Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite

  Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite  D. Michael Lindsay  D. Michael Lindsay  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин D. Michael Lindsay...

Embracing Forgiveness: Does God really forgive me? (Women of Faith)

  Embracing Forgiveness: Does God really forgive me? (Women of Faith)  Women of Faith  Women of Faith  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Women of Faith...

Beyond Megachurch Myths: What We Can Learn from America's Largest Churches (J-B Leadership Network Series)

  Beyond Megachurch Myths: What We Can Learn from America's Largest Churches (J-B Leadership Network Series)  Scott Thumma, Dave Travis  Scott Thumma, Dave Travis  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Scott Thumma, Dave Travis...

Music and its Virtues in Islamic and Judaic Writings

Amnon Shiloah

  Music and its Virtues in Islamic and Judaic Writings  Amnon Shiloah  Ashgate Publishing.   A fascinating aspect of the study of music in medieval Islamic and Judaic writings is the broad and interdisciplinary nature of the works and treatises in which it is covered. In addition, such works verbalize an art that was transmitted orally and took shape spontaneously, typically with improvisation during performance. As a result of this outlook the musical concept (or science) is often intertwined with practice (or history). This second collection by Amnon Shiloah brings together twenty-two items, exemplifying such multi-faceted viewpoints on the world of sounds and its virtue. The first studies concern the origin and originators of music and to how its essential constituents came into being; included here is the art of dance along with the controversial attitudes towards it. Next comes the symbolic, philosophical and metaphorical interpretation of music; one of the major ideas epitomizing this approach claimed that the pursuit of knowledge is the path to human perfection and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ashgate Publishing. A fascinating aspect of the study of music in medieval Islamic and Judaic writings is the broad and interdisciplinary nature of the works and treatises in which it is covered. In addition, such works verbalize an art that was transmitted orally and took shape spontaneously, typically with improvisation during performance. As a result of this outlook the musical concept (or science) is often intertwined with practice (or history). This second collection by Amnon Shiloah brings together twenty-two items, exemplifying such multi-faceted viewpoints on the world of sounds and its virtue. The first studies concern the origin and originators of music and to how its essential constituents came into being; included here is the art of dance along with the controversial attitudes towards it. Next comes the symbolic, philosophical and metaphorical interpretation of music; one of the major ideas epitomizing this approach claimed that the pursuit of knowledge is the path to human perfection and......

Time Out 1000 Books to Change Your Life

  Time Out 1000 Books to Change Your Life  Time Out.   Who can talk more authoritatively about the importance of books than the people who create and critique them? In this thoughtful collection, major writers and critics discuss the books that changed their lives and offer informed suggestions for titles that might do the same for others. Organized around themes inspired by Shakespeare's Time Out. Who can talk more authoritatively about the importance of books than the people who create and critique them? In this thoughtful collection, major writers and critics discuss the books that changed their lives and offer informed suggestions for titles that might do the same for others. Organized around themes inspired by Shakespeare's "Seven Ages of Man," the book covers a diverse array of subjects and includes classic to contemporary fiction and nonfiction, as well as graphic novels. Serious yet accessible survey essays are complemented by top ten lists chosen by Time Out's unrivalled team of critics. The book also includes fact boxes perfect for dipping, along with brief, autobiographical "Reading Experience" pieces by famous readers and writers. Designed as both a reference and an entertaining read, the book includes commissioned illustrations, photographs, and vintage book jacket images....

<<<  Slay Your Giants: Life Lessons from the Story of David ...             Como vivir y trabajar en Estados Unidos: Guia completa. ... >>>

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Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite. D. Michael Lindsay . Книги.

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