Entre padres e hijos: Un clбsico que revolucionу la comunicaciуn con nuestros hijos

Haim G Ginott

  Entre padres e hijos: Un clбsico que revolucionу la comunicaciуn con nuestros hijos  Haim G Ginott  Vintage.   Tra Rev Up edition.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Vintage. Tra Rev Up edition....

The Golfer's Bible: Holman Christian Standard Bible, Specialty, Compact, British Open Tan

  The Golfer's Bible: Holman Christian Standard Bible, Specialty, Compact, British Open Tan  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Call of the Northwoods

  Call of the Northwoods  David C. Evers, Kate M. Taylor  David C. Evers, Kate M. Taylor  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин David C. Evers, Kate M. Taylor...

Creative Photoshop Landscape Techniques

Les Meehan

  Creative Photoshop Landscape Techniques  Les Meehan  Ilex.   This step-by-step guide gives you all the information you need to convert otherwise mundane shots into masterpieces. Beginning with simple enhancements such as creating shadows, the book moves through more complex techniques such as simulating rain and snow, turning day into night, and adding new features such as waterfalls and rocks to your landscapes. The easy-to-follow tutorials also show you how to recreate useful styles such as sepia tones and fish-eye lens effects, as well as simulating in-camera techniques such as depth-of-field manipulation and Ilex. This step-by-step guide gives you all the information you need to convert otherwise mundane shots into masterpieces. Beginning with simple enhancements such as creating shadows, the book moves through more complex techniques such as simulating rain and snow, turning day into night, and adding new features such as waterfalls and rocks to your landscapes. The easy-to-follow tutorials also show you how to recreate useful styles such as sepia tones and fish-eye lens effects, as well as simulating in-camera techniques such as depth-of-field manipulation and "camera movements" in large format cameras. "Creative Photoshop Landscape Techniques" is an essential read for digital landscape photographers of all skill levels. Формат издания: 22,5 см х 26 см....

Grammar for the Soul: Using Language for Personal Change

Lawrence A Weinstein

  Grammar for the Soul: Using Language for Personal Change  Lawrence A Weinstein  Quest Books.   But as unlikely as little punctuation marks and other grammatical elements may seem as tools for personal change, author Lawrence Weinstein shows that how we use them can make a big difference in who we are and how we live. Consider these sentences of a job applicant: Quest Books. But as unlikely as little punctuation marks and other grammatical elements may seem as tools for personal change, author Lawrence Weinstein shows that how we use them can make a big difference in who we are and how we live. Consider these sentences of a job applicant: "What a great pleasure it was to meet you today!! The position you described sounds absolutely perfect for me!" Such overuse of italics and intensifiers reflects a lack of trust in being heard. By cutting back on those devices--and discovering they aren't needed--a person can begin to increase his capacity for trust in life. Or consider how passive constructions can obscure agency, as in, "Undoubtedly, mistakes were made." (Yes, but who made them?) And compare, "My parents were the source of all my troubles," with, "I kept upsetting myself by taking my parents' criticisms too seriously." The latter sentence gives up victimhood and takes ownership of one's fate--largely by employing active verbs. ......

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Entre padres e hijos: Un clбsico que revolucionу la comunicaciуn con nuestros hijos. Haim G Ginott . Книги.

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