The Life of Nelson

Robert Southey

  The Life of Nelson  Robert Southey  Book Description1896. With biographical sketch, critical opinions and explanatory notes. In the volume Southey takes on the task of writing about the life of the great naval hero Nelson. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description1896. With biographical sketch, critical opinions and explanatory notes. In the volume Southey takes on the task of writing about the life of the great naval hero Nelson. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing....

Before the Heart Attacks

H. Robert Superko

  Before the Heart Attacks  H. Robert Superko  Amazon.comIn this lucid and revolutionary book, cardiologist Robert Superko counsels readers about how to outwit their genes by identifying Amazon.comIn this lucid and revolutionary book, cardiologist Robert Superko counsels readers about how to outwit their genes by identifying "metabolic markers" that predict future heart attacks. "To make a preemptive strike, you have to know which factors are putting you in harm?s way," he explains. So rather than focusing on cholesterol count, Superko outlines a patient-doctor partnership to create a personal risk profile he calls a "cardiac fingerprint." Here?s the drill: Through a detailed self-assessment, patients identify a series of risk factors (family history, age, physical traits, medical conditions). If the risk profile is high, the next step is a physician- ordered blood test to identify metabolic markers (for example, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen and lipoprotein) that indicate high risk for heart attack. Depending on the results, tests such as a carotid or intra-vascular ultrasound can pinpoint heart disease. With this data in hand, Dr. Superko is convinced......

Night Vision

Christopher Slates

  Night Vision  Christopher Slates  Book Description The youngest of four children, Christopher lost his father a year after he was born, leaving an empty hole in his family. Like his desert home, his life was often barren, but infused with moments of stark beauty and inspiration. Night Vision is a poetic journey through the darkness of his heart and mind: often bleak and cynical, occasionally whimsical and even hopeful. Witness the soul of a lost child who became a troubled man, building a house on a cracked foundation. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Happily married and expecting his first child, Christopher hopes he can inspire his readers through similar journeys. In his words, Book Description The youngest of four children, Christopher lost his father a year after he was born, leaving an empty hole in his family. Like his desert home, his life was often barren, but infused with moments of stark beauty and inspiration. Night Vision is a poetic journey through the darkness of his heart and mind: often bleak and cynical, occasionally whimsical and even hopeful. Witness the soul of a lost child who became a troubled man, building a house on a cracked foundation. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Happily married and expecting his first child, Christopher hopes he can inspire his readers through similar journeys. In his words, "Let us face the darkness together, and use our night vision to find our way through the dark. Perhaps then the sun will seem that much brighter, and we can marvel at the colors of the day."...

Amelia Bedelia, Rocket Scientist? (Amelia Bedelia (HarperCollins Hardcover))

Herman Parish

  Amelia Bedelia, Rocket Scientist? (Amelia Bedelia (HarperCollins Hardcover))  Herman Parish  Book Description Mad Scientists Mad Scientists Unidentified Flying Bonnets Take cover! Amelia Bedelia is at the school science fair!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Mad Scientists Mad Scientists Unidentified Flying Bonnets Take cover! Amelia Bedelia is at the school science fair!...

Meditations to Awaken Superconsciousness

J. Donald Walters

  Meditations to Awaken Superconsciousness  J. Donald Walters  Book DescriptionInstrumental selections for use as a companion to the book, Awaken to Superconsciousness, or as background music for relaxation and meditation. Each one is designed to help the listener tap into higher states of awareness: deep calmness, joy, radiant health, and self-transcendance.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionInstrumental selections for use as a companion to the book, Awaken to Superconsciousness, or as background music for relaxation and meditation. Each one is designed to help the listener tap into higher states of awareness: deep calmness, joy, radiant health, and self-transcendance....

<<<  Accounting Theory. Ahmed Riahi-Belkaoui             Управление товарным потоком. Руководство по оптимизации логистических ... >>>

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The Life of Nelson. Robert Southey . Книги.

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