Accounting Theory

Ahmed Riahi-Belkaoui

  Accounting Theory  Ahmed Riahi-Belkaoui  Book Description Accounting Theory presents the principal approaches and proposed solutions to the problem of formulating an accounting theory in an international context. It examines the various facets that contribute to the formulation of a theory, in particular the history and development of the discipline, the assorted accounting research paradigms, and the regulatory framework. This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to incorporate recent advances, and features new chapters on the sociology of the accounting profession, international accounting and research perspectives in accounting.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Accounting Theory presents the principal approaches and proposed solutions to the problem of formulating an accounting theory in an international context. It examines the various facets that contribute to the formulation of a theory, in particular the history and development of the discipline, the assorted accounting research paradigms, and the regulatory framework. This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to incorporate recent advances, and features new chapters on the sociology of the accounting profession, international accounting and research perspectives in accounting....

Disruption Management: Framework, Models And Applications

Gang Yu

  Disruption Management: Framework, Models And Applications  Gang Yu  Book DescriptionThis pioneering book addresses the latest research findings and application results on disruption management, which is the study of how to dynamically recover a predetermined operational plan when various disruptions prevent the original plan from being executed smoothly. A disruption management system will help decision-makers respond to disruptive events in real time so that the cost incurred by the disruption is reduced to a minimum. The impact of such systems is significant. For example, each year the disruption management system for US airlines generates savings of tens of millions of dollars.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis pioneering book addresses the latest research findings and application results on disruption management, which is the study of how to dynamically recover a predetermined operational plan when various disruptions prevent the original plan from being executed smoothly. A disruption management system will help decision-makers respond to disruptive events in real time so that the cost incurred by the disruption is reduced to a minimum. The impact of such systems is significant. For example, each year the disruption management system for US airlines generates savings of tens of millions of dollars....


Charles Hope

  Titian  Charles Hope  Book DescriptionThe greatest of all Venetian painters, Titian achieved a worldly success and artistic influence unsurpassed in his own lifetime and later equalled only by Rubens. His matchless technique brought him imperial patronage and led to a revolutionary change in the role of the painter. In liberating painting from its traditional subservience to drawing he emphasised the importance of colour and brushwork, establishing a tradition that can be traced through the work of countless artists, from Velasquez to the Impressionists and beyond. In this major study, Charles Hope draws on previously unpublished sources to present an authoritative new account of Titian's remarkable rise to fame and sustained pre-eminence and succeeds in convincingly challenging many long held ideas about the painter's career and development. Thirty-two colour plates and over eighty black and white illustrations show every aspect of Titian's work as the last great painter of the High Renaissance, in!...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe greatest of all Venetian painters, Titian achieved a worldly success and artistic influence unsurpassed in his own lifetime and later equalled only by Rubens. His matchless technique brought him imperial patronage and led to a revolutionary change in the role of the painter. In liberating painting from its traditional subservience to drawing he emphasised the importance of colour and brushwork, establishing a tradition that can be traced through the work of countless artists, from Velasquez to the Impressionists and beyond. In this major study, Charles Hope draws on previously unpublished sources to present an authoritative new account of Titian's remarkable rise to fame and sustained pre-eminence and succeeds in convincingly challenging many long held ideas about the painter's career and development. Thirty-two colour plates and over eighty black and white illustrations show every aspect of Titian's work as the last great painter of the High Renaissance, in!......

Cezanne and The Eternal Feminine (Contemporary Artists and their Critics)

Wayne Andersen

  Cezanne and The Eternal Feminine (Contemporary Artists and their Critics)  Wayne Andersen  Book DescriptionPainted in 1878, Cezanne's The Eternal Feminine, has been known by a variety of titles and, as Wayne Andersen discovered, has also been altered. Andersen traced these alterations to an art dealer who made them in an effort to render the painting more marketable. His study focuses on the significance of the original state of The Eternal Feminine in an effort to resolve its mysterious importance to Cezanne and, more broadly, the history of art.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionPainted in 1878, Cezanne's The Eternal Feminine, has been known by a variety of titles and, as Wayne Andersen discovered, has also been altered. Andersen traced these alterations to an art dealer who made them in an effort to render the painting more marketable. His study focuses on the significance of the original state of The Eternal Feminine in an effort to resolve its mysterious importance to Cezanne and, more broadly, the history of art....

Game Zone

Alberto Iacovoni

  Game Zone  Alberto Iacovoni  Book DescriptionThe architectural awareness and experience of space, and the creative use can profit greatly from certain aspects of Book DescriptionThe architectural awareness and experience of space, and the creative use can profit greatly from certain aspects of "games" and the related technology. Here the author investigates a fascinating contribution of avant-garde art to the construction of space in the field of electronic games and arcades, beginning with New Babylon, moving through the radical suggestions of the 1960s and 1970s to the commercial and experimental examples of contemporary amusement arcades. Also considered are the virtual worlds of video games which are growing increasingly complex. The book reveals in a critical yet impressive way how important the element of "play" has become in today's digital architectonic designs. The Italian architect Alberto Iacovoni is one of the founding members of the Studio maO which specializes on architecture and media. He is also a member of the office for urban planning, Stalker....

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Accounting Theory. Ahmed Riahi-Belkaoui . Книги.

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