Futures Thinking, Learning, and Leading: Applying Multiple Intelligences to Success and Innovation

Irving Buchen

  Futures Thinking, Learning, and Leading: Applying Multiple Intelligences to Success and Innovation  Irving Buchen  The focus of this book is to explore the extent to which our thinking, learning, and leading is influenced and shaped by the future.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The focus of this book is to explore the extent to which our thinking, learning, and leading is influenced and shaped by the future....

Industrial Motor Control, 5E

Stephen L. Herman

  Industrial Motor Control, 5E  Stephen L. Herman  A comprehensive and reader-friendly text, Industrial Motor Control, 5E contains crucial, up-to-date information on basic relay control systems, programmable logic controllers, and solid state devices commonly found in an industrial setting. It presents easy-to-follow instructions and the essential information for controlling industrial motors, along with commonly used devices in contemporary industrial settings. Coverage is comprehensive in scope, successfully bridging the gap between industrial maintenance and instrumentation. Readers will gain a fundamental understanding of the operation of variable frequency drives, solid state relays, and other applications that employ electronic devices.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A comprehensive and reader-friendly text, Industrial Motor Control, 5E contains crucial, up-to-date information on basic relay control systems, programmable logic controllers, and solid state devices commonly found in an industrial setting. It presents easy-to-follow instructions and the essential information for controlling industrial motors, along with commonly used devices in contemporary industrial settings. Coverage is comprehensive in scope, successfully bridging the gap between industrial maintenance and instrumentation. Readers will gain a fundamental understanding of the operation of variable frequency drives, solid state relays, and other applications that employ electronic devices....

An Introduction to Market & Social Research: Planning & Using Research Tools & Techniques (Market Research in Practice Series)

Ian Brace, Karen Adams

  An Introduction to Market & Social Research: Planning & Using Research Tools & Techniques (Market Research in Practice Series)  Ian Brace, Karen Adams  Established market researchers offer a complete, step-by-step guide to basic principles and techniques Market research is vital for businesses, both large and small. It provides the information needed to encourage success, enhance competitiveness and maximize profits. With the inclusion of tasks and multiple-choice questions in each section, this introductory textbook is also a workbook. Full of bite-sized chunks of information, with lots of practical examples, Established market researchers offer a complete, step-by-step guide to basic principles and techniques Market research is vital for businesses, both large and small. It provides the information needed to encourage success, enhance competitiveness and maximize profits. With the inclusion of tasks and multiple-choice questions in each section, this introductory textbook is also a workbook. Full of bite-sized chunks of information, with lots of practical examples, "An Introduction to Market and Social Research" is essential to students and anyone looking for guidance to managing research. Published with the Market Research Society...

Цветы из бисера

Е. В. Данкевич

  Цветы из бисера  Е. В. Данкевич  Астрель-СПб, Сова.   Школа маленькой принцессы.   Самые красивые, самые оригинальные ожерелья и сережки, браслеты и кулоны, брошки и брелки можно сделать из разноцветных переливающихся бусинок. И это так просто! Открой для себя яркий мир бисера и будь прекрасна и неотразима!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Астрель-СПб, Сова. Школа маленькой принцессы. Самые красивые, самые оригинальные ожерелья и сережки, браслеты и кулоны, брошки и брелки можно сделать из разноцветных переливающихся бусинок. И это так просто! Открой для себя яркий мир бисера и будь прекрасна и неотразима!...

Мягкая игрушка. Лучшие модели и выкройки

Т. П. Кононович, З. Л. Неботова

  Мягкая игрушка. Лучшие модели и выкройки  Т. П. Кононович, З. Л. Неботова  АСТ, Сова.   Для себя и для подарка.   Элегантная кошка, очаровательный бегемотик, волшебный дракон и забавный тролль - эти и другие мягкие игрушки можно с удовольствием сшить своими руками. В книге вы найдете все необходимые выкройки и подробное описание изготовления каждой игрушки.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Сова. Для себя и для подарка. Элегантная кошка, очаровательный бегемотик, волшебный дракон и забавный тролль - эти и другие мягкие игрушки можно с удовольствием сшить своими руками. В книге вы найдете все необходимые выкройки и подробное описание изготовления каждой игрушки....

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Futures Thinking, Learning, and Leading: Applying Multiple Intelligences to Success and Innovation. Irving Buchen . Книги.

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