Ibook Fan Book: Smart and Beautiful to Boot (Ibook Fan Books)

Derrick Story

  Ibook Fan Book: Smart and Beautiful to Boot (Ibook Fan Books)  Derrick Story  Energy-efficient, lighter weight than most textbooks, and exceptionally powerful, the iBook is Apple's ultra-thin G4 notebook that's achieved massive popularity. If you own one of these stylish little white wonders, you can count on the iBook Fan Book to give you everything you need to make it work--and play--just as hard as you do. With a faster PowerPC G4 processor running at speeds up to 1.2GHz, optional DVD-burning SuperDrive, expanded memory capacity, advanced wireless networking capabilitie, and the impressive stability provided by Mac OS X Panther, the iBook is the perfectly portable and highly affordable notebook for everyday business and pleasure computing. And every iBook ships with the entire suite of iLife '04 applications--iTunes iMovie, iPhoto, GarageBand, and iDVD. Apple's award-winning software suite, iLife '04 lets you create your own music CDs, manage your digital photos, edit pro-quality movies, write your own music, and author DVD projects. The ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Energy-efficient, lighter weight than most textbooks, and exceptionally powerful, the iBook is Apple's ultra-thin G4 notebook that's achieved massive popularity. If you own one of these stylish little white wonders, you can count on the iBook Fan Book to give you everything you need to make it work--and play--just as hard as you do. With a faster PowerPC G4 processor running at speeds up to 1.2GHz, optional DVD-burning SuperDrive, expanded memory capacity, advanced wireless networking capabilitie, and the impressive stability provided by Mac OS X Panther, the iBook is the perfectly portable and highly affordable notebook for everyday business and pleasure computing. And every iBook ships with the entire suite of iLife '04 applications--iTunes iMovie, iPhoto, GarageBand, and iDVD. Apple's award-winning software suite, iLife '04 lets you create your own music CDs, manage your digital photos, edit pro-quality movies, write your own music, and author DVD projects. The ......

Reinventing Lean: Introducing Lean Management into the Supply Chain

Gerhard Plenert

  Reinventing Lean: Introducing Lean Management into the Supply Chain  Gerhard Plenert  Most books on Supply Chain Management simply focus on how to move materials and key resources throughout an industrial enterprise. Reinventing Lean shows how SCM can be made Lean, leading to much more reliable, cost-effective and competitive Supply Chain Management (SCM).. In this book, the reader will find a collection of management tools that will help to implement Lean principles, and to understand the components of an integrated Supply Chain Management system. Moreover, the book will show that to make Lean SCM effective, both the functional management tools as well as an enterprise-wide cultural readiness are needed in order to lay the groundwork for a World Class Lean Supply Chain. Reinventing Lean will carefully lead engineers and manufacturing managers on how to adopt a cutting-edge Lean Supply Chain strategy. The book will lay out various proven approaches to incorporating Lean and SCM practices, by focusing on the ways in which SCM relates to materials, money, and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Most books on Supply Chain Management simply focus on how to move materials and key resources throughout an industrial enterprise. Reinventing Lean shows how SCM can be made Lean, leading to much more reliable, cost-effective and competitive Supply Chain Management (SCM).. In this book, the reader will find a collection of management tools that will help to implement Lean principles, and to understand the components of an integrated Supply Chain Management system. Moreover, the book will show that to make Lean SCM effective, both the functional management tools as well as an enterprise-wide cultural readiness are needed in order to lay the groundwork for a World Class Lean Supply Chain. Reinventing Lean will carefully lead engineers and manufacturing managers on how to adopt a cutting-edge Lean Supply Chain strategy. The book will lay out various proven approaches to incorporating Lean and SCM practices, by focusing on the ways in which SCM relates to materials, money, and......

Manager's Guide to Compliance: Sarbanes-Oxley, COSO, ERM, COBIT, IFRS, BASEL II, OMB A-123, ASX 10, OECD Principles, Turnbull Guidance, Best Practices, and Case Studies

Anthony Tarantino

  Manager's Guide to Compliance: Sarbanes-Oxley, COSO, ERM, COBIT, IFRS, BASEL II, OMB A-123, ASX 10, OECD Principles, Turnbull Guidance, Best Practices, and Case Studies  Anthony Tarantino  Wiley.   A Wall Street Journal/Harris poll revealed that two thirds of investors express doubts in the ability of corporate boards of directors to provide effective oversight. In the shadow of recent global scandals involving businesses such as Parmalat and WorldCom, Manager's Guide to Compliance: Best Practices and Case Studies is essential reading for you, whether your organization is a major corporation or a small business. This timely handbook places U.S. and global regulatory information, as well as critical compliance guidance, in an easy-to-access format and helps you make sense of all the complex issues connected with fraud and compliance.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wiley. A Wall Street Journal/Harris poll revealed that two thirds of investors express doubts in the ability of corporate boards of directors to provide effective oversight. In the shadow of recent global scandals involving businesses such as Parmalat and WorldCom, Manager's Guide to Compliance: Best Practices and Case Studies is essential reading for you, whether your organization is a major corporation or a small business. This timely handbook places U.S. and global regulatory information, as well as critical compliance guidance, in an easy-to-access format and helps you make sense of all the complex issues connected with fraud and compliance....

Start Your Own Automobile Detailing Business (Start Your Own . . .)

  Start Your Own Automobile Detailing Business (Start Your Own . . .)  Eileen Figure Sandlin  Eileen Figure Sandlin  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Eileen Figure Sandlin...

The Economics of Elementary Education in India: The Challenge of Public Finance, Private Provision and Household Costs

  The Economics of Elementary Education in India: The Challenge of Public Finance, Private Provision and Household Costs  Among all the large emerging market economies, India has one of the lowest educational indicators for a majority of its population living in its most backward states. These states account for most of the country’s children out of school and most of its illiterate population. Not surprisingly, they are the states with the highest incidence of poverty in India. This volume examines key aspects of the elementary education system in the poorer and educationally backward states of India. Providing the first state by state analysis of major cost and financing issues, the book is based on data gathered from one of the most comprehensive surveys conducted in recent times, which was specifically commissioned for this book. The survey covered 120,000 households and a thousand schools spread over 91 districts in eight states. Written by leading education economists, the original essays in this volume: Analyze the major cost and financing issues in elementary...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Among all the large emerging market economies, India has one of the lowest educational indicators for a majority of its population living in its most backward states. These states account for most of the country’s children out of school and most of its illiterate population. Not surprisingly, they are the states with the highest incidence of poverty in India. This volume examines key aspects of the elementary education system in the poorer and educationally backward states of India. Providing the first state by state analysis of major cost and financing issues, the book is based on data gathered from one of the most comprehensive surveys conducted in recent times, which was specifically commissioned for this book. The survey covered 120,000 households and a thousand schools spread over 91 districts in eight states. Written by leading education economists, the original essays in this volume: Analyze the major cost and financing issues in elementary......

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Ibook Fan Book: Smart and Beautiful to Boot (Ibook Fan Books). Derrick Story . Книги.

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