Nonlinear Editing (Media Manuals)

Juliet Cassuto Rothman

  Nonlinear Editing (Media Manuals)  Juliet Cassuto Rothman  Nonlinear is a buzzword for every broadcaster and facility house worldwide. Systems range from the humble to the exotic, and despite the growing acceptance of the technology, many users, both new and experienced, find the complexity of the operation and the time spent loading the material and rendering effects difficult to manage at first. Non-linear editing also comes with its own specialist language, requiring each editor to be conversant with a new range of skills from day one. As desktop systems improve the role of the traditional editor is constantly evolving and expanding. This is an operational manual for professional trainees and students in the post-production industry. It will also serve as a useful reference tool for producers and directors. Written in a concise and clear manner, the book serves as a practical guide to the efficient management and operation of non-linear editing systems. It describes the technology involved, the essential techniques to be...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Nonlinear is a buzzword for every broadcaster and facility house worldwide. Systems range from the humble to the exotic, and despite the growing acceptance of the technology, many users, both new and experienced, find the complexity of the operation and the time spent loading the material and rendering effects difficult to manage at first. Non-linear editing also comes with its own specialist language, requiring each editor to be conversant with a new range of skills from day one. As desktop systems improve the role of the traditional editor is constantly evolving and expanding. This is an operational manual for professional trainees and students in the post-production industry. It will also serve as a useful reference tool for producers and directors. Written in a concise and clear manner, the book serves as a practical guide to the efficient management and operation of non-linear editing systems. It describes the technology involved, the essential techniques to be......

Capital and Its Earnings

John Bates Clark

  Capital and Its Earnings  John Bates Clark  Originally published in 1888, it became one of the earliest publications of the newly formed American Economic Association and the first major work on economic theory to appear in America - a landmark in the history of economics.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Originally published in 1888, it became one of the earliest publications of the newly formed American Economic Association and the first major work on economic theory to appear in America - a landmark in the history of economics....

Computation, Causation, and Discovery

Clark Glymour, Gregory F. Cooper

  Computation, Causation, and Discovery  Clark Glymour, Gregory F. Cooper  In science, business, and policymaking--anywhere data are used in prediction--two sorts of problems requiring very different methods of analysis often arise. The first, problems of recognition and classification, concerns learning how to use some features of a system to accurately predict other features of that system. The second, problems of causal discovery, concerns learning how to predict those changes to some features of a system that will result if an intervention changes other features. This book is about the second--much more difficult--type of problem. Typical problems of causal discovery are: How will a change in commission rates affect the total sales of a company? How will a reduction in cigarette smoking among older smokers affect their life expectancy? How will a change in the formula a college uses to award scholarships affect its dropout rate? These sorts of changes are interventions that directly alter some features of the system and perhaps--and this is...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In science, business, and policymaking--anywhere data are used in prediction--two sorts of problems requiring very different methods of analysis often arise. The first, problems of recognition and classification, concerns learning how to use some features of a system to accurately predict other features of that system. The second, problems of causal discovery, concerns learning how to predict those changes to some features of a system that will result if an intervention changes other features. This book is about the second--much more difficult--type of problem. Typical problems of causal discovery are: How will a change in commission rates affect the total sales of a company? How will a reduction in cigarette smoking among older smokers affect their life expectancy? How will a change in the formula a college uses to award scholarships affect its dropout rate? These sorts of changes are interventions that directly alter some features of the system and perhaps--and this is......

Training Exercises for Improving Sensemaking Skills - With Solutions

Arch G. Woodside

  Training Exercises for Improving Sensemaking Skills - With Solutions  Arch G. Woodside  Hardbound. This book deals with the process of improving our sensemaking capabilities into how to: scan environments actively to gather data that is relevant to pressing issues; interpret usefully what we see — including recognizing and framing problems/opportunities and skills in transforming data into information; make effective decisions — including creating useful rules for deciding how to decide, and how to talk with ourselves and others to receive and offer useful information, make wisechoices, and implement decisions well; and evaluate well what we have done and what has occurred. These four topics are the activities of sensemaking — an ongoing conversation with yourself and others about what is really happening and why it is occurring. Sensemaking involves placing stimuli into some kind of framework that is understandable to ourselves. Usually sensemaking is done automatically — unconsciously — without thinking activ  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Hardbound. This book deals with the process of improving our sensemaking capabilities into how to: scan environments actively to gather data that is relevant to pressing issues; interpret usefully what we see — including recognizing and framing problems/opportunities and skills in transforming data into information; make effective decisions — including creating useful rules for deciding how to decide, and how to talk with ourselves and others to receive and offer useful information, make wisechoices, and implement decisions well; and evaluate well what we have done and what has occurred. These four topics are the activities of sensemaking — an ongoing conversation with yourself and others about what is really happening and why it is occurring. Sensemaking involves placing stimuli into some kind of framework that is understandable to ourselves. Usually sensemaking is done automatically — unconsciously — without thinking activ...

Differentiation Through Learning Styles and Memory

Marilee Sprenger

  Differentiation Through Learning Styles and Memory  Marilee Sprenger  This comprehensive resource provides educators with practical strategies for guiding students to access what they have learned, utilizing their own personal learning styles and strengths.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This comprehensive resource provides educators with practical strategies for guiding students to access what they have learned, utilizing their own personal learning styles and strengths....

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Nonlinear Editing (Media Manuals). Juliet Cassuto Rothman . Книги.

Смоленск, Новочебоксарск, Новосибирск, Калуга, Ульяновск, Дзержинск, Новосибирск, Химки, Рубцовск, Хабаровск, Северск, Хабаровск, Чита, Ногинск, Москва, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Ростов-на-Дону, Чебоксары, Москв, Тобольск, Ярославль, Петрозаводск, Москва, Обнинск, Архангельск, Коломна, Челябинск, Сочи, Невинномысск, Златоуст, Смоленск,
Маркетинг. Общие вопросы| Вестерны| Вторая мировая война| Кинематография России и СССР| Саспенс| Коммерческое и акционерное право| Водный транспорт. Судостроение| Кинематография России и СССР| Музыкальные инструменты| Финансы. Денежное обращение| Финансы. Денежное обращение| Индийские боевики| Журналы и периодика| Джаз. Блюз. Соул. Фанк.| Информатика| Русские писатели для детей| Литературная критика| Дошкольное воспитание| Программы об автомобилях| Журналы для детей и о детях| Русские писатели для детей| Аудит|
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