Organizational Culture: Mapping the Terrain

Joanne Martin

  Organizational Culture: Mapping the Terrain  Joanne Martin  Expert author Joanne Martin examines a variety of conflicting ways to study cultures in organizations, including different theoretical orientations, political ideologies (managerial, critical, and apparently neutral); methods (qualitative, quantitative, and hybrid approaches), and styles of writing about culture (ranging from traditional to postmodern and experimental). In addition, she offers a guide for those who might want to study culture themselves, addressing such issues as: What qualitative, quantitative, and hybrid methods can be used to study culture? What standards are used when reviewers evaluate these various types of research? What innovative ways of writing about culture have been introduced? And finally, what are the most important unanswered questions for future organizational culture researchers?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Expert author Joanne Martin examines a variety of conflicting ways to study cultures in organizations, including different theoretical orientations, political ideologies (managerial, critical, and apparently neutral); methods (qualitative, quantitative, and hybrid approaches), and styles of writing about culture (ranging from traditional to postmodern and experimental). In addition, she offers a guide for those who might want to study culture themselves, addressing such issues as: What qualitative, quantitative, and hybrid methods can be used to study culture? What standards are used when reviewers evaluate these various types of research? What innovative ways of writing about culture have been introduced? And finally, what are the most important unanswered questions for future organizational culture researchers?...

Keys to Science Success

Janet Katz, Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, Sarah Lyman Kravits

  Keys to Science Success  Janet Katz, Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, Sarah Lyman Kravits  KEY BENEFIT : Proficiency in the sciences and an understanding of technological advances has become a must for career success. Based on the successful Keys to Success, this resource explores all aspects of careers in science,from career planning and preparation to networking. Discusses how to study in the sciences?how science books differ from other books and how to approach them, understanding inquiry-based learning, and conducting research. Emphasizes communication skills through various group projects and written work. Uses eye-catching visual aids throughout including full-color photos, graphics, and cartoons. Includes all chapter content from the popular Keys to Success brief edition but tailors each chapter to science-related material. For anyone interested in pursuing or changing to a career in the life sciences or physical sciences, nursing, engineering, computer science, or mathematics.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин KEY BENEFIT : Proficiency in the sciences and an understanding of technological advances has become a must for career success. Based on the successful Keys to Success, this resource explores all aspects of careers in science,from career planning and preparation to networking. Discusses how to study in the sciences?how science books differ from other books and how to approach them, understanding inquiry-based learning, and conducting research. Emphasizes communication skills through various group projects and written work. Uses eye-catching visual aids throughout including full-color photos, graphics, and cartoons. Includes all chapter content from the popular Keys to Success brief edition but tailors each chapter to science-related material. For anyone interested in pursuing or changing to a career in the life sciences or physical sciences, nursing, engineering, computer science, or mathematics....

Crime and Secrecy: The Use of Offshore Banks and Companies

United States Senate

  Crime and Secrecy: The Use of Offshore Banks and Companies  United States Senate  Crime which exploits offshore haven banks, trusts and companies is extensive, and is expanding. Criminals, tax evaders, and fraudulent offshore operators can rely on the secrecy and non-cooperativeness of specific offshore havens to shield them from detection and prosecution. The Subcommittee has also identified a number of cases involving what appear to be otherwise ordinary Americans engaged in the illegal use of offshore facilities to facilitate tax fraud. These cases signify that the illegal use of offshore facilities has enveloped Crime which exploits offshore haven banks, trusts and companies is extensive, and is expanding. Criminals, tax evaders, and fraudulent offshore operators can rely on the secrecy and non-cooperativeness of specific offshore havens to shield them from detection and prosecution. The Subcommittee has also identified a number of cases involving what appear to be otherwise ordinary Americans engaged in the illegal use of offshore facilities to facilitate tax fraud. These cases signify that the illegal use of offshore facilities has enveloped "the man next door" - a trend which forecasts severe consequences for the country. The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations produced this staff study (and held these hearings) to present the issues in context and perspective, describe various criminal cases, and document their conclusions....

Kmart's Ten Deadly Sins: How Incompetence Tainted an American Icon

Marcia Layton Turner, Marcia Layton Turner

  Kmart's Ten Deadly Sins: How Incompetence Tainted an American Icon  Marcia Layton Turner, Marcia Layton Turner  Advance Praise Advance Praise "It?s not a pretty story, but it is a well-told story of the decline and fall of Kmart, the discount chain that pioneered the new category that brought us Wal-Mart. Every would-be entrepreneur should read this cautionary tale." ?Al Ries, Chairman, Ries & Ries "A well-written comparative analysis of why Kmart failed and Wal-Mart continues to thrive. The management lessons found in the book can be widely applied." ?Eugene H. Fram, J. Warren McClure Research Professor of Marketing, Rochester Institute of Technology...

Smart Selling Techniques

Bob Schultz

  Smart Selling Techniques  Bob Schultz  This brand new practical guide will assist all new home sales professionals in their daily quest for new home sales success. Designed to be always readily available, it is loaded with new and revised strategies, techniques and scripts.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This brand new practical guide will assist all new home sales professionals in their daily quest for new home sales success. Designed to be always readily available, it is loaded with new and revised strategies, techniques and scripts....

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Organizational Culture: Mapping the Terrain. Joanne Martin . Книги.

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