Nature's Museums: Victorian Sciences And The Architecture Of Display

Carla Yanni

  Nature's Museums: Victorian Sciences And The Architecture Of Display  Carla Yanni  Amazon.comScientists in the medieval and early-modern eras faced many obstacles to sharing their discoveries, among them the lack of organized, comparative collections of specimens. Such assemblages were almost exclusively in the hands of wealthy individuals, and scholars of more modest means had to content themselves with Amazon.comScientists in the medieval and early-modern eras faced many obstacles to sharing their discoveries, among them the lack of organized, comparative collections of specimens. Such assemblages were almost exclusively in the hands of wealthy individuals, and scholars of more modest means had to content themselves with "cabinets of wonder," potpourris of natural curiosities whose message was often no more profound than "behold, death is near." One of the signal developments of the Victorian era, observes art historian Carla Yanni, was the building of great museums, accessible to both scholars and the interested public, to house large collections of fossils, minerals, and other relics of the natural world. Some of these museums, such as London's Pantherion, offered astonishing and sometimes fictitious spectacles: in the Pantherion, for example, "stuffed animals were staged in frightening battles," while a great artificial swamp filled with sculptures of dinosaurs ringed the......

Herbal Prescriptions for Health & Healing : Your Everyday Guide to Using Herbs Safely and Effectively

Donald Brown

  Herbal Prescriptions for Health & Healing : Your Everyday Guide to Using Herbs Safely and Effectively  Donald Brown  Book DescriptionThis book is an indispensable guide that will introduce you to 20 of the most frequently used herbs.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book is an indispensable guide that will introduce you to 20 of the most frequently used herbs....

Life, Character and Influence of Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam Derived from a Study of His Works and Correspondence, Part 1

John Joseph Mangan

  Life, Character and Influence of Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam Derived from a Study of His Works and Correspondence, Part 1  John Joseph Mangan  Book Description1927. Other volumes in this set include ISBN number(s): 0766171876. Volume 1 of 2. The facts as they have been left to us by Erasmus, and which Mr. Mangan has here gathered together in compact form, give us an Erasmus far different from this imagined one. In presenting this study of the life and activities of Erasmus to the public, the author realizes that it differs in many respects from the conventional biography of him to which we have become accustomed. This has been less a matter of intent than a direct consequence of the plan which Mangan followed throughout the work: of having him speak for himself always, rather than attempting to interpret his at times so kaleidoscopic mind.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description1927. Other volumes in this set include ISBN number(s): 0766171876. Volume 1 of 2. The facts as they have been left to us by Erasmus, and which Mr. Mangan has here gathered together in compact form, give us an Erasmus far different from this imagined one. In presenting this study of the life and activities of Erasmus to the public, the author realizes that it differs in many respects from the conventional biography of him to which we have become accustomed. This has been less a matter of intent than a direct consequence of the plan which Mangan followed throughout the work: of having him speak for himself always, rather than attempting to interpret his at times so kaleidoscopic mind....

Olga: Revolutionary and Martyr

Fernando Morais

  Olga: Revolutionary and Martyr  Fernando Morais  Grove Press.   Olga Benario, German and Jewish, was one of the most remarkable Communist activists of the twentieth century. Blessed with a genius for organization, the beautiful, willful Olga crisscrossed the globe educating and activating legions to combat the worldwide plagues of Nazism and fascism. At the age of nineteen, she masterminded a daring prison raid to free her then-lover, the Communist intellectual Otto Braun. Together they escaped to Moscow, where they quickly rose in the ranks of the international Communist movement. At twenty-six, she was chosen to serve as bodyguard to the legendary Brazilian Communist guerrilla leader Luis Carlos Prestes, who had been brought to Moscow for training and would soon become her lover. Using assumed names, they traveled to Brazil, where Prestes launched a revolution against the Fascist regime. Within months, they were seized by police. After six months of tirelessly continuing her activism from within Brazilian prisons, Olga, seven months pregnant,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Grove Press. Olga Benario, German and Jewish, was one of the most remarkable Communist activists of the twentieth century. Blessed with a genius for organization, the beautiful, willful Olga crisscrossed the globe educating and activating legions to combat the worldwide plagues of Nazism and fascism. At the age of nineteen, she masterminded a daring prison raid to free her then-lover, the Communist intellectual Otto Braun. Together they escaped to Moscow, where they quickly rose in the ranks of the international Communist movement. At twenty-six, she was chosen to serve as bodyguard to the legendary Brazilian Communist guerrilla leader Luis Carlos Prestes, who had been brought to Moscow for training and would soon become her lover. Using assumed names, they traveled to Brazil, where Prestes launched a revolution against the Fascist regime. Within months, they were seized by police. After six months of tirelessly continuing her activism from within Brazilian prisons, Olga, seven months pregnant,......

The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman

Darcy Pattison

  The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman  Darcy Pattison  Book Description Have you seen Oliver K. Woodman? You'd know if you had--he's made of wood. And he's on a spectacular cross-country journey. Folks of all sorts guide Oliver along the way and report back in letters and postcards to his friend Uncle Ray. After all, there's a lot of road--and adventure!--between South Carolina and California. Oliver's been spotted truckin' in Texas, riding in a Utah parade, and scaring off bears in the California redwoods. Where will he show up next? Read the letters. Follow the map. And buckle up for a road trip you'll never forget!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Have you seen Oliver K. Woodman? You'd know if you had--he's made of wood. And he's on a spectacular cross-country journey. Folks of all sorts guide Oliver along the way and report back in letters and postcards to his friend Uncle Ray. After all, there's a lot of road--and adventure!--between South Carolina and California. Oliver's been spotted truckin' in Texas, riding in a Utah parade, and scaring off bears in the California redwoods. Where will he show up next? Read the letters. Follow the map. And buckle up for a road trip you'll never forget!...

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Nature's Museums: Victorian Sciences And The Architecture Of Display. Carla Yanni . Книги.

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