The Silk Road / La Ruta de la Seda

Alessandra Meniconzi

  The Silk Road / La Ruta de la Seda  Alessandra Meniconzi  Book DescriptionOn her beloved mountain bike Alessandra Meniconzi has traveled along the over 2,000 year-old trade route that links Orient and Occident: the Silk Road. Her sensitive, understanding nature allowed her to gain access to lives that often remain hidden to the photographer?s lens. She spent time in the tents of Uzbek nomads and the kitchens of Tibetan monks. She drank tea with members of Pakistan?s Kalash tribe and was invited to the wedding of a Kazach couple. The photographs provide an insight into the original lives of the people who live along the Silk Road and are fighting for their survival and traditions in modern Asia.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionOn her beloved mountain bike Alessandra Meniconzi has traveled along the over 2,000 year-old trade route that links Orient and Occident: the Silk Road. Her sensitive, understanding nature allowed her to gain access to lives that often remain hidden to the photographer?s lens. She spent time in the tents of Uzbek nomads and the kitchens of Tibetan monks. She drank tea with members of Pakistan?s Kalash tribe and was invited to the wedding of a Kazach couple. The photographs provide an insight into the original lives of the people who live along the Silk Road and are fighting for their survival and traditions in modern Asia....

Art and Architecture of the Seventeenth Century Art (Trade Edition)

Ann S. Harris

  Art and Architecture of the Seventeenth Century Art (Trade Edition)  Ann S. Harris  Prentice Hall.   Trade edition  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Prentice Hall. Trade edition...

The Lion of Senet (The Second Sons Trilogy, Book 1)

Jennifer Fallon

  The Lion of Senet (The Second Sons Trilogy, Book 1)  Jennifer Fallon  Book DescriptionOn the world Ranadon there is no night as both suns shine brightly. The intervention of Belagren, High Priestess of the Shadowdancers, and the sacrifice of a child of royal blood, has banished the Age of Shadows from the skies. Belagren's position is unquestioned . . . until circumstances begin to tip political rivalries into a deadlier game altogether. A volcanic eruption rocks the seas separating the Kingdom of Dhevyn and the mainland Kingdom of Senet, and a mysterious sailoris shipwrecked on the island of Elcast. Badly wounded, his arrival stirs up old hatreds and unravels old secrets. His presence is enough to even bring Antonov, the powerful Lion of Senet, to the island and fear to the Keep of the Duke of Elcast. A strong friendship develops between Dirk, second son of the Duke, and Kirshov Latanya, second son of the Lion of Senet. But will they, and their friendship, survive the chain of events set in motion by the ambitions of the ruthless...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionOn the world Ranadon there is no night as both suns shine brightly. The intervention of Belagren, High Priestess of the Shadowdancers, and the sacrifice of a child of royal blood, has banished the Age of Shadows from the skies. Belagren's position is unquestioned . . . until circumstances begin to tip political rivalries into a deadlier game altogether. A volcanic eruption rocks the seas separating the Kingdom of Dhevyn and the mainland Kingdom of Senet, and a mysterious sailoris shipwrecked on the island of Elcast. Badly wounded, his arrival stirs up old hatreds and unravels old secrets. His presence is enough to even bring Antonov, the powerful Lion of Senet, to the island and fear to the Keep of the Duke of Elcast. A strong friendship develops between Dirk, second son of the Duke, and Kirshov Latanya, second son of the Lion of Senet. But will they, and their friendship, survive the chain of events set in motion by the ambitions of the ruthless......

The Balloon Sailors

Diane Swanson

  The Balloon Sailors  Diane Swanson  Book DescriptionBased on true events from the time of the Berlin Wall. When King Frack and King Frick divide their kingdom with a tall wall, Tamala and her brother send balloon messages over the wall to their beloved grandmother. Then Tamala decides her family can reach their grandmother the same way: in a hot-air balloon! The family gathers all the materials they will need: cloth for the balloon, straw for the basket. But where to find a gas burner? With spies everywhere, their work is extremelyperilous. Nevertheless, Mother sews the material, Father weaves the basket, and Tamala and Abalon discover an old gas burner in a junkyard. After many nights of labor, their craft is ready and rises into the air. Guards on the wall spot them and fire their weapons, but the balloon sails safely over. Happily, they successfully reach their destination, just as two families from East Berlin did in 1979! An endnote ties this story to the dramatic true event. Key features: -...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionBased on true events from the time of the Berlin Wall. When King Frack and King Frick divide their kingdom with a tall wall, Tamala and her brother send balloon messages over the wall to their beloved grandmother. Then Tamala decides her family can reach their grandmother the same way: in a hot-air balloon! The family gathers all the materials they will need: cloth for the balloon, straw for the basket. But where to find a gas burner? With spies everywhere, their work is extremelyperilous. Nevertheless, Mother sews the material, Father weaves the basket, and Tamala and Abalon discover an old gas burner in a junkyard. After many nights of labor, their craft is ready and rises into the air. Guards on the wall spot them and fire their weapons, but the balloon sails safely over. Happily, they successfully reach their destination, just as two families from East Berlin did in 1979! An endnote ties this story to the dramatic true event. Key features: -......

Among Muslims: Everyday Life on the Frontiers of Pakistan

Kathleen Jamie

  Among Muslims: Everyday Life on the Frontiers of Pakistan  Kathleen Jamie  Book DescriptionAs a woman traveling alone in the early 1990s, Kathleen Jamie had exceptional access to the people inhabiting the remote Northern Areas of Pakistan: She befriended not only the men, but the purdah-observing Shia Muslim women who rarely appear in public. In the isolated mountain villages, she met locals balancing their traditions with the inevitable encroachment of tourism. When Jamie returned to the area after September 11, 2001, she was the only foreigner in the area. In an extensive epilogue, she observes how her friends and the area have changed as a result of war, tourism, and the passage of time. This intimate narrative reveals how Western women?s freedoms are perceived. One explains: Book DescriptionAs a woman traveling alone in the early 1990s, Kathleen Jamie had exceptional access to the people inhabiting the remote Northern Areas of Pakistan: She befriended not only the men, but the purdah-observing Shia Muslim women who rarely appear in public. In the isolated mountain villages, she met locals balancing their traditions with the inevitable encroachment of tourism. When Jamie returned to the area after September 11, 2001, she was the only foreigner in the area. In an extensive epilogue, she observes how her friends and the area have changed as a result of war, tourism, and the passage of time. This intimate narrative reveals how Western women?s freedoms are perceived. One explains: "Your lifestyle is very strange and very difficult to us." Meanwhile, Jamie is surprised to discover that they have never been to the public bazaar that she wanders through so casually. As Jamie discusses arranged marriage, divorce, children, education, travel, and attitudes......

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The Silk Road / La Ruta de la Seda. Alessandra Meniconzi . Книги.

Златоуст, Волжский, Нефтекамск, Смоленск, Старый Оскол, Прокопьевск, Димитровград, Оренбург, Абакан, Северодвинск, Рубцовск, Шахты, Невинномысск, Северодвинск, Мурманск, Красноярск, Нефтекамск, Березники, Одинцово, Воронеж, Липецк, Владикавказ, Благовещенск, СергиевПосад, Первоуральск, Пятигорск, Старый Оскол, Ноябрьск,
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