Migrant Women Professionals in the European Union

Monika Zulauf

  Migrant Women Professionals in the European Union  Monika Zulauf  In the 1990s, growth in women's employment in the EU remained small. This book looks at the obstacles faced by women in the nursing and banking professions when they migrate between member states. Basing her analysis on the personal accounts of migrants, and discussions with colleagues and regulatory bodies in Britain, Germany and Spain, the author sheds light on one of the major challenges confronting the EU.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In the 1990s, growth in women's employment in the EU remained small. This book looks at the obstacles faced by women in the nursing and banking professions when they migrate between member states. Basing her analysis on the personal accounts of migrants, and discussions with colleagues and regulatory bodies in Britain, Germany and Spain, the author sheds light on one of the major challenges confronting the EU....

The Roaring 2000s Investor: Strategies for the Life You Want

Harry S. Dent

  The Roaring 2000s Investor: Strategies for the Life You Want  Harry S. Dent  THE GREAT BOOM IS HERE In the New York Times bestseller The Roaring 2000s, Harry S. Dent, Jr., forecast a booming market that will continue to rise through the first eight years of the twenty-first century. Now in The Roaring 2000s Investor, Dent turns his uncanny ability to see our economic future to the specific strategies you can use to get the life you want -- now and for the rest of your days. Whether you are planning to retire in ten years or forty, looking for a larger home or a smaller one, planning to put several children through college or planning for life after they have graduated, you will find what you are looking for in The Roaring 2000s Investor, including information on: The Ultimate Portfolio Strategy for the Roaring 2000s International Trends in Developed and Emerging Countries Deflating the Inflation Myth Why You May Need a Financial Advisor and How to Find a Great One ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин THE GREAT BOOM IS HERE In the New York Times bestseller The Roaring 2000s, Harry S. Dent, Jr., forecast a booming market that will continue to rise through the first eight years of the twenty-first century. Now in The Roaring 2000s Investor, Dent turns his uncanny ability to see our economic future to the specific strategies you can use to get the life you want -- now and for the rest of your days. Whether you are planning to retire in ten years or forty, looking for a larger home or a smaller one, planning to put several children through college or planning for life after they have graduated, you will find what you are looking for in The Roaring 2000s Investor, including information on: The Ultimate Portfolio Strategy for the Roaring 2000s International Trends in Developed and Emerging Countries Deflating the Inflation Myth Why You May Need a Financial Advisor and How to Find a Great One ......

The McGraw-Hill Investor's Desk Reference

Ellie Williams

  The McGraw-Hill Investor's Desk Reference  Ellie Williams  The McGraw-Hill Investor’s Desk Reference is a book whose time has come. Compiling the up-to-date answers to virtually every important investment question—from “How do I invest online?” to “What is the difference between value and growth investing?”—this comprehensive guidebook puts today’s most important and frequently sought information at the fingertips of investors. This one-of-a-kind, uniquely valuable reference book provides investors with: *A complete dictionary of key terms *Information on using the Internet as an all-purpose investment tool *In-depth material on investment vehicles and styles *An examination of key economic indicators *Descriptions of international markets and exchanges *Fascinating sections on key investment people and literature  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The McGraw-Hill Investor’s Desk Reference is a book whose time has come. Compiling the up-to-date answers to virtually every important investment question—from “How do I invest online?” to “What is the difference between value and growth investing?”—this comprehensive guidebook puts today’s most important and frequently sought information at the fingertips of investors. This one-of-a-kind, uniquely valuable reference book provides investors with: *A complete dictionary of key terms *Information on using the Internet as an all-purpose investment tool *In-depth material on investment vehicles and styles *An examination of key economic indicators *Descriptions of international markets and exchanges *Fascinating sections on key investment people and literature...

Entrepreneur Magazine's Ultimate Small Business Marketing Guide: Over 1500 Great Marketing Tricks That Will Drive Your Business Through the Roof

James Stephenson

  Entrepreneur Magazine's Ultimate Small Business Marketing Guide: Over 1500 Great Marketing Tricks That Will Drive Your Business Through the Roof  James Stephenson  The most authoritative and comprehensive marketing book available, the Guide is packed with marketing tricks and secrets that top business and sales professionals use daily to devour competition, close more sales, win new customers, and keep them coming back. It was developed for small-business owners who are looking for cost-effective ways, both innovative and time-tested, to market their businesses, products and services. In addition to chapters on research, planning, competition, customer service, advertising, direct marketing, networking, Web sites and many other topics, Stephenson's meaty volume provides hundreds of handy online resources, checklists and sample forms. And it's written in a straightforward, jargon-free style that's easy to understand and put into practice.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The most authoritative and comprehensive marketing book available, the Guide is packed with marketing tricks and secrets that top business and sales professionals use daily to devour competition, close more sales, win new customers, and keep them coming back. It was developed for small-business owners who are looking for cost-effective ways, both innovative and time-tested, to market their businesses, products and services. In addition to chapters on research, planning, competition, customer service, advertising, direct marketing, networking, Web sites and many other topics, Stephenson's meaty volume provides hundreds of handy online resources, checklists and sample forms. And it's written in a straightforward, jargon-free style that's easy to understand and put into practice....

Business Law: Principles for Today's Commercial Environment

David P. Twomey, Marianne M. Jennings

  Business Law: Principles for Today's Commercial Environment  David P. Twomey, Marianne M. Jennings  This first edition, written by the same authors of the Anderson family of texts, re-positions Anderson's Business Law of the Regulatory Environment by incorporating all relevant UCC Sections into the text. As the new incarnation of Anderson, this book retains the tradition of accuracy, depth and contemporary perspective. Its cases are excerpted, relevant and interesting. The UCC coverage provides the student with the code language when reading applicable portions of the text. This text meets AACSB requirements and offers complete coverage for CPA preparation, featuring ethics, public policy and the Internet.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This first edition, written by the same authors of the Anderson family of texts, re-positions Anderson's Business Law of the Regulatory Environment by incorporating all relevant UCC Sections into the text. As the new incarnation of Anderson, this book retains the tradition of accuracy, depth and contemporary perspective. Its cases are excerpted, relevant and interesting. The UCC coverage provides the student with the code language when reading applicable portions of the text. This text meets AACSB requirements and offers complete coverage for CPA preparation, featuring ethics, public policy and the Internet....

<<<  Life on the Line: One Woman's Tale of Work, ...             Como vivir y trabajar en Estados Unidos: Guia completa. ... >>>

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Migrant Women Professionals in the European Union. Monika Zulauf . Книги.

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