Christmas Stories from Louisiana

  Christmas Stories from Louisiana  Book DescriptionNo others celebrate the season quite like the Cajuns, the Creoles, and the sundry peoples who populate the Bayou State. Louisiana Christmas is a festive fais do do, whether a buoyant communal celebration around a bonfire on a riverbank ora quiet reverie before a warm fireplace. Snowflakes serve only as trimming in these stories about the basic themes of Christmastime?the expectant birth of a special baby, a family homecoming, and the exchanging of gifts. In these sixteen stories the traditional winter wonderland of icicles and sleigh rides is missing, for Christmas in Louisiana can be subtropical. The grass may be green, the rose still in bloom, and the children in shorts. Featuring stories by both widely notable and by more recently applauded writers, this collection of fiction and memory pieces reveals the myriad faces of Christmastime in Louisiana. Each story in this fascinating holiday anthology is enhanced with an illustration by the acclaimed...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionNo others celebrate the season quite like the Cajuns, the Creoles, and the sundry peoples who populate the Bayou State. Louisiana Christmas is a festive fais do do, whether a buoyant communal celebration around a bonfire on a riverbank ora quiet reverie before a warm fireplace. Snowflakes serve only as trimming in these stories about the basic themes of Christmastime?the expectant birth of a special baby, a family homecoming, and the exchanging of gifts. In these sixteen stories the traditional winter wonderland of icicles and sleigh rides is missing, for Christmas in Louisiana can be subtropical. The grass may be green, the rose still in bloom, and the children in shorts. Featuring stories by both widely notable and by more recently applauded writers, this collection of fiction and memory pieces reveals the myriad faces of Christmastime in Louisiana. Each story in this fascinating holiday anthology is enhanced with an illustration by the acclaimed......

Facing the Wall: A Mission

Mary S. King

  Facing the Wall: A Mission  Mary S. King  Book DescriptionA wife recalls her family's struggle to return to normalcy after a loved one returns from war. Her husband came home from Nam physically unscathed - but his spirit was another matter. A story of PTSD (Post Trauma Stress Disorder) the aftereffects of war.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA wife recalls her family's struggle to return to normalcy after a loved one returns from war. Her husband came home from Nam physically unscathed - but his spirit was another matter. A story of PTSD (Post Trauma Stress Disorder) the aftereffects of war....

Speak English Like an American

Amy Gillett

  Speak English Like an American  Amy Gillett  Language Success Press; Book & CD edition.   If you already speak English, but now would like to start speaking even better, then Speak English Like an American is for you. This book and CD set is designed to help native speakers of any language speak better English. Over 300 of the most-used American English idioms and phrases are presented in engaging dialogue, with plenty of usage examples, illustrations, and lots of exercises -- with convenient answer key -- to help you learn the material. The audio CD includes all of the dialogues. Ideal for self-study. A fun and effective way to improve your conversational English!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Language Success Press; Book & CD edition. If you already speak English, but now would like to start speaking even better, then Speak English Like an American is for you. This book and CD set is designed to help native speakers of any language speak better English. Over 300 of the most-used American English idioms and phrases are presented in engaging dialogue, with plenty of usage examples, illustrations, and lots of exercises -- with convenient answer key -- to help you learn the material. The audio CD includes all of the dialogues. Ideal for self-study. A fun and effective way to improve your conversational English!...

England's Boy King: The Diary of Edward Vi, 1547-1553

  England's Boy King: The Diary of Edward Vi, 1547-1553  Book DescriptionIn January 1547 a nine-year-old boy was proclaimed king of England. The young, king, Edward VI, was the son of Henry VIII and all the power which that ruler had eagerly amassed found itself in the youthful hands of a frail and sickly child. That child, England's boy king, would last just six years on the throne before dying of tuberculosis and taking the hopes of many with him to the grave. Throughout Edward's short reign the young ruler kept a journal, a detailed diary recounting events in his kingdom. It is a fascinating record of Tudor England through the eyes of its monarch. The diary narrates all the momentous events in the young king's life but also observes the wider world, noting down news from England and keeping a watchful eye on Ireland, Scotland and mainland Europe. The diary makes for a wonderful chronicle of Tudor life. Edward reveals an increasing awareness as his reign progresses, showing an interest in religious reform, commerce and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn January 1547 a nine-year-old boy was proclaimed king of England. The young, king, Edward VI, was the son of Henry VIII and all the power which that ruler had eagerly amassed found itself in the youthful hands of a frail and sickly child. That child, England's boy king, would last just six years on the throne before dying of tuberculosis and taking the hopes of many with him to the grave. Throughout Edward's short reign the young ruler kept a journal, a detailed diary recounting events in his kingdom. It is a fascinating record of Tudor England through the eyes of its monarch. The diary narrates all the momentous events in the young king's life but also observes the wider world, noting down news from England and keeping a watchful eye on Ireland, Scotland and mainland Europe. The diary makes for a wonderful chronicle of Tudor life. Edward reveals an increasing awareness as his reign progresses, showing an interest in religious reform, commerce and......

Писатель и самоубийство (комплект из 2 книг)

Григорий Чхартишвили

  Писатель и самоубийство (комплект из 2 книг)  Григорий Чхартишвили  Захаров.   Писатель и самоубийство, Энциклопедия литературицида.   
  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Захаров. Писатель и самоубийство, Энциклопедия литературицида. ...

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Christmas Stories from Louisiana. . Книги.

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