Риторика. 10 класс

Под редакцией Т. А. Ладыженской

  Риторика. 10 класс  Под редакцией Т. А. Ладыженской  Баласс, С-инфо.   Учебное пособие по риторике для 10 класса продолжает на этапе старшей школы начатый в 1-9 классах курс риторики общения. В 10 классе особое внимание уделяется тем риторическим знаниям и умениям, которые помогут подготовить старшеклассников к успешному общению в жизни.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Баласс, С-инфо. Учебное пособие по риторике для 10 класса продолжает на этапе старшей школы начатый в 1-9 классах курс риторики общения. В 10 классе особое внимание уделяется тем риторическим знаниям и умениям, которые помогут подготовить старшеклассников к успешному общению в жизни....

Разбитое сердце. Простить или послать к черту?

Корнелия Мангельсдорф

  Разбитое сердце. Простить или послать к черту?  Корнелия Мангельсдорф  Феникс.   Только для женщин.   Тоска из-за любви: приключение, которое должен пережить каждый человек, ведущее к самым сильным и в то же время самым тяжелым переживаниям в нашей жизни. Любовная тоска причиняет боль, это всегда атака на чувство собственного достоинства, она полностью меняет нашу жизнь. Корнелия Мангельсдорф стремится оказать первую помощь в случае Феникс. Только для женщин. Тоска из-за любви: приключение, которое должен пережить каждый человек, ведущее к самым сильным и в то же время самым тяжелым переживаниям в нашей жизни. Любовная тоска причиняет боль, это всегда атака на чувство собственного достоинства, она полностью меняет нашу жизнь. Корнелия Мангельсдорф стремится оказать первую помощь в случае "заболевания" любовной тоской: она показывает различные фазы тоски и возникающие на разных ее этапах проблемы. Вы получите советы, как обратить это тяжелое состояние себе на пользу и начать заново строить свою жизнь после того, как "это случилось". Настоящая книга поможет Вам выбраться из этой "черной дыры" и найти пути жить дальше - вместе с партнером или без него....

The Venture Capital Cycle

Paul Gompers, Josh Lerner

  The Venture Capital Cycle  Paul Gompers, Josh Lerner  The MIT Press.   The venture capital industry in the United States has grown dramatically over the last two decades. Annual inflows to venture funds have expanded from virtually zero in the mid-1970s to more than $9 billion in 1997. Many of the most visible new firms - including Apple Computer, Genentech, Intel, Lotus, Microsoft , and Yahoo - have been backed by venture capital funds. Yet despite this tremendous growth and its visible success, venture capital remains a mysterious industry. Numerous misconceptions persist about the nature and role of venture capitalists. Paul Gompers and Josh Lerner's extensive research on venture capital organizations is based largely on original data sets developed through close relationships with institutional investors in venture capital funds and investment advisors. The Venture Capital Cycle synthesizes their path-breaking work. After a historical overview, the book looks at the formation of funds, the investment of the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The MIT Press. The venture capital industry in the United States has grown dramatically over the last two decades. Annual inflows to venture funds have expanded from virtually zero in the mid-1970s to more than $9 billion in 1997. Many of the most visible new firms - including Apple Computer, Genentech, Intel, Lotus, Microsoft , and Yahoo - have been backed by venture capital funds. Yet despite this tremendous growth and its visible success, venture capital remains a mysterious industry. Numerous misconceptions persist about the nature and role of venture capitalists. Paul Gompers and Josh Lerner's extensive research on venture capital organizations is based largely on original data sets developed through close relationships with institutional investors in venture capital funds and investment advisors. The Venture Capital Cycle synthesizes their path-breaking work. After a historical overview, the book looks at the formation of funds, the investment of the......

Competitive Industrial Development in the Age of Information (Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy)

Richard J. Braudo, Jeffrey G. Macintosh

  Competitive Industrial Development in the Age of Information (Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy)  Richard J. Braudo, Jeffrey G. Macintosh  Drawing on detailed case studies of technology sector industries, this book provides theoretical and empirical analyses of changing economies and changing policy needs. With contributors from academic, legal, financial and policy advisory backgrounds, itadvances research into policy questions of increasing importance.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Drawing on detailed case studies of technology sector industries, this book provides theoretical and empirical analyses of changing economies and changing policy needs. With contributors from academic, legal, financial and policy advisory backgrounds, itadvances research into policy questions of increasing importance....

The Paradox of American Unionism: Why Americans Like Unions More Than Canadians Do, but Join Much Less

Seymour Martin Lipset, Rafael Gomez, Ivan Katchanovski, Thomas A. Kochan (Foreword), Noah M. Meltz

  The Paradox of American Unionism: Why Americans Like Unions More Than Canadians Do, but Join Much Less  Seymour Martin Lipset, Rafael Gomez, Ivan Katchanovski, Thomas A. Kochan (Foreword), Noah M. Meltz  Why have Americans, who by a clear majority approve of unions, stopped joining them in greater numbers than ever before? This book answers that question by comparing the American experience with that of Canada, where approval for unions is significantly lower than in the United States, but where since the mid-1960s, workers have joined organized labor to a much greater extent. Given that the two countries are outwardly so similar, what explains this paradox? This book provides a detailed comparative analysis of both countries using, among other things, a unique survey conducted in the United States and Canada by the Ipsos Reid polling group. The authors discover that the reluctance of employees in the United States to join unions, compared with thosein Canada, is rooted less in their attitudes toward unions, and more in the former country's deep-seated tradition of individualism and laissez-faire economic values. Why have Americans, who by a clear majority approve of unions, stopped joining them in greater numbers than ever before? This book answers that question by comparing the American experience with that of Canada, where approval for unions is significantly lower than in the United States, but where since the mid-1960s, workers have joined organized labor to a much greater extent. Given that the two countries are outwardly so similar, what explains this paradox? This book provides a detailed comparative analysis of both countries using, among other things, a unique survey conducted in the United States and Canada by the Ipsos Reid polling group. The authors discover that the reluctance of employees in the United States to join unions, compared with thosein Canada, is rooted less in their attitudes toward unions, and more in the former country's deep-seated tradition of individualism and laissez-faire economic values." Canada has a more statist, social democratic tradition, which is in......

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Риторика. 10 класс. Под редакцией Т. А. Ладыженской . Книги.

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