Лучшие рецепты закусок для любого праздника и не только

С. Кротов

  Лучшие рецепты закусок для любого праздника и не только  С. Кротов  Рипол Классик.   В настоящей мужской компании, по какому бы поводу она ни собиралась, самое главное - это правильные тосты. А за хорошие слова не грех хорошо выпить и закусить, чем Бог послал. Но в компании, где не привыкли вытирать рот рукавом после каждой рюмки, знают толк в правильном закусоне, благодаря которому мужской разговор - независимо от количества выпитого - всегда полон глубоких интересных мыслей и остроумия.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Рипол Классик. В настоящей мужской компании, по какому бы поводу она ни собиралась, самое главное - это правильные тосты. А за хорошие слова не грех хорошо выпить и закусить, чем Бог послал. Но в компании, где не привыкли вытирать рот рукавом после каждой рюмки, знают толк в правильном закусоне, благодаря которому мужской разговор - независимо от количества выпитого - всегда полон глубоких интересных мыслей и остроумия....

The Noble Wilds

The Supreme Master Ching Hai

  The Noble Wilds  The Supreme Master Ching Hai  With a rhythmic, meditative tone, the words of The Noble Wilds flow gracefully along the pages, complemented by the luminous photos of God s creations in nature. Turning the pages, one is transported to Amoura, the place where the lady lives and is visited by cherished beings of the wild. The lady is none other than Supreme Master Ching Hai, and The Noble Wilds is yet another of Her simple but deeply touching gifts. Written, photographed and compiled personally by Master, this precious gem opens the door to a world of unique beauty. Here, the reader can witness firsthand the noble spirit and dedication of our co-inhabitants whose homes are under the open sky the swan, the goose, the squirrel, the beaver and even a tiny garden snail. Although generally shy of humans, these animals allow themselves to be photographed, and indeed can even be seen eagerly approaching the lady s gentle offering of favorite foods. The love conveyed is unlike any other full of dignity and grace, yet as deep...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With a rhythmic, meditative tone, the words of The Noble Wilds flow gracefully along the pages, complemented by the luminous photos of God s creations in nature. Turning the pages, one is transported to Amoura, the place where the lady lives and is visited by cherished beings of the wild. The lady is none other than Supreme Master Ching Hai, and The Noble Wilds is yet another of Her simple but deeply touching gifts. Written, photographed and compiled personally by Master, this precious gem opens the door to a world of unique beauty. Here, the reader can witness firsthand the noble spirit and dedication of our co-inhabitants whose homes are under the open sky the swan, the goose, the squirrel, the beaver and even a tiny garden snail. Although generally shy of humans, these animals allow themselves to be photographed, and indeed can even be seen eagerly approaching the lady s gentle offering of favorite foods. The love conveyed is unlike any other full of dignity and grace, yet as deep......

Woodward's Country Homes

  Woodward's Country Homes  E. George Woodward  E. George Woodward  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин E. George Woodward...

Ford C-Max. Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации

  Ford C-Max. Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации  УП УП "Гуси-Лебеди". Настоящая книга является пособием по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Ford C-Max c 2003 года выпуска и предназначена в первую очередь для автолюбителей, а также работников станций технического обслуживания и ремонтных мастерских....

How Jews Became Germans: The History of Conversion and Assimilation in Berlin

Deborah Hertz

  How Jews Became Germans: The History of Conversion and Assimilation in Berlin  Deborah Hertz  When the Nazis came to power and created a racial state in the 1930s, an urgent priority was to identify Jews who had converted to Christianity over the preceding centuries. With the help of church officials, a vast system of conversion and intermarriage records was created in Berlin, the country’s premier Jewish city. Deborah Hertz’s discovery of these records, the Judenkartei, was the first step on a long research journey that has led to this compelling book. Hertz begins the book in 1645, when the records begin, and traces generations of German Jewish families for the next two centuries. The book analyzes the statistics and explores letters, diaries, and other materials to understand in a far more nuanced way than ever before why Jews did or did not convert to Protestantism. Focusing on the stories of individual Jews in Berlin, particularly the charismatic salon woman Rahel Levin Varnhagen and her husband, Karl, a writer and diplomat, Hertz humanizes the stories, sets them in the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин When the Nazis came to power and created a racial state in the 1930s, an urgent priority was to identify Jews who had converted to Christianity over the preceding centuries. With the help of church officials, a vast system of conversion and intermarriage records was created in Berlin, the country’s premier Jewish city. Deborah Hertz’s discovery of these records, the Judenkartei, was the first step on a long research journey that has led to this compelling book. Hertz begins the book in 1645, when the records begin, and traces generations of German Jewish families for the next two centuries. The book analyzes the statistics and explores letters, diaries, and other materials to understand in a far more nuanced way than ever before why Jews did or did not convert to Protestantism. Focusing on the stories of individual Jews in Berlin, particularly the charismatic salon woman Rahel Levin Varnhagen and her husband, Karl, a writer and diplomat, Hertz humanizes the stories, sets them in the......

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Лучшие рецепты закусок для любого праздника и не только. С. Кротов . Книги.

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