Public Lands and Political Meaning: Ranchers, the Government, and the Property Between Them

Karen R. Merrill

  Public Lands and Political Meaning: Ranchers, the Government, and the Property Between Them  Karen R. Merrill  2 illustrations, 1 map The history of the American West is a history of struggles over land, and none has inspired so much passion and misunderstanding as the conflict between ranchers and the federal government over public grazing lands. Drawing upon neglected sources from organized ranchers, this is the first book to provide a historically based explanation for why the relationship between ranchers and the federal government became so embattled long before modern environmentalists became involved in the issue. Reconstructing the increasingly contested interpretations of the meaning of public land administration, Public Lands and Political Meaning traces the history of the political dynamics between ranchers and federal land agencies, giving us a new look at the relations of power that made the modern West. Although a majority of organized ranchers supported government control of the range at the turn of the century, by midcentury these same organizations often used a virulently...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин 2 illustrations, 1 map The history of the American West is a history of struggles over land, and none has inspired so much passion and misunderstanding as the conflict between ranchers and the federal government over public grazing lands. Drawing upon neglected sources from organized ranchers, this is the first book to provide a historically based explanation for why the relationship between ranchers and the federal government became so embattled long before modern environmentalists became involved in the issue. Reconstructing the increasingly contested interpretations of the meaning of public land administration, Public Lands and Political Meaning traces the history of the political dynamics between ranchers and federal land agencies, giving us a new look at the relations of power that made the modern West. Although a majority of organized ranchers supported government control of the range at the turn of the century, by midcentury these same organizations often used a virulently......

Wage Determination and Distribution in Japan (Japan Business & Economics S.)

Toshiaki Tachibanaki

  Wage Determination and Distribution in Japan (Japan Business & Economics S.)  Toshiaki Tachibanaki  Japan experienced a period of strong industrialization in the 1950s and 1960s, reaching an exceptionally high level of per-capita GNP or per-capita income. After the two oil crises, the growth rate of the economy declined and has since stabilized, at which point Japan's macroeconomic performance, in particular the level of unemployment, has been considerably better than that of other industrialized countries. This book investigates the empirical and theoretical issues of wage determination and wage differentials in Japan since the War, concentrating on recent developments. It also examines the relationship between the role of wages and such features of the labour market as employment and unemployment.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Japan experienced a period of strong industrialization in the 1950s and 1960s, reaching an exceptionally high level of per-capita GNP or per-capita income. After the two oil crises, the growth rate of the economy declined and has since stabilized, at which point Japan's macroeconomic performance, in particular the level of unemployment, has been considerably better than that of other industrialized countries. This book investigates the empirical and theoretical issues of wage determination and wage differentials in Japan since the War, concentrating on recent developments. It also examines the relationship between the role of wages and such features of the labour market as employment and unemployment....

Organization Theory: Tension and Change

David Jaffee

  Organization Theory: Tension and Change  David Jaffee  Organization Theory: Tension and Change provides the most current and concise analysis of the development and evolution of organizational theories, forms, and practices, from the rise of the factory system to the emergence of the virtual global organization. Using a wide variety of examples and applications from private- and public-sector organizations, the text emphasizes the tensions, contradictions, and paradoxes inherent in all organizational arrangements. In addition to the classic themes such as scientific management, human relations, rational bureaucratic models, and environmental models, the book explores emerging organizational forms based on lean and flexible production, post-bureaucracy, alliancess, and networks, virtual organization and information technologies, corporate cultures, learning organizations, transnational commodity chains, and post-modernism.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Organization Theory: Tension and Change provides the most current and concise analysis of the development and evolution of organizational theories, forms, and practices, from the rise of the factory system to the emergence of the virtual global organization. Using a wide variety of examples and applications from private- and public-sector organizations, the text emphasizes the tensions, contradictions, and paradoxes inherent in all organizational arrangements. In addition to the classic themes such as scientific management, human relations, rational bureaucratic models, and environmental models, the book explores emerging organizational forms based on lean and flexible production, post-bureaucracy, alliancess, and networks, virtual organization and information technologies, corporate cultures, learning organizations, transnational commodity chains, and post-modernism....

The Natural Salesperson

Jean Harper

  The Natural Salesperson  Jean Harper  A common sense approach to sales and customer service.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A common sense approach to sales and customer service....

Beyond Webcams: An Introduction to Online Robots

Ken Goldberg, Roland Siegwart

  Beyond Webcams: An Introduction to Online Robots  Ken Goldberg, Roland Siegwart  Remote-controlled robots were first developed in the 1940s to handle radioactive materials. Trained experts now use them to explore deep in sea and space, to defuse bombs, and to clean up hazardous spills. Today robots can be controlled by anyone on the Internet. Such robots include cameras that not only allow us to look, but also go beyond Webcams: they enable us to control the telerobots movements and actions. This book summarizes the state of the art in Internet telerobots. It includes robots that navigate undersea, drive on Mars, visit museums, float in blimps, handle protein crystals, paint pictures, and hold human hands. The book describes eighteen systems, showing how they were designed, how they function online, and the engineering challenges they meet.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Remote-controlled robots were first developed in the 1940s to handle radioactive materials. Trained experts now use them to explore deep in sea and space, to defuse bombs, and to clean up hazardous spills. Today robots can be controlled by anyone on the Internet. Such robots include cameras that not only allow us to look, but also go beyond Webcams: they enable us to control the telerobots movements and actions. This book summarizes the state of the art in Internet telerobots. It includes robots that navigate undersea, drive on Mars, visit museums, float in blimps, handle protein crystals, paint pictures, and hold human hands. The book describes eighteen systems, showing how they were designed, how they function online, and the engineering challenges they meet....

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Public Lands and Political Meaning: Ranchers, the Government, and the Property Between Them. Karen R. Merrill . Книги.

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