Русский разговорный диалог. Структура и динамика

И. Н. Борисова

  Русский разговорный диалог. Структура и динамика  И. Н. Борисова  КомКнига.   В монографии исследуются коммуникативно-ситуативные, когнитивные, психолингвистические и речеповеденческие предпосылки формирования интегративности текста разговорного диалога как особого типа структурной организации речи. В качестве интегрирующих речевой продукт факторов анализируются: структура коммуникативного события, коммуникативная пресуппозиция, замысел речевой партии коммуниканта, режимы диалоговедения, стандартные механизмы дискурсивного развертывания, типы коммуникативной координации речевогоповедения. Закономерности строения и развертывания спонтанного дискурса изучаются на материале записей живых разговорных диалогов горожан-уральцев в неофициальной сфере общения. Книга адресована лингвистам, психологам, культурологам, также может быть полезна учителям-словесникам.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин КомКнига. В монографии исследуются коммуникативно-ситуативные, когнитивные, психолингвистические и речеповеденческие предпосылки формирования интегративности текста разговорного диалога как особого типа структурной организации речи. В качестве интегрирующих речевой продукт факторов анализируются: структура коммуникативного события, коммуникативная пресуппозиция, замысел речевой партии коммуниканта, режимы диалоговедения, стандартные механизмы дискурсивного развертывания, типы коммуникативной координации речевогоповедения. Закономерности строения и развертывания спонтанного дискурса изучаются на материале записей живых разговорных диалогов горожан-уральцев в неофициальной сфере общения. Книга адресована лингвистам, психологам, культурологам, также может быть полезна учителям-словесникам....

The 60-Minute Active Training Series: How to Speak Up Without Putting Others Down, Leader's Guide (Active Training Series)

Mel Silberman

  The 60-Minute Active Training Series: How to Speak Up Without Putting Others Down, Leader's Guide (Active Training Series)  Mel Silberman  Book DescriptionAssertive people are able to clearly make their point, speak their mind, and express their needs while maintaining others’ self-esteem. How to Speak Up Without Putting Others Down, Leader’s Guide from the popular 60-Minute Active Training Series offers facilitators a ready-made, effective one hour program that will teach participants to express themselves clearly, directly, and tactfully. Specifically, participants will learn how to Express themselves in a straightforward way?without offending others Stand their ground, tactfully even in the face of resistance Persist with people who fail to fo  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAssertive people are able to clearly make their point, speak their mind, and express their needs while maintaining others’ self-esteem. How to Speak Up Without Putting Others Down, Leader’s Guide from the popular 60-Minute Active Training Series offers facilitators a ready-made, effective one hour program that will teach participants to express themselves clearly, directly, and tactfully. Specifically, participants will learn how to Express themselves in a straightforward way?without offending others Stand their ground, tactfully even in the face of resistance Persist with people who fail to fo...

150 Full-Color Art Nouveau Patterns and Designs (Promotionals, Displays)

Friedrich Wolfrum and Co.

  150 Full-Color Art Nouveau Patterns and Designs (Promotionals, Displays)  Friedrich Wolfrum and Co.  Book Description The novelty of Art Nouveau derived in part from its innovative approach to the very concept of art. More than just a style, it eliminated the barriers between fine and applied arts and embodied a new way of thinking about modern society and production methods. This multipurpose treasury features luxuriant patterns and designs that date from the early twentieth century, the heyday of Art Nouveau. Featuring both allover patterns and stand-alone designs, it consists of 49 full-page illustrations, plus eleven pages with numerous individual images. Handsomely reproduced from a rare Viennese publication, this inexpensive volume offers a sumptuous assortment of authentic designs from a revolutionary art movement.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The novelty of Art Nouveau derived in part from its innovative approach to the very concept of art. More than just a style, it eliminated the barriers between fine and applied arts and embodied a new way of thinking about modern society and production methods. This multipurpose treasury features luxuriant patterns and designs that date from the early twentieth century, the heyday of Art Nouveau. Featuring both allover patterns and stand-alone designs, it consists of 49 full-page illustrations, plus eleven pages with numerous individual images. Handsomely reproduced from a rare Viennese publication, this inexpensive volume offers a sumptuous assortment of authentic designs from a revolutionary art movement....

The Prints of Isoda Koryusai: Floating World Culture and Its Consumers in Eighteenth-Century Japan

Allen Hockley

  The Prints of Isoda Koryusai: Floating World Culture and Its Consumers in Eighteenth-Century Japan  Allen Hockley  Book DescriptionThe ukiyo-e artist Isoda Koryusai produced thousands of designs between 1769 and 1781, a crucial period in the evolution of the print tradition, and was honored with the imperial title of hokkyu, yet he has been long neglected by scholars. Allen Hockley has identified more than 2,500 designs of wide-ranging formats and themes, demonstrating that Koryusai broadened the treatment of traditional print subjects and appealed to a wider and more varied audience. Koryusai's sheer output suggestshe may very well be the most productive artist of the eighteenth century. Refuting outmoded paradigms of connoisseurship and challenging the assumptions of conventional print scholarship, Hockley elevates this important figure from the status of a minor Edo-period artist. He argues that Koryusai excelled by the most significant measure--he was a highly successful creator of popular commodities. Employing an Book DescriptionThe ukiyo-e artist Isoda Koryusai produced thousands of designs between 1769 and 1781, a crucial period in the evolution of the print tradition, and was honored with the imperial title of hokkyu, yet he has been long neglected by scholars. Allen Hockley has identified more than 2,500 designs of wide-ranging formats and themes, demonstrating that Koryusai broadened the treatment of traditional print subjects and appealed to a wider and more varied audience. Koryusai's sheer output suggestshe may very well be the most productive artist of the eighteenth century. Refuting outmoded paradigms of connoisseurship and challenging the assumptions of conventional print scholarship, Hockley elevates this important figure from the status of a minor Edo-period artist. He argues that Koryusai excelled by the most significant measure--he was a highly successful creator of popular commodities. Employing an "active audience" model, Hockley reshapes the study of ukiyo-e as a......

Uncanny X-Men - The New Age Vol. 1: The End of History

Chris Claremont, Alan Davis

  Uncanny X-Men - The New Age Vol. 1: The End of History  Chris Claremont, Alan Davis  Marvel Comics.   New alliances are forged as old friendships are rekindled, but one thing is certain: The X-Men will never be the same! With the team split in two, the Uncanny X-Men must face the unbridled force of the Fury on two sides of the globe! Willthe villain's Marvel Comics. New alliances are forged as old friendships are rekindled, but one thing is certain: The X-Men will never be the same! With the team split in two, the Uncanny X-Men must face the unbridled force of the Fury on two sides of the globe! Willthe villain's "divide-and-conquer" plan prove to be the X-Men's ultimate undoing? Collecting Uncanny X-Men #444-449....

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Русский разговорный диалог. Структура и динамика. И. Н. Борисова . Книги.

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