist Helmut Lang. Having given up fashion design in 2005, Lang views his transformation not as a break but a continuation of his essential preoccupation with the combination of evocative textures. From the physical body and its social and sculptural articulation through clothing, Lang has progressed to a material-led art in his sculptural objects, which address the intersection of public and private experience. The 40-foot-long sculpture "Arbor," for example, with its intertwined poles and circles of metal, evokes the maypole rituals of Lang's European roots; in another, similarly sparse work titled "Life Forms," two oak boxes are filled with sheepskin and covered with tar, triggering the sort of psychoanalytic resonances found in the work of his friend Louise Bourgeois. Drawing on such diverse......

Организация физиотерапевтической помощи в лечебных учреждениях

  Организация физиотерапевтической помощи в лечебных учреждениях  Литография.   Во втором издании (первое выпущено в 2007 году) пособия на основе новых нормативно-правовых документов дополнены и переработаны разделы по организации работы физиотерапевтических подразделении, функциональные обязанности, требования к устройству, размещению, оборудованию процедурных кабинетов, противоэпидемическому режиму, техническому обслуживанию физиотерапевтической аппаратуры, охране труда. Пособие предназначено для руководителей лечебных учреждений, заведующих физиотерапевтическими отделениями и кабинетами, врачей-физиотерапевтов, среднего медицинского персонала.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Литография. Во втором издании (первое выпущено в 2007 году) пособия на основе новых нормативно-правовых документов дополнены и переработаны разделы по организации работы физиотерапевтических подразделении, функциональные обязанности, требования к устройству, размещению, оборудованию процедурных кабинетов, противоэпидемическому режиму, техническому обслуживанию физиотерапевтической аппаратуры, охране труда. Пособие предназначено для руководителей лечебных учреждений, заведующих физиотерапевтическими отделениями и кабинетами, врачей-физиотерапевтов, среднего медицинского персонала....

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Complete Origami: Easy Techniques 25 Great Projects. David Mitchell . Книги.

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