Introduction to Radiologic Technology

La Verne Tolley Gurley, William J. Callaway

  Introduction to Radiologic Technology  La Verne Tolley Gurley, William J. Callaway  An excellent orientation to the field of radiologic technology, this book has launched the careers of generations of successful radiographers. It covers basic learning skills and provides a historical overview of medicine and radiology. With this text, readers will have not only a solid introduction to the coursework that will follow in their radiography program, but they will also know what to expect from a career in the imaging sciences, what will be required in the practice environment, and what their options will be for advancement.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин An excellent orientation to the field of radiologic technology, this book has launched the careers of generations of successful radiographers. It covers basic learning skills and provides a historical overview of medicine and radiology. With this text, readers will have not only a solid introduction to the coursework that will follow in their radiography program, but they will also know what to expect from a career in the imaging sciences, what will be required in the practice environment, and what their options will be for advancement....

China Made: Consumer Culture and the Creation of the Nation, (Harvard East Asian Monographs)

Karl Gerth

  China Made: Consumer Culture and the Creation of the Nation, (Harvard East Asian Monographs)  Karl Gerth  ?Chinese people should consume Chinese products!? This slogan was the catchphrase of a movement in early twentieth-century China that sought to link consumption and nationalism by instilling a concept of China as a modern ?nation? with its own ?national products.? From fashions in clothing to food additives, from museums to department stores, from product fairs to advertising, this movement influenced all aspects of China?s burgeoning consumer culture. Anti-mperialist boycotts, commemorations of national humiliations, exhibitions of Chinese products, the vilification of treasonous consumers, and the promotion of Chinese captains of industry helped enforce nationalistic consumption and spread the message?patriotic Chinese bought goods made of Chinese materials by Chinese workers in factories owned and run by Chinese. In China Made, Karl Gerth argues that two key forces shaping the modern world?nationalism and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ?Chinese people should consume Chinese products!? This slogan was the catchphrase of a movement in early twentieth-century China that sought to link consumption and nationalism by instilling a concept of China as a modern ?nation? with its own ?national products.? From fashions in clothing to food additives, from museums to department stores, from product fairs to advertising, this movement influenced all aspects of China?s burgeoning consumer culture. Anti-mperialist boycotts, commemorations of national humiliations, exhibitions of Chinese products, the vilification of treasonous consumers, and the promotion of Chinese captains of industry helped enforce nationalistic consumption and spread the message?patriotic Chinese bought goods made of Chinese materials by Chinese workers in factories owned and run by Chinese. In China Made, Karl Gerth argues that two key forces shaping the modern world?nationalism and......

DC Comics Guide to Coloring and Lettering Comics

Mark Chiarello, Todd Klein

  DC Comics Guide to Coloring and Lettering Comics  Mark Chiarello, Todd Klein  America's leading comic book publisher brings its superstar creators and classic characters to the fourth in an authoritative series of books on how to create comics. Acclaimed comic book illustrator Mark Chiarello and award-winning letterer Todd Klein demonstrate dozens of surefire strategies, practical techniques, and professional secrets for dynamic comic book coloring and lettering. They use DC's world-famous characters to demonstrate an array of techniques, covering such topics as the pros and cons of lettering by hand or by computer, creating balloons and fonts, logo designs, working with color, and creating special effects. The animated step-by-step instructions are informative, stimulating, and clear enough for even beginners to follow. In addition, every technique shown in this guide conforms to up-to-date industry standards. The perfect how-to on everything coloring and lettering, this one-stop sourcebook is packed with a wealth of tested techniques, practical advice, and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин America's leading comic book publisher brings its superstar creators and classic characters to the fourth in an authoritative series of books on how to create comics. Acclaimed comic book illustrator Mark Chiarello and award-winning letterer Todd Klein demonstrate dozens of surefire strategies, practical techniques, and professional secrets for dynamic comic book coloring and lettering. They use DC's world-famous characters to demonstrate an array of techniques, covering such topics as the pros and cons of lettering by hand or by computer, creating balloons and fonts, logo designs, working with color, and creating special effects. The animated step-by-step instructions are informative, stimulating, and clear enough for even beginners to follow. In addition, every technique shown in this guide conforms to up-to-date industry standards. The perfect how-to on everything coloring and lettering, this one-stop sourcebook is packed with a wealth of tested techniques, practical advice, and......

Nazar: Photographs from the Arab World

  Nazar: Photographs from the Arab World  In an essay here, cultural critic and curator Negar Azimi articulates a singular problem of being a photographer in the Arab Middle East. In an essay here, cultural critic and curator Negar Azimi articulates a singular problem of being a photographer in the Arab Middle East. "Taswir" (or picture making), according to many Arab scholars, is prohibited by Muslim law, thus the "notorious adage 'mamnous el taswir' (forbidden to photograph) . . . Exists in ubiquitous fashion, seemingly at every turn of the photographer's visual field." Keeping that in mind makes this unprecedented and multifaceted view of the Arab world as seen through the eyes of 56 Arab and Western photographers, the only current survey of its kind, an especially stimulating collection. Western readers will be introduced to multiple generations of photographers (male and female) previously little known outside the Middle East. Originally assembled for the highly acclaimed exhibition Nazar at the Noorderlicht Festival in the Netherlands, these pictures comprise the largest compilation of Arab photographs ever exhibited in the West. Covering both......

О бюджетных исследованиях

А. В. Чаянов

  О бюджетных исследованиях  А. В. Чаянов  Тончу.   В настоящем переиздании научных трудов А.В.Чаянова представлены его фундаментальная работа Тончу. В настоящем переиздании научных трудов А.В.Чаянова представлены его фундаментальная работа "Бюджетные исследования. История и методы" и полемические статьи "Из области методологии бюджетных исследований (по поводу критических работ С.А.Первушина)", "Мера точности бюджетных данных (Ответ С.А.Первушину)"....

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Introduction to Radiologic Technology. La Verne Tolley Gurley, William J. Callaway . Книги.

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