Listen For Success: A Guide to Effective Listening

Arthur Robertson

  Listen For Success: A Guide to Effective Listening  Arthur Robertson  A helpful tool that shows how to master the art of listening. This guide will enable readers to: find out how to analyze listening habits; identify their own listening skills' strengths and weaknesses; benefit professionally and personally by improving listening skills.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A helpful tool that shows how to master the art of listening. This guide will enable readers to: find out how to analyze listening habits; identify their own listening skills' strengths and weaknesses; benefit professionally and personally by improving listening skills....

The Control of Oil

Alawi D. Kayal

  The Control of Oil  Alawi D. Kayal  The discovery of abundant oil supplies in the Persian Gulf sent many countries, including the U. S. and former U.S.S.R., scrambling for their stake. It is this international struggle for the control of the Arab oil fields which forms the basis of this book, beginning with the earliest successful oil concession in 1901. Following through the 1970s, the author examines the issues and events leading up to the formation of OPEC, and the changes which the industry followed.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The discovery of abundant oil supplies in the Persian Gulf sent many countries, including the U. S. and former U.S.S.R., scrambling for their stake. It is this international struggle for the control of the Arab oil fields which forms the basis of this book, beginning with the earliest successful oil concession in 1901. Following through the 1970s, the author examines the issues and events leading up to the formation of OPEC, and the changes which the industry followed....

Trade, Reputation, and Child Labor in Twentieth-Century Egypt

Ellis Goldberg

  Trade, Reputation, and Child Labor in Twentieth-Century Egypt  Ellis Goldberg  The conventional wisdom that political and economic actors in colonial countries are passive and reactive is undermined by Goldberg's close examination of the decisions and calculations of leading political and economic actors. Goldberg shows how critical decisions affecting Egypt's integration into the world economy were based on clear understandings of what policies were most likely to advance the interests of leading interest groups, with results that continue to bedevil Egypt's political economytoday. This is a tale of paradoxes and unintended consequences of rational action.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The conventional wisdom that political and economic actors in colonial countries are passive and reactive is undermined by Goldberg's close examination of the decisions and calculations of leading political and economic actors. Goldberg shows how critical decisions affecting Egypt's integration into the world economy were based on clear understandings of what policies were most likely to advance the interests of leading interest groups, with results that continue to bedevil Egypt's political economytoday. This is a tale of paradoxes and unintended consequences of rational action....

The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing: Cycles and Patterns in the Indexes

Raymond Merriman

  The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing: Cycles and Patterns in the Indexes  Raymond Merriman  This is a book about probabilities in the stock market. Specifically this book covers the entire history of the New York Stock Exchange (1789-1997) as well as the Japanese Nikkei Stock Index (1949-1997). It identifies 15 long and short-term recurrent cycles, and the types of patterns which unfold in each. It explains not only WHEN a market is likely to form an important crest or trough, but also HOW that cycle will unfold. It outlines the bullish and bearish phases of each cycle, tells which is operativeat any given point in time, and how to tie that cycle in with the larger cycles for various investing or trading strategies. The 25 carefully constructed tables alone make this an invaluable resource for traders and investors alike.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is a book about probabilities in the stock market. Specifically this book covers the entire history of the New York Stock Exchange (1789-1997) as well as the Japanese Nikkei Stock Index (1949-1997). It identifies 15 long and short-term recurrent cycles, and the types of patterns which unfold in each. It explains not only WHEN a market is likely to form an important crest or trough, but also HOW that cycle will unfold. It outlines the bullish and bearish phases of each cycle, tells which is operativeat any given point in time, and how to tie that cycle in with the larger cycles for various investing or trading strategies. The 25 carefully constructed tables alone make this an invaluable resource for traders and investors alike....

Health, Safety, and Environmental Data Analysis: A Business Approach

Anthony J. Joseph

  Health, Safety, and Environmental Data Analysis: A Business Approach  Anthony J. Joseph  Professionals in environmental health and safety (EHS) management use statistics every day in making decisions. This book was created to provide the quantitative tools and techniques necessary to make important EHS assessments. Readers need not be statistically or mathematically inclined to make the most of this book-mathematical derivations are kept to a minimum and subjects are approached in a simple and factual manner, complemented with plenty of real-world examples. Chapters 1-3 cover knowledge of basic statistical concepts such as presentation of data, measurements of location and dispersion, and elementary probability and distributions. Data gathering and analysis topics including sampling methods, sampling theory, testing, and interference as wellas skills for critically evaluating published numerical material is presented in Chapters 4-6. Chapters 7-11 discuss information generation topics-regression and correlation analysis, time series, linear programming, network and Gnatt...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Professionals in environmental health and safety (EHS) management use statistics every day in making decisions. This book was created to provide the quantitative tools and techniques necessary to make important EHS assessments. Readers need not be statistically or mathematically inclined to make the most of this book-mathematical derivations are kept to a minimum and subjects are approached in a simple and factual manner, complemented with plenty of real-world examples. Chapters 1-3 cover knowledge of basic statistical concepts such as presentation of data, measurements of location and dispersion, and elementary probability and distributions. Data gathering and analysis topics including sampling methods, sampling theory, testing, and interference as wellas skills for critically evaluating published numerical material is presented in Chapters 4-6. Chapters 7-11 discuss information generation topics-regression and correlation analysis, time series, linear programming, network and Gnatt......

<<<  Н. С. Лесков. Полное собрание сочинений в 30 томах. ...             Искалеченная. Хади >>>

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Listen For Success: A Guide to Effective Listening. Arthur Robertson . Книги.

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