Coping With Crisis : International Financial Institutions in the Interwar Period

International Conference on Business History 2000

  Coping With Crisis : International Financial Institutions in the Interwar Period  International Conference on Business History 2000  Book DescriptionThis is a comparative examination of financial institutions in the inter-war period of the UK, US, Germany, France and Japan. In this latest addition to the prestigious FUJI Business History Series, the contributors to the volume analyze the ways in which different institutions coped with the financial crises at this time, and how they competed with each other. They also ask how this affected the financial climates of the countries in question. The discussion is divided into three parts: commercial banking, universal banking and insurance and securities.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis is a comparative examination of financial institutions in the inter-war period of the UK, US, Germany, France and Japan. In this latest addition to the prestigious FUJI Business History Series, the contributors to the volume analyze the ways in which different institutions coped with the financial crises at this time, and how they competed with each other. They also ask how this affected the financial climates of the countries in question. The discussion is divided into three parts: commercial banking, universal banking and insurance and securities....

Managing Development : Measures of Success and Failure in Development

Ernst G. Frankel

  Managing Development : Measures of Success and Failure in Development  Ernst G. Frankel  Book Description This book presents a critical view of economic development in the last fifty years and evaluates different approaches taken that led to success or failure. It covers development policies, methods, procedures, as well as development project selection and how the one-size-fits-all approach taken by major players in development resulted in huge waste and disappointments. Global examples and comparisons are used to identify the need for selective strategies and new ways to assure development effectiveness.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This book presents a critical view of economic development in the last fifty years and evaluates different approaches taken that led to success or failure. It covers development policies, methods, procedures, as well as development project selection and how the one-size-fits-all approach taken by major players in development resulted in huge waste and disappointments. Global examples and comparisons are used to identify the need for selective strategies and new ways to assure development effectiveness....

Real Estate Websites: How to Become a Top Producer

Cliff Cox

  Real Estate Websites: How to Become a Top Producer  Cliff Cox  Book DescriptionIf you draw your clients from the real estate industry, you need ??Real Estate Websites: How to Become A Top Producer?? Whether you are a real estate agent, a licensed REALTOR, a mortgage lender, a home inspector, a title agent, or any of the hundreds of jobs buyers and sellers require in a real estate transaction, pick up ??Real Estate Websites: How to Become a Top Producer?? Your website is the business card of the 21st century. With one quick phrase, you can give anyone your phone, your email, your listings, your services, and other tools that help them. Whether they read it somewhere, hear it from the person standing in line behind them in a store, or you mention it to them in a casual conversation, your website and domain name become a quick and easy way for them to find everything about your services. Without a good website, it could only be a matter of time that others surpass you in your field. So how...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIf you draw your clients from the real estate industry, you need ??Real Estate Websites: How to Become A Top Producer?? Whether you are a real estate agent, a licensed REALTOR, a mortgage lender, a home inspector, a title agent, or any of the hundreds of jobs buyers and sellers require in a real estate transaction, pick up ??Real Estate Websites: How to Become a Top Producer?? Your website is the business card of the 21st century. With one quick phrase, you can give anyone your phone, your email, your listings, your services, and other tools that help them. Whether they read it somewhere, hear it from the person standing in line behind them in a store, or you mention it to them in a casual conversation, your website and domain name become a quick and easy way for them to find everything about your services. Without a good website, it could only be a matter of time that others surpass you in your field. So how......

Economics, Real Estate and the Supply of Land (Real Estate Issues (Oxford, England).)

Alan W. Evans

  Economics, Real Estate and the Supply of Land (Real Estate Issues (Oxford, England).)  Alan W. Evans  Book DescriptionThe book draws together the economic literature relating to the supply of land for development. The standard view appears to be that the owners of land have no interest other than to allow their land to be used for the activity which would yield the highest income. But in reality this is not so and the book's aim is to demonstrate this, to set out the reasons and to show the economic effects of the fact that landowners have other motives. The book covers the supply of land for urban development and shows how land has characteristics which differentiate it from other factors of production which will also affect its supply for some uses, e.g. land is fixed in location and its price and value are inseparable from where it is. New light is cast on the market for land (by concentrating on the supply side), and on land use planning (by taking an economic viewpoint).  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe book draws together the economic literature relating to the supply of land for development. The standard view appears to be that the owners of land have no interest other than to allow their land to be used for the activity which would yield the highest income. But in reality this is not so and the book's aim is to demonstrate this, to set out the reasons and to show the economic effects of the fact that landowners have other motives. The book covers the supply of land for urban development and shows how land has characteristics which differentiate it from other factors of production which will also affect its supply for some uses, e.g. land is fixed in location and its price and value are inseparable from where it is. New light is cast on the market for land (by concentrating on the supply side), and on land use planning (by taking an economic viewpoint)....

The World Economy : International Trade (Printed Access Card)

Beth V. Yarbrough

  The World Economy : International Trade (Printed Access Card)  Beth V. Yarbrough  Book Description The text presents the basic tools of international economics analysis clearly, consistently and comprehensively. By providing applications that relate to actual events, students learn to use the tools soundly and confidently to analyze the world economy. Students will develop a sense of the broad range of challenging and exciting issues that arise in the international economic arena.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The text presents the basic tools of international economics analysis clearly, consistently and comprehensively. By providing applications that relate to actual events, students learn to use the tools soundly and confidently to analyze the world economy. Students will develop a sense of the broad range of challenging and exciting issues that arise in the international economic arena....

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Coping With Crisis : International Financial Institutions in the Interwar Period. International Conference on Business History 2000 . Книги.

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