Principles of Data Conversion System Design

Behzad Razavi

  Principles of Data Conversion System Design  Behzad Razavi  This advanced text and reference covers the design and implementation of integrated circuits for analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion. It begins with basic concepts and systematically leads the reader to advanced topics, describing design issues and techniques at both circuit and system level. Gain a system-level perspective of data conversion units and their trade-offs with this state-of-the art book. Topics covered include: sampling circuits and architectures, D/A and A/D architectures; comparator and op amp design; calibration techniques; testing and characterization; and more!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This advanced text and reference covers the design and implementation of integrated circuits for analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion. It begins with basic concepts and systematically leads the reader to advanced topics, describing design issues and techniques at both circuit and system level. Gain a system-level perspective of data conversion units and their trade-offs with this state-of-the art book. Topics covered include: sampling circuits and architectures, D/A and A/D architectures; comparator and op amp design; calibration techniques; testing and characterization; and more!...

Adobe Premiere 6: Digital Video Editing

Against the Clock

  Adobe Premiere 6: Digital Video Editing  Against the Clock  Part of the Against The Clock Series! Already popular in corporate training environments! All books in this series are built with the same pedagogical structure, designed to be used separately or in sets. Project-based instruction lets users learn the basics of the software programs while they complete real-world projects. All books are two-color & spiral bound for easy use and reference while working at the computer. All titles work for software acrosshardware platforms—both Mac and Windows. Part of the Against The Clock Series , this book focuses on the use and mastery of Adobe's Premiere, the most popular and powerful non-linear video editing suite. With the advent of digitalvideo cameras, high-speed hard drives, and ultra-fast processors, the reality of editing digital video, stills, and audio clips has become a reality. With dramatically improved audio features, built-in storyboarding editors, and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Part of the Against The Clock Series! Already popular in corporate training environments! All books in this series are built with the same pedagogical structure, designed to be used separately or in sets. Project-based instruction lets users learn the basics of the software programs while they complete real-world projects. All books are two-color & spiral bound for easy use and reference while working at the computer. All titles work for software acrosshardware platforms—both Mac and Windows. Part of the Against The Clock Series , this book focuses on the use and mastery of Adobe's Premiere, the most popular and powerful non-linear video editing suite. With the advent of digitalvideo cameras, high-speed hard drives, and ultra-fast processors, the reality of editing digital video, stills, and audio clips has become a reality. With dramatically improved audio features, built-in storyboarding editors, and......

Oracle Database 10g High Availability with RAC, Flashback, and Data Guard (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)

Matthew Hart, Scott Jesse, Matthew Hart, Scott Jesse

  Oracle Database 10g High Availability with RAC, Flashback, and Data Guard (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)  Matthew Hart, Scott Jesse, Matthew Hart, Scott Jesse  Attain real solutions for current availability challenges. Based on a Attain real solutions for current availability challenges. Based on a "DBA-centric" approach to High Availability, Oracle Database 10g High Availability concentrates on explaining Oracle Database 10g technologies and practices to database administrators,covering general availability, real application clusters (RAC), disaster planning and recovery, and distributed database solutions. Hardware and application needs are also taken into account. While Oracle Database 10g is the main focus, many of the options discussed are available in earlier database releases. Organized to provide conceptual understanding of High Availability, included are "HA Workshops," step-by-step instructions to get you through certain implementations, plus real-world inspired case studies...

Deciphering Cyberspace : Making the Most of Digital Communication Technology

Leonard Shyles

  Deciphering Cyberspace : Making the Most of Digital Communication Technology  Leonard Shyles  Sage Publications, Inc.   Deciphering Cyberspace: Making the Most of Digital Communication Technology, a collection of new chapters by media experts, social-psychologists, and legal scholars, lucidly explores the modern digital information revolution with one goal: to demystify digital communication technology. By examining its subject matter from the three perspectives of technology, markets, and policy, Deciphering Cyberspace provides an impressively comprehensive view of the technical nature of cyberspace, its social impact, and legal significance for individuals, institutions, and society. Marrying the broad social and psychological impact of technology to the personal, this text goes beyond mere operation of technology and illuminates how systems work.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sage Publications, Inc. Deciphering Cyberspace: Making the Most of Digital Communication Technology, a collection of new chapters by media experts, social-psychologists, and legal scholars, lucidly explores the modern digital information revolution with one goal: to demystify digital communication technology. By examining its subject matter from the three perspectives of technology, markets, and policy, Deciphering Cyberspace provides an impressively comprehensive view of the technical nature of cyberspace, its social impact, and legal significance for individuals, institutions, and society. Marrying the broad social and psychological impact of technology to the personal, this text goes beyond mere operation of technology and illuminates how systems work....

Teach-O-Matic: Initiation a 3ds Max (French Language Edition)

Laurent M. Abecassis

  Teach-O-Matic: Initiation a 3ds Max (French Language Edition)  Laurent M. Abecassis  Ne cherchez plus! teach-O-Matic : Initiation a 3ds max est tout simplement la methode la plus facile d'apprendre la plate-forme 3D la plus populaire au monde! Vous le savez peut-etre deja, Discreet 3ds Max est un logiciel d'animation 3D, dont les nombreuses options sont puissantes mais souvent compliquees, et dont l'epaisseur du mode d'emploi decourage souvent. Teach-O-Matic : Initiation a 3ds Max est la formation la plus facile d'acces pour arrivera maitriser toutes les nouvelles fonctions de Discreet 3ds Max 4 ; vous pouvez ainsi suivre une formation qui vous permettra d'acceder a toute la panoplie des outils presents dans Discreet 3ds Max. Vous apprenez plus aisement si quelqu'un vous montre comment se servir des outils ? Laurent M. Abecassis, Discreet Training Specialist, auteur et animateur, laureat de plusieurs prix, vous offre ici toutes ses connaissances sur ce logiciel qu'il...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ne cherchez plus! teach-O-Matic : Initiation a 3ds max est tout simplement la methode la plus facile d'apprendre la plate-forme 3D la plus populaire au monde! Vous le savez peut-etre deja, Discreet 3ds Max est un logiciel d'animation 3D, dont les nombreuses options sont puissantes mais souvent compliquees, et dont l'epaisseur du mode d'emploi decourage souvent. Teach-O-Matic : Initiation a 3ds Max est la formation la plus facile d'acces pour arrivera maitriser toutes les nouvelles fonctions de Discreet 3ds Max 4 ; vous pouvez ainsi suivre une formation qui vous permettra d'acceder a toute la panoplie des outils presents dans Discreet 3ds Max. Vous apprenez plus aisement si quelqu'un vous montre comment se servir des outils ? Laurent M. Abecassis, Discreet Training Specialist, auteur et animateur, laureat de plusieurs prix, vous offre ici toutes ses connaissances sur ce logiciel qu'il......

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Principles of Data Conversion System Design. Behzad Razavi . Книги.

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