Solving the world's problems : give greed a chance

Ronnie Horesh

  Solving the world's problems : give greed a chance  Ronnie Horesh  Book DescriptionViolent political conflict and climate change threaten us all. Governments and international bodies have failed to respond in any meaningful way. They continue to fund activities and institutions that are only tenuously linked to social and environmental goals. Social Policy Bonds are a new financial instrument that could revolutionise policymaking. By issuing them, governments and the private sector could inextricably tie rewards to outcomes, and inject market incentives into the achievement of such universally desired goals as world peace and climate stability. Ronnie Horesh's Social Policy Bond concept has been praised by distinguished economists. He has spoken about it in such forum as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Cambridge University and think tanks in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionViolent political conflict and climate change threaten us all. Governments and international bodies have failed to respond in any meaningful way. They continue to fund activities and institutions that are only tenuously linked to social and environmental goals. Social Policy Bonds are a new financial instrument that could revolutionise policymaking. By issuing them, governments and the private sector could inextricably tie rewards to outcomes, and inject market incentives into the achievement of such universally desired goals as world peace and climate stability. Ronnie Horesh's Social Policy Bond concept has been praised by distinguished economists. He has spoken about it in such forum as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Cambridge University and think tanks in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand....

Designer Profile 2004/2005 Designers Present Themselves Volume 1

Princeton Architectural Press

  Designer Profile 2004/2005 Designers Present Themselves Volume 1  Princeton Architectural Press  Book DescriptionDesigner Profile ist seit 1998 das zweisprachige Standardwerk der Design-Szene in Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz. Alle zwei Jahre prasentieren Designer aus den Bereichen Industrie, Messe und Ausstellungen, Grafik und Multimedia ihre Arbeitsideen und Erfolge. Das Buch ist ein unverzichtbares Nachschlagewerk fur Entscheider im Management sowie fur Agenturen, die sich schnell und zielgerichtet uber das Leistungsspektrum potentieller Design-Dienstleister informieren mochten.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDesigner Profile ist seit 1998 das zweisprachige Standardwerk der Design-Szene in Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz. Alle zwei Jahre prasentieren Designer aus den Bereichen Industrie, Messe und Ausstellungen, Grafik und Multimedia ihre Arbeitsideen und Erfolge. Das Buch ist ein unverzichtbares Nachschlagewerk fur Entscheider im Management sowie fur Agenturen, die sich schnell und zielgerichtet uber das Leistungsspektrum potentieller Design-Dienstleister informieren mochten....

Women, Compulsion, Modernity : The Moment of American Naturalism (Women in Culture and Society Series)

Jennifer L. Fleissner

  Women, Compulsion, Modernity : The Moment of American Naturalism (Women in Culture and Society Series)  Jennifer L. Fleissner  Book Description The 1890s have long been thought one of the most male-oriented eras in American history. But in reading such writers as Frank Norris with Mary Wilkins Freeman and Charlotte Perkins Gilman with Stephen Crane, Jennifer L. Fleissner boldly argues that feminist claims in fact shaped the period's cultural mainstream. Women, Compulsion, Modernity reopens a moment when the young American woman embodied both the promise and threat of a modernizing world. Fleissner shows that this era's expanding opportunities for women were inseparable from the same modern developments--industrialization, consumerism--typically believed to constrain human freedom. With Women, Compulsion, and Modernity , Fleissner creates a new language for the strange way the writings of the time both broaden and question individual agency.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The 1890s have long been thought one of the most male-oriented eras in American history. But in reading such writers as Frank Norris with Mary Wilkins Freeman and Charlotte Perkins Gilman with Stephen Crane, Jennifer L. Fleissner boldly argues that feminist claims in fact shaped the period's cultural mainstream. Women, Compulsion, Modernity reopens a moment when the young American woman embodied both the promise and threat of a modernizing world. Fleissner shows that this era's expanding opportunities for women were inseparable from the same modern developments--industrialization, consumerism--typically believed to constrain human freedom. With Women, Compulsion, and Modernity , Fleissner creates a new language for the strange way the writings of the time both broaden and question individual agency....

Always Now: The Collected Poems, Vol. 3 (The Collected Poems of Margaret Avison) (The Collected Poems of Margaret Avison)

Margaret Avison

  Always Now: The Collected Poems, Vol. 3 (The Collected Poems of Margaret Avison) (The Collected Poems of Margaret Avison)  Margaret Avison  Book DescriptionSince childhood Margaret Avison has written poetry and published it. Always Now: The Collected Poems (three volumes), stretches from the 1930s to the twenty-first century, through Winter Sun in 1960 and Concrete and Wild Carrot in 2002 (winners, respectively, of the Governor-General's Award and the Griffin Prize for Poetry) to nineteen new poems selected for inclusion here.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionSince childhood Margaret Avison has written poetry and published it. Always Now: The Collected Poems (three volumes), stretches from the 1930s to the twenty-first century, through Winter Sun in 1960 and Concrete and Wild Carrot in 2002 (winners, respectively, of the Governor-General's Award and the Griffin Prize for Poetry) to nineteen new poems selected for inclusion here....

Mojo Triangle: Birthplace Of Country, Blues, Jazz and Rock 'n' Roll

James L. Dickerson

  Mojo Triangle: Birthplace Of Country, Blues, Jazz and Rock 'n' Roll  James L. Dickerson  Book DescriptionDraw a straight line from New Orleans to Nashville, then over to Memphis and back down to New Orleans via Highway 61, and you have the Mojo Triangle, a geometrical, cultural, and spiritual configuration that represents the birthplace of America?s original music: Blues, jazz, rock & roll, and country It is no coincidence that the same geographical territory that gave the world Elvis Presley, Howlin' Wolf, B. B. King and Tammy Wynette, also produced William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, and Tennessee Williams. Mojo Rising traces the origins of the music that came out of New Orleans, the Mississippi Delta, Memphis, Muscle Shoals and Nashville, and explains, often in the words of the artists themselves, the apocalyptic vision that gave birth to the music.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDraw a straight line from New Orleans to Nashville, then over to Memphis and back down to New Orleans via Highway 61, and you have the Mojo Triangle, a geometrical, cultural, and spiritual configuration that represents the birthplace of America?s original music: Blues, jazz, rock & roll, and country It is no coincidence that the same geographical territory that gave the world Elvis Presley, Howlin' Wolf, B. B. King and Tammy Wynette, also produced William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, and Tennessee Williams. Mojo Rising traces the origins of the music that came out of New Orleans, the Mississippi Delta, Memphis, Muscle Shoals and Nashville, and explains, often in the words of the artists themselves, the apocalyptic vision that gave birth to the music....

<<<  Серьезные забавы. Джон Уайтхед             Бес смертный. Алексей Рыбин >>>

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