High Court Case Summaries on Federal Income Taxation (High Court Case Summaries)

Dana L. Blatt

  High Court Case Summaries on Federal Income Taxation (High Court Case Summaries)  Dana L. Blatt  Provides extensive analysis of cases in the Klein casebook. Included in the case analyses are the case procedural basis, fact, issues, decision and rationale, and analysis. Additional quick memory aids include headnotes, instant facts, black letter rules, case vocabulary, and graphics. Each chapter begins with an introduction of its concepts presented in simple terms, and an alphabetical table of cases is provided.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Provides extensive analysis of cases in the Klein casebook. Included in the case analyses are the case procedural basis, fact, issues, decision and rationale, and analysis. Additional quick memory aids include headnotes, instant facts, black letter rules, case vocabulary, and graphics. Each chapter begins with an introduction of its concepts presented in simple terms, and an alphabetical table of cases is provided....

British Empiricism and Early Political Economy: Gregory King's 1696 Estimates of National Wealth and Population (Contributions to the Study of World History)

John A. Taylor

  British Empiricism and Early Political Economy: Gregory King's 1696 Estimates of National Wealth and Population (Contributions to the Study of World History)  John A. Taylor  Gregory King (1648-1712) was an engraver, herald, surveyor, and Secretary to the Commissioners for the Public Accounts, but he is best known for his 1696 estimates of the wealth and population of England. Writing in 1696, but calculating for the year 1688, he put the population at approximately 5.5 million. Historians have recently doubted the accuracy of these estimates. In this book, John A. Taylor argues that King was an honest compiler of data whose eccentric calculations of the 1696 data available to him were motivated by the problems he faced. Because he used only empiricism and shop arithmetic, the 1696 estimates were probably as accurate as anyone in the 17th century could have made them. This first book-length study of King's work positions his successes and shortcomings as a statistician within the context of the whole ongoing failure of statisticians to construct a method of exact prediction about human society. In addition to this valuable commentary, Taylor also includes...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Gregory King (1648-1712) was an engraver, herald, surveyor, and Secretary to the Commissioners for the Public Accounts, but he is best known for his 1696 estimates of the wealth and population of England. Writing in 1696, but calculating for the year 1688, he put the population at approximately 5.5 million. Historians have recently doubted the accuracy of these estimates. In this book, John A. Taylor argues that King was an honest compiler of data whose eccentric calculations of the 1696 data available to him were motivated by the problems he faced. Because he used only empiricism and shop arithmetic, the 1696 estimates were probably as accurate as anyone in the 17th century could have made them. This first book-length study of King's work positions his successes and shortcomings as a statistician within the context of the whole ongoing failure of statisticians to construct a method of exact prediction about human society. In addition to this valuable commentary, Taylor also includes......

The People's Business: Controlling Corporations and Restoring Democracy

Charlie Cray, Lee Drutman

  The People's Business: Controlling Corporations and Restoring Democracy  Charlie Cray, Lee Drutman  More than ever before, large corporations wield an unjustifiably excessive influence over every aspect of life - economic, political, social, cultural, and environmental - feeding a rabid consumer culture that harms the environment, undermines a shared sense of national prosperity, and threatens ideals of a citizen-powered democracy. A lively and engaging mandate to fight back against corporate dominance, The People's Business examines the very nature of corporate power, presenting a range of strategies to curtail it, and explaining how ordinary people can restore citizen control. Bringing together a coalition of leading authors, activists, scholars, and professionals, this book serves as a vital, clearheaded plan for strengthening individual rights, transforming corporations into engines of public prosperity, and creating a sustainable, life-respecting society where the people have the power. The book features an introduction by Ralph Nader.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин More than ever before, large corporations wield an unjustifiably excessive influence over every aspect of life - economic, political, social, cultural, and environmental - feeding a rabid consumer culture that harms the environment, undermines a shared sense of national prosperity, and threatens ideals of a citizen-powered democracy. A lively and engaging mandate to fight back against corporate dominance, The People's Business examines the very nature of corporate power, presenting a range of strategies to curtail it, and explaining how ordinary people can restore citizen control. Bringing together a coalition of leading authors, activists, scholars, and professionals, this book serves as a vital, clearheaded plan for strengthening individual rights, transforming corporations into engines of public prosperity, and creating a sustainable, life-respecting society where the people have the power. The book features an introduction by Ralph Nader....

Secretary I (Career Examination Series)

  Secretary I (Career Examination Series)  Jack Rudman  Jack Rudman  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Jack Rudman...

Концепция лжи

Алексей Бессонов

  Концепция лжи  Алексей Бессонов  Эксмо.   Русский фантастический боевик.   В Поясе астероидов разбивается Эксмо. Русский фантастический боевик. В Поясе астероидов разбивается "Галилео", последний исследовательский корабль, снаряженный Землей. Отныне все космические программы человечества свернуты. Энергетический кризис ставит землян перед выбором: заключить кабальный договор с Триумвиратом Старших рас, лишив следующие поколения надежды на нормальную жизнь, или уже сейчас погрузиться в "пещерное" существование и бросить остатки сил и средств в Космос в надежде на его богатства. Может быть, существует и третий путь, но пока о нем знает, а точнее, догадывается лишь один человек - капитан Макрицкий, чудом выживший после катастрофы пилот "Галилео". Но сначала ему нужно вспомнить то, что произошло с ним там, на безымянной планетке, в двух шагах от смерти......

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High Court Case Summaries on Federal Income Taxation (High Court Case Summaries). Dana L. Blatt . Книги.

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