The Democratic Party: A Photographic History

Peter J. Ling

  The Democratic Party: A Photographic History  Peter J. Ling  Book DescriptionView the epic history of US politics, power, and government through the photo lens in this powerfully written and beautifully illustrated book. The Democratic Party visually records victories and defeats in over 400 extensively captioned photographs with succinct linking text. Travel through the campaigns, rallies, strategy meetings, conventions and on to the final vote. This detailed survey helps you to see the history of the Party as it was and now is. Portraits of key party members, posters, buttons, campaign memorabilia, and magazine covers are included.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionView the epic history of US politics, power, and government through the photo lens in this powerfully written and beautifully illustrated book. The Democratic Party visually records victories and defeats in over 400 extensively captioned photographs with succinct linking text. Travel through the campaigns, rallies, strategy meetings, conventions and on to the final vote. This detailed survey helps you to see the history of the Party as it was and now is. Portraits of key party members, posters, buttons, campaign memorabilia, and magazine covers are included....

Mount St. Helens

Guillaume Janneau

  Mount St. Helens  Guillaume Janneau  Book DescriptionOn the morning of May 18, 1980, the Mount St. Helens volcano in the forests of Washington State exploded. First, months of building interior pressure triggered a massive landslide removing entire north face of the mountain. This avalanchewas followed immediately by a violent eruption that ultimately expelled over a quarter-billion cubic yards of magma. The blast devastated roughly 250 square miles, leaving behind scoured rock, millions of fallen trees, and mud-choked river valleys. Yet the land returned, gradually restoring and regenerating itself. Beginning in 1981 and continuing until 1990, photographer Frank Gohlke made regular visits to the devastated land around Mount St. Helens. This collection of photographs of biblical grandeur records both the ravaged terrain around the volcano in the early years after the eruption, and the regrowth--slow but extraordinary--of the region's natural forest. Mount St. Helens: 1981 to 1990 contains a dramatic selection...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionOn the morning of May 18, 1980, the Mount St. Helens volcano in the forests of Washington State exploded. First, months of building interior pressure triggered a massive landslide removing entire north face of the mountain. This avalanchewas followed immediately by a violent eruption that ultimately expelled over a quarter-billion cubic yards of magma. The blast devastated roughly 250 square miles, leaving behind scoured rock, millions of fallen trees, and mud-choked river valleys. Yet the land returned, gradually restoring and regenerating itself. Beginning in 1981 and continuing until 1990, photographer Frank Gohlke made regular visits to the devastated land around Mount St. Helens. This collection of photographs of biblical grandeur records both the ravaged terrain around the volcano in the early years after the eruption, and the regrowth--slow but extraordinary--of the region's natural forest. Mount St. Helens: 1981 to 1990 contains a dramatic selection......

Early American Theatre from the Revolution to Thomas Jefferson : Into the Hands of the People (Cambridge Studies in American Theatre and Drama)

Heather S. Nathans

  Early American Theatre from the Revolution to Thomas Jefferson : Into the Hands of the People (Cambridge Studies in American Theatre and Drama)  Heather S. Nathans  Book DescriptionTheater has often served as a touchstone for moments of political change or national definition and as a way of exploring cultural and ethnic identity. Heather Nathans examines its growth and influence in the development of the young American Republic--from the Revolution through the election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800. Unlike many works on early American theater, this book explores the lives and motives of the people working behind the scenes to establish a new national drama.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionTheater has often served as a touchstone for moments of political change or national definition and as a way of exploring cultural and ethnic identity. Heather Nathans examines its growth and influence in the development of the young American Republic--from the Revolution through the election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800. Unlike many works on early American theater, this book explores the lives and motives of the people working behind the scenes to establish a new national drama....

Strange Angel : The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons

George Pendle

  Strange Angel : The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons  George Pendle  Book Description Brilliant Rocket Scientist Killed in Explosion screamed the front-page headline of the Los Angeles Times on June 18, 1952. John Parsons, a maverick rocketeer whose work had helped transform the rocket from a derided sci-fi plotline into a reality, was at first mourned as a tragically young victim of mishandled chemicals. But as reporters dug deeper a shocking story emerged-Parsons had been performing occult rites and summoning spirits as a follower of Aleister Crowley-and he was promptly written off as an embarrassment to science. George Pendle tells Parsons's extraordinary life story for the first time. Fueled from childhood by dreams of space flight, Parsons was a crucial innovator during rocketry's birth. But his visionaryimagination also led him into the occult community thriving in 1930s Los Angeles, and when fantasy's pull became stronger than reality, he lost both his work and his wife. Parsons was just emerging from his personal underworld when he...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Brilliant Rocket Scientist Killed in Explosion screamed the front-page headline of the Los Angeles Times on June 18, 1952. John Parsons, a maverick rocketeer whose work had helped transform the rocket from a derided sci-fi plotline into a reality, was at first mourned as a tragically young victim of mishandled chemicals. But as reporters dug deeper a shocking story emerged-Parsons had been performing occult rites and summoning spirits as a follower of Aleister Crowley-and he was promptly written off as an embarrassment to science. George Pendle tells Parsons's extraordinary life story for the first time. Fueled from childhood by dreams of space flight, Parsons was a crucial innovator during rocketry's birth. But his visionaryimagination also led him into the occult community thriving in 1930s Los Angeles, and when fantasy's pull became stronger than reality, he lost both his work and his wife. Parsons was just emerging from his personal underworld when he......

Little Cindy's Letters

Cindy Rogers

  Little Cindy's Letters  Cindy Rogers  Book DescriptionCindy Rogers went from anorexia to bulimia, from endless overeater meetings to being bounced around like a ping-pong ball from one diet gimmick to the next. Almost at the point of suicide, Cindy finally discovered true freedom. Instead of using food to numb her pain, she went back in time to love the hurt little girl from her childhood. She started practicing imagination techniques and writing healing letters to receive the love that she so desperately desired. Eventually Cindy?s religious behaviors turned into a passionate relationship with a compassionate God who knew the depths of her pain. In just seven short months, Cindy was transformed into a woman of extraordinary love ? a woman who is now forever free. Little Cindy?s Letters is your complete guide to inner healing. This book will give you the motivation and passion to perform the emotional healing work necessary to accept more of God?s love and forgiveness. Little...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionCindy Rogers went from anorexia to bulimia, from endless overeater meetings to being bounced around like a ping-pong ball from one diet gimmick to the next. Almost at the point of suicide, Cindy finally discovered true freedom. Instead of using food to numb her pain, she went back in time to love the hurt little girl from her childhood. She started practicing imagination techniques and writing healing letters to receive the love that she so desperately desired. Eventually Cindy?s religious behaviors turned into a passionate relationship with a compassionate God who knew the depths of her pain. In just seven short months, Cindy was transformed into a woman of extraordinary love ? a woman who is now forever free. Little Cindy?s Letters is your complete guide to inner healing. This book will give you the motivation and passion to perform the emotional healing work necessary to accept more of God?s love and forgiveness. Little......

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The Democratic Party: A Photographic History. Peter J. Ling . Книги.

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