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The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time Karl Polanyi, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Fred Block
One of the twentieth century's most thorough and discerning historians, Karl Polanyi sheds "new illumination on . . . the social implications of a particular economic system, the market economy that grew into full stature in the nineteenth century." -R. M. MacIver...
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Commerce in Russian Urban Culture 1861-1914: 1861-1914 William Craft Brumfield, Boris V. Anan'Ich, Yuri Petrov, B. V. Ananich, Iu. A. Petrov, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Tsarist Russia's commercial class is today receiving serious attention from both Russian and non-Russian historians. This book is a contribution to that literature. Commerce in Russian Urban Culture, 1861-1914 examines the relation between the entrepreneurial world, especially business and banking, and the cultural milieu of Russia. Going beyond the commercial-cultural connection of charitable activity, the contributors to this collaborative project also study cultural activity undertaken by enterprisesfor their own purposes, notably bank and commercial architecture. "Culture and commerce" encompasses two areas in this volume. The first is the business milieu itself as a social and cultural phenomenon. Class and social stratification, types of entrepreneurs, and their mentality, religious affiliations, and charitable activities and donations are covered. The second is their impact on the form of cities, including not only Moscow and St. Petersburg but Odessa and Nizhnii......
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Social Capital and Economic Development (Fundamentals of Development Economics) Patrick Francois
This immensely readable book by Patrick Francois provides an original insight into the increasingly fashionable topic that is social capital. In a unique, original book, the author emphasises trustworthiness as a vital feature of social capital and argues that standard economic treatments of this phenomenon are inadequate. This book's richer evolutionary treatment of this is embedded in a neoclassical model and will prove to be essential reading for economic development scholars as well as those interested in development studies and economic thought in general....
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The Interview Kit Richard H. Beatty
Make a great impression and win your dream job! Your resume got your foot in the door, but now comes the hard part?interviewing for the job. Don?t worry! With The Interview Kit, Third Edition, you can walk into any employment interview with the confidence, preparation, and attitude to succeed. Bestselling career guru Richard Beatty has shown thousands of job seekers how to navigate the employment maze successfully. In this revised and updated edition, you?ll learn to use provensales techniques to make sure the interviewer sees the very best you have to offer. With answers to over 500 tough questions and strategies on what to say and how to say it, you may never be tongue-tied again. This practical, reassuring guide leads you step by step through the interview process, showing you how to: Develop an interview strategy that sets you apart from the herd of job seekers Research a potential employer?s products, marketing strategy,......
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Project Management Casebook Edited by David I. Cleland, Karen M. Bursic, Richard Puerzer, and A. Yaroslav Vlasak
Project Management Institute. How do project team member get the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to perform effectively? One proven method is through the case study approach. The book offers 50 case studies that represent the breadth and importance of project management and its impact on the everyday management of projects. Each of the cases provides new and unique challenges that have been mastered by the practice of project management. Readers will be able to apply the knowledge learned from this casebook in their work. The cases enable readers to see how and why projects are used in a wide variety of organizational settings in contemporary life. Readers are exposed to both successful and not-so-successful project management practices. The case-study approach encourages reader participation and active learning, and provides the opportunity to learn something of the real world of project management. It is essential in the curricula of project management training for both undergraduate and graduate......
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На главную
The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time. Karl Polanyi, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Fred Block . Книги.
Смоленск, Краснодар, Новотроицк, Кострома, Тамбов, Брянск, Сургут, Барнаул, Саранск, Улан-Удэ, Курган, Барнаул, Тольятти, Магнитогорск, Ангарск, Серпухов, Орск, Копейск, Кемерово, Арзамас, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Чебоксары, Нальчик, Калининград, Новочебоксарск,
Криминалистика| Эксцентричные комедии| Обучающие программы и энциклопедии| Литературоведение. Фольклор| Обучающие видеопрограммы| Музыкальные комедии| Общество, история| Аудит| Фольклор| Трудовое право| Фильмы о вампирах и оборотнях| Кулинария| Школа рисования| Психологические триллеры| Новейшая история (с 1917 года)| Коммерческое право| Мистические боевики| Фольклор|
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