The Triangle of Microfinance: Financial Sustainability, Outreach, and Impact

Manfred Zeller, Richard L. Meyer

  The Triangle of Microfinance: Financial Sustainability, Outreach, and Impact  Manfred Zeller, Richard L. Meyer  Since the 1980s when the microfinance revolution began, much has been accomplished, but the field became more refined in the 1990s as a result of shifts in paradigms, strategies, and development practices. This volume addresses the three policy objectives that now occupy those who wish to use credit as a development tool: financial sustainability of microfinance institutions, outreach to the poor, and welfare impact. Inevitable tradeoffs exist among these objectives, and the book advances an analytical framework that assists students of and experts in microfinance to identify the tradeoffs and synergies at the institutional level and in the policy environment. The book features a wealth of empirical data and innovative analytical studies, and critically discusses the role of public support for microfinance institutions (MFIs) in light of the social costs and benefits generated by such financial systems. The book is organized into five parts. The first discusses the demand for...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Since the 1980s when the microfinance revolution began, much has been accomplished, but the field became more refined in the 1990s as a result of shifts in paradigms, strategies, and development practices. This volume addresses the three policy objectives that now occupy those who wish to use credit as a development tool: financial sustainability of microfinance institutions, outreach to the poor, and welfare impact. Inevitable tradeoffs exist among these objectives, and the book advances an analytical framework that assists students of and experts in microfinance to identify the tradeoffs and synergies at the institutional level and in the policy environment. The book features a wealth of empirical data and innovative analytical studies, and critically discusses the role of public support for microfinance institutions (MFIs) in light of the social costs and benefits generated by such financial systems. The book is organized into five parts. The first discusses the demand for......

Comparative Performance of U.S. Econometric Models

Lawrence R. Klein

  Comparative Performance of U.S. Econometric Models  Lawrence R. Klein  This volume compares strategic properties of the leading macroeconometric models of the United States. It summarizes the work of an ongoing seminar supported by the National Science Foundation and chaired by Lawrence R. Klein of the University of Pennsylvania. The Seminar meets three times annually. Comparisons are made across models for such characteristics as conventional multipliers (fiscal, monetary, and supply side shocks), J-curve response to dollar depreciation, and forecast performance under consistent assumptions. There are in-depth comparisons of some models and investigation of use of high frequency information to improve forecasts. There are also analyses of the sources of forecast error. The core structures of models, especially their ISLM cores, are compared. The volume contains one chapter on comparison across models of different developing countries. In addition to the contributions by participating model builders who meet regularly, the book contains critical...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume compares strategic properties of the leading macroeconometric models of the United States. It summarizes the work of an ongoing seminar supported by the National Science Foundation and chaired by Lawrence R. Klein of the University of Pennsylvania. The Seminar meets three times annually. Comparisons are made across models for such characteristics as conventional multipliers (fiscal, monetary, and supply side shocks), J-curve response to dollar depreciation, and forecast performance under consistent assumptions. There are in-depth comparisons of some models and investigation of use of high frequency information to improve forecasts. There are also analyses of the sources of forecast error. The core structures of models, especially their ISLM cores, are compared. The volume contains one chapter on comparison across models of different developing countries. In addition to the contributions by participating model builders who meet regularly, the book contains critical......

Asian States, Asian Bankers: Central Banking in Southeast Asia (Cornell Studies in Political Economy)

Natasha Hamilton-Hart

  Asian States, Asian Bankers: Central Banking in Southeast Asia (Cornell Studies in Political Economy)  Natasha Hamilton-Hart  Financial markets are given to instability, but some financial systems are more crisis-prone than others. Natasha Hamilton-Hart's historically grounded investigation of central banks, governments, and private bankers in Southeast Asia helps explain why. Focusing on Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, she shows how the long-term development and internal attributes of central banks and state financial institutions shape their interactions with private bankers and influence their ability to manage thefinancial sector. The politics of finance in Southeast Asia is understudied, Hamilton-Hart contends, and central banks themselves virtually ignored. Yet central banks play a pivotal role in determining a country's vulnerability to regional and global financial pressures such as the currency and financial crises of the late 1990s. Southeast Asian central bankers were major players in the events surrounding these upheavals. Countries in the region experienced the economic chaos...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Financial markets are given to instability, but some financial systems are more crisis-prone than others. Natasha Hamilton-Hart's historically grounded investigation of central banks, governments, and private bankers in Southeast Asia helps explain why. Focusing on Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, she shows how the long-term development and internal attributes of central banks and state financial institutions shape their interactions with private bankers and influence their ability to manage thefinancial sector. The politics of finance in Southeast Asia is understudied, Hamilton-Hart contends, and central banks themselves virtually ignored. Yet central banks play a pivotal role in determining a country's vulnerability to regional and global financial pressures such as the currency and financial crises of the late 1990s. Southeast Asian central bankers were major players in the events surrounding these upheavals. Countries in the region experienced the economic chaos......

Are Skills the Answer?: The Political Economy of Skill Creation in Advanced Industrial Countries

Colin Crouch, David Finegold, Mari Sako

  Are Skills the Answer?: The Political Economy of Skill Creation in Advanced Industrial Countries  Colin Crouch, David Finegold, Mari Sako  While the acquisition of skills has become a major public need, there is increasing dependence for their provision on individual firms. These firms can have no responsibility for general needs with government action being restricted to residual care for the unemployed rather than contributing at the leading edge of advanced skills policy. The authors argue that public agencies must find new ways of working with the business sector, acquiring expertise and authority through such means as supporting skillsstandards and taking the lead in the certification of employers as trainers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин While the acquisition of skills has become a major public need, there is increasing dependence for their provision on individual firms. These firms can have no responsibility for general needs with government action being restricted to residual care for the unemployed rather than contributing at the leading edge of advanced skills policy. The authors argue that public agencies must find new ways of working with the business sector, acquiring expertise and authority through such means as supporting skillsstandards and taking the lead in the certification of employers as trainers....

CBI Series in Practical Strategy, Business Unit Strategy (Wiley Series in Practical Strategy)

Eli Segev

  CBI Series in Practical Strategy, Business Unit Strategy (Wiley Series in Practical Strategy)  Eli Segev  The business unit is focused on one industry or product/market grouping. It may be one of many such units within a multi-industry corporation, or it may be the total entity. Strategy in the business unit is directly related to customers, markets and competitors. Top management in such organizations justly claim that their strategy must be wholly focused on the sharp end of the business. The book is based on the belief that strategy is important, and that better strategies can result from careful analysis. Much advice is available on how to do this but, because different authors promote different views, the menu of solutions available can be confusing. It is very easy to select from this something which has superficial appeal but which does not fit the situation of the particular company. Segev makes sense of what is on offer by providing a framework against which all approaches can be compared, and practical choices made on what is appropriate for the particular organization. The book...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The business unit is focused on one industry or product/market grouping. It may be one of many such units within a multi-industry corporation, or it may be the total entity. Strategy in the business unit is directly related to customers, markets and competitors. Top management in such organizations justly claim that their strategy must be wholly focused on the sharp end of the business. The book is based on the belief that strategy is important, and that better strategies can result from careful analysis. Much advice is available on how to do this but, because different authors promote different views, the menu of solutions available can be confusing. It is very easy to select from this something which has superficial appeal but which does not fit the situation of the particular company. Segev makes sense of what is on offer by providing a framework against which all approaches can be compared, and practical choices made on what is appropriate for the particular organization. The book......

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The Triangle of Microfinance: Financial Sustainability, Outreach, and Impact. Manfred Zeller, Richard L. Meyer . Книги.

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