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Extreme Financial Risks: From Dependence to Risk Management (Springer Finance S.) Yannick Malevergne, Didier Sornette
Portfolio analysis and optimization, together with the associated risk assessment and management, require knowledge of the likely distributions of returns at different time scales and insights into the nature and properties of dependences between the different assets. This book offers an original and thorough treatment of these two domains, focusing mainly on the concepts and tools that remain valid for large and extreme price moves. Strong emphasis is placed on the theory of copulas and their empirical testing and calibration, because they offer intrinsic and complete measures of dependences. Extreme FinancialA Risks will be useful to: students looking for a general and in-depth introduction to the field; financial engineers, economists, econometricians, actuarial professionals; researchers and mathematicians looking for a synoptic view comparing the pros and cons of different modelling strategies; and quantitative practitioners for the insights offered on the subtleties and the......
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Королева Марго Александр Дюма
Ореол. "Королева Марго" (1846) принадлежит к лучшим книгам знаменитого французского романиста Александра Дюма. Описанные в ней исторические события относятся к эпохе гражданских войн во Франции конца XVI столетия. Увлекательный сюжет, бурный ритм развития действия, общая оптимистическая атмосфера романа, жизнеутверждающий юмор свидетельствуют о замечательном мастерстве Дюма-рассказчика....
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The Chinese Tao of Business: The Logic of Successful Business Strategy George T. Haley, Usha C.V. Haley, Chin Tiong Tan
How can managers discover, develop and implement successful business strategies for China and our global economy? Drawing on in-depth research with top executives of successful Chinese and Western companies, this book provides a road map for profitable business strategies in our interconnected economy. In the process, the authors describe and examine both Chinese and Western strategic management, their weaknesses and strengths. Starting with an analysis of the historical, cultural and legal antecedents of Chinese strategy, the authors identify potential for synergy and dominance between companies from Western, industrialized economies and Chinese companies. The book closes with recommendations on how the managements of non-Chinese companies, now pouring into China, can most effectively compete and interact with Chinese businesspersons and governments. The Chinese Tao of Business offers guidance to compete successfully against local companies and in foreign markets through: ......
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Active Training: A Handbook of Techniques, Designs, Case Examples, and Tips Mel Silberman, Carol Auerbach
Pfeiffer. Both in a classroom setting and in self-paced e-learning modes, it's not what you tell (and show) the learner that counts. What counts is what they take away. For learners to retain and intelligently use what has been presented, they must ask questions, discuss, apply, and perhaps even teach the material. This book is a comprehensive guide to the entire gamut of competencies that training professionals require to foster learning that is active. This book provides numerous techniques, designs, case examples, and tips for designing and facilitating training that is participant-centered, brain-friendly, and experiential. If you are a student or someone new to the training profession, you will receive a comprehensive understanding of every aspect of training, including assessment, program planning, course delivery, back-on-the-job application, and evaluation. If you are an experienced training professional, you will be able to use this book as a one-stop resource for ideas you can......
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The Ultimate Book of Optical Illusions Al Seckel
Prepare to be amazed! Inside the covers of this incredible, colorful collection are hundreds of the world’s most powerful optical illusions. They’re beautiful to behold, and stunning in their trickery. Some of the mind-boggling images seem to spring into action, vibrating, pulsing, and spinning like a hula hoop. Other ambiguous illusions feature two subjects in one: the fun is in finding them both in the single picture—including a mouse playing hide and seek in a cat’s face and a strange desert mirage where palm trees imperceptibly morph into camels. And still more, like “The Impossible Terrace,” which couldn’t exist off the page: just try to figure out if you’re viewing the space from above or below. Every one is astonishing....
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Extreme Financial Risks: From Dependence to Risk Management (Springer Finance S.). Yannick Malevergne, Didier Sornette . Книги.
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