The Option Trader Handbook : Strategies and Trade Adjustments (Wiley Trading)

George Jabbour, Phillip Budwick

  The Option Trader Handbook : Strategies and Trade Adjustments (Wiley Trading)  George Jabbour, Phillip Budwick  Praise for The Option Trader Handbook Praise for The Option Trader Handbook "Jabbour and Budwick’s unique approach to strategies and trading moves options analysis out of the laboratory and onto the painter’s canvas. Understanding this refreshingly new viewpoint isessential for any options trader looking to expand both his horizons and his wallet." –William E. Seale, PhD Principal and Chief Investment Officer, ProFund Advisors LLC "The Option Trader Handbook is the best text available forthose who desire detailed advice about how to manage positions with standard and advanced options strategies. The book is well worth reading due to its step-by-step focus on practical strategies and trade adjustments. Given the breadth and depth of the options positions covered, it will certainly serve as an important reference text in any trader’s library." –Stephen D. Young Vice President, Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC...

La empresa viviente

Arie De Geus, Jorge Gorin, Arie de Geus

  La empresa viviente  Arie De Geus, Jorge Gorin, Arie de Geus  Original title: The Living Company, translation by Jorge Gorin, Cover design Estudio Manela,303pages, size 15*22*1.5cm  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Original title: The Living Company, translation by Jorge Gorin, Cover design Estudio Manela,303pages, size 15*22*1.5cm...

Business Statistics : A Self-Teaching Guide (Wiley Self-Teaching Guides)

Donald J. Koosis

  Business Statistics : A Self-Teaching Guide (Wiley Self-Teaching Guides)  Donald J. Koosis  This thoroughly revised edition of the popular guide to the basics of business statistics—as they apply to management, industry, and technology—is an invaluable tool for professionals and students alike. Statistics play a vital role in a widevariety of business decisions today, from planning and interpreting market research and economic data to developing work volume forecasts. With this hands-on, interactive book, you'll learn how to determine which statistical tests and procedures are appropriate for your particular circumstances, as well as how to actually perform them. Best of all, you work at your own pace. Business Statistics, Third Edition, includes: A new section focusing on management applications of business statistics, particularly as used in popular Total Quality Management programs New information on applying statistics to standard computer spreadsheets (Lotus, Excel, Corel QuattroPro, etc.) An interactive style that helps you learn quickly and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This thoroughly revised edition of the popular guide to the basics of business statistics—as they apply to management, industry, and technology—is an invaluable tool for professionals and students alike. Statistics play a vital role in a widevariety of business decisions today, from planning and interpreting market research and economic data to developing work volume forecasts. With this hands-on, interactive book, you'll learn how to determine which statistical tests and procedures are appropriate for your particular circumstances, as well as how to actually perform them. Best of all, you work at your own pace. Business Statistics, Third Edition, includes: A new section focusing on management applications of business statistics, particularly as used in popular Total Quality Management programs New information on applying statistics to standard computer spreadsheets (Lotus, Excel, Corel QuattroPro, etc.) An interactive style that helps you learn quickly and......

Effective Business & Nonfiction Writing

Jan Yager

  Effective Business & Nonfiction Writing  Jan Yager  Whether you want to write a business letter, report, e-mail, memo, or a best seller, this authoritative book is the place to start. Drawing on her extensive writing experience, as well as interviews with other writers, Jan Yager, who has published more than 12 books, has taught writing at Penn State, and has appeared on Oprah and other talk shows, demystifies the art of using words gracefully and effectively. In this second edition of the book first published with the title How to Write Like a Professional, under the author's maiden name of J.L. Barkas, here are just some of the topics covered: a self-evaluation to access your current writing skills, the 4 basic steps to effective business or nonfiction writing, how to craft a style that's right for you and your audience, how to get your writing published, time management tips for writing and writers, exercises to hone your writing skills, reprinting of the actual book proposal that sold to a major publisher; bibliography; resources...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Whether you want to write a business letter, report, e-mail, memo, or a best seller, this authoritative book is the place to start. Drawing on her extensive writing experience, as well as interviews with other writers, Jan Yager, who has published more than 12 books, has taught writing at Penn State, and has appeared on Oprah and other talk shows, demystifies the art of using words gracefully and effectively. In this second edition of the book first published with the title How to Write Like a Professional, under the author's maiden name of J.L. Barkas, here are just some of the topics covered: a self-evaluation to access your current writing skills, the 4 basic steps to effective business or nonfiction writing, how to craft a style that's right for you and your audience, how to get your writing published, time management tips for writing and writers, exercises to hone your writing skills, reprinting of the actual book proposal that sold to a major publisher; bibliography; resources......

Three-Dimensional Computer Vision (Artificial Intelligence)

Olivier Faugeras

  Three-Dimensional Computer Vision (Artificial Intelligence)  Olivier Faugeras  This monograph by one of the world's leading vision researchers provides a thorough, mathematically rigorous exposition of a broad and vital area in computer vision: the problems and techniques related to three-dimensional (stereo) vision and motion.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This monograph by one of the world's leading vision researchers provides a thorough, mathematically rigorous exposition of a broad and vital area in computer vision: the problems and techniques related to three-dimensional (stereo) vision and motion....

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The Option Trader Handbook : Strategies and Trade Adjustments (Wiley Trading). George Jabbour, Phillip Budwick . Книги.

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