Selling to Major Accounts: Tools, Techniques, and Practical Solutions for the Sales Manager

Terry R. Bacon, Terry Bacon, Terry R., Ph.D. Bacon

  Selling to Major Accounts: Tools, Techniques, and Practical Solutions for the Sales Manager  Terry R. Bacon, Terry Bacon, Terry R., Ph.D. Bacon  In most businesses, 80% of the revenue comes from 20% of the customers. Management of these key accounts demands discipline, direction, and purpose. Account managers and salespeople must be able to identify and capture key opportunities and use a systematic approach to growing the accounts. Here's where they'll find the powerful tools, processes, and techniques to succeed. Selling to Major Accounts is full of practical, proven approaches to account management. Loaded with examples, tables, charts, checklists, and real-life case studies from the author's vast consulting experience, it shows how to: * identify the major accounts with the greatest potential * progress from vendor to strategic ally * craft account plans that are geared for action * manage the customer relationship for greater results * develop winning account strategies.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In most businesses, 80% of the revenue comes from 20% of the customers. Management of these key accounts demands discipline, direction, and purpose. Account managers and salespeople must be able to identify and capture key opportunities and use a systematic approach to growing the accounts. Here's where they'll find the powerful tools, processes, and techniques to succeed. Selling to Major Accounts is full of practical, proven approaches to account management. Loaded with examples, tables, charts, checklists, and real-life case studies from the author's vast consulting experience, it shows how to: * identify the major accounts with the greatest potential * progress from vendor to strategic ally * craft account plans that are geared for action * manage the customer relationship for greater results * develop winning account strategies....

Architects of the Information Society: Thirty-Five Years of the Laboratory for Computer Science at MIT

Simson L. Garfinkel, Hal Abelson

  Architects of the Information Society: Thirty-Five Years of the Laboratory for Computer Science at MIT  Simson L. Garfinkel, Hal Abelson  The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS) has been responsible for some of the most significant technological achievements of the past few decades. Much of the hardware and software driving the information revolution has been, and continues to be, created at LCS. Anyone who sends and receives email, communicates with colleagues through a LAN, surfs the Web, or makes decisions using a spreadsheet is benefiting from the creativity of LCS members. LCS is an interdepartmental laboratory that brings together faculty, researchers, and students in a broad program of study, research, and experimentation. Their principal goal is to pursue innovations in information technology that will improve people's lives. LCS members have been instrumental in the development of ARPAnet, the Internet, the Web, Ethernet, time-shared computers, UNIX, RSA encryption, the X Windows system, NuBus, and many other technologies. This book, published...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS) has been responsible for some of the most significant technological achievements of the past few decades. Much of the hardware and software driving the information revolution has been, and continues to be, created at LCS. Anyone who sends and receives email, communicates with colleagues through a LAN, surfs the Web, or makes decisions using a spreadsheet is benefiting from the creativity of LCS members. LCS is an interdepartmental laboratory that brings together faculty, researchers, and students in a broad program of study, research, and experimentation. Their principal goal is to pursue innovations in information technology that will improve people's lives. LCS members have been instrumental in the development of ARPAnet, the Internet, the Web, Ethernet, time-shared computers, UNIX, RSA encryption, the X Windows system, NuBus, and many other technologies. This book, published......

Gigabit Ethernet Technology and Applications (Artech House Telecommunications Library)

Mark Norris

  Gigabit Ethernet Technology and Applications (Artech House Telecommunications Library)  Mark Norris  Gigabit Ethernet delivers the speed and high bandwidth that today?s organizations demand from their local area networks. It is being chosen over other high-speed technologies because it is a flexible and cost-effective solution that can be used in awide range of applications. This comprehensive guide gives you a clear picture of how Gigabit Ethernet works and how it can be used to support a broad range of services. You learn how Gigabit Ethernet can be used in the wide area and how it can support mobile systems. The book also offers you a detailed understanding of how Gigabit Ethernet is used to build storage area networks, to scale up local area networks into total area networks, and to provide wireless solutions. By comparing Gigabit Ethernetto competing technologies, this guide helps you decide when Gigabit Ethernet is the right solution for your networking needs. This complete reference also provides you with a thorough treatment of the Ethernet standard and its many...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Gigabit Ethernet delivers the speed and high bandwidth that today?s organizations demand from their local area networks. It is being chosen over other high-speed technologies because it is a flexible and cost-effective solution that can be used in awide range of applications. This comprehensive guide gives you a clear picture of how Gigabit Ethernet works and how it can be used to support a broad range of services. You learn how Gigabit Ethernet can be used in the wide area and how it can support mobile systems. The book also offers you a detailed understanding of how Gigabit Ethernet is used to build storage area networks, to scale up local area networks into total area networks, and to provide wireless solutions. By comparing Gigabit Ethernetto competing technologies, this guide helps you decide when Gigabit Ethernet is the right solution for your networking needs. This complete reference also provides you with a thorough treatment of the Ethernet standard and its many......

ExamWise For Cisco CCNP Certification Cisco Internetworking Troubleshooting CIT Exam 640-606 (With Online Exam)

John John Hammond, John Hammond, Robert Cooney

  ExamWise For Cisco CCNP Certification Cisco Internetworking Troubleshooting CIT Exam 640-606 (With Online Exam)  John John Hammond, John Hammond, Robert Cooney  You cannot go wrong with this book! Its Guaranteed! Contact TotalRecallPress for details Part of the TotalRecall: The IT Question Book Series, this new Exam Study Aid is now available for candidate?s preparing to sit for the CCNA 640-606 exam. This book is designed for the individual that wants to gain confidence by reviewing a large quantity of practice exam questions and help readers determine their readiness for the CCNA 640-606 certification exam. Each section of the book provides questions and answers that cover the exam topics specified in the CCNA exam requirements. Each question and answer is also followed with a brief explanation to help readers understand why that answer was chosen. The intent of this book is helpcandidates realize their goal of achieving the CCNA certification and to provide them with a strong foundation and knowledge base that they can build on. This is not a textbook about the subject, but should be used as a final check to...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин You cannot go wrong with this book! Its Guaranteed! Contact TotalRecallPress for details Part of the TotalRecall: The IT Question Book Series, this new Exam Study Aid is now available for candidate?s preparing to sit for the CCNA 640-606 exam. This book is designed for the individual that wants to gain confidence by reviewing a large quantity of practice exam questions and help readers determine their readiness for the CCNA 640-606 certification exam. Each section of the book provides questions and answers that cover the exam topics specified in the CCNA exam requirements. Each question and answer is also followed with a brief explanation to help readers understand why that answer was chosen. The intent of this book is helpcandidates realize their goal of achieving the CCNA certification and to provide them with a strong foundation and knowledge base that they can build on. This is not a textbook about the subject, but should be used as a final check to......

Провинциальная суета

Виктор Казаков

  Провинциальная суета  Виктор Казаков  Микрон-Принт.   Вагон, Плавни, Поездка к родителям.   Виктор Григорьевич Казаков - московский писатель, работал в различных провинциальных и столичных изданиях, во второй половине 80-х годов XX века возглавлял отдел и был членом редколлегии журнала Микрон-Принт. Вагон, Плавни, Поездка к родителям. Виктор Григорьевич Казаков - московский писатель, работал в различных провинциальных и столичных изданиях, во второй половине 80-х годов XX века возглавлял отдел и был членом редколлегии журнала "Новый мир". Член Союза писателей России, автор более десяти книг о современной жизни. Живет и работает в Москве и Праге....

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Selling to Major Accounts: Tools, Techniques, and Practical Solutions for the Sales Manager. Terry R. Bacon, Terry Bacon, Terry R., Ph.D. Bacon . Книги.

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