Manufacturing Discontent: The Trap of Individualism in Corporate Society

Michael Perelman

  Manufacturing Discontent: The Trap of Individualism in Corporate Society  Michael Perelman  Corporate power has a huge impact on the rights and privileges of individuals -- as workers, consumers, and citizens. This book explores how the myth of individualism reinforces corporate power by making people perceive themselves as having choices, when in fact most peoples' options are very limited. Perelman describes the manufacture of unhappiness - the continual generation of dissatisfaction with products people are encouraged to purchase and quickly discard - and the complex techniques corporations employ to avoid responsibility and accountability to their workers, consumers and the environment. He outlines ways in which individuals can surpass individualism and instead work together to check the growing power of corporations. While other books have surveyed the corporate landscape, or decried modern consumerism, Perelman, a professor of economics, places these ideas within a proper economic and historical context. He explores the limits of corporate accountability and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Corporate power has a huge impact on the rights and privileges of individuals -- as workers, consumers, and citizens. This book explores how the myth of individualism reinforces corporate power by making people perceive themselves as having choices, when in fact most peoples' options are very limited. Perelman describes the manufacture of unhappiness - the continual generation of dissatisfaction with products people are encouraged to purchase and quickly discard - and the complex techniques corporations employ to avoid responsibility and accountability to their workers, consumers and the environment. He outlines ways in which individuals can surpass individualism and instead work together to check the growing power of corporations. While other books have surveyed the corporate landscape, or decried modern consumerism, Perelman, a professor of economics, places these ideas within a proper economic and historical context. He explores the limits of corporate accountability and......

Thomas Demand

Roxana Marcoci, Thomas Demand, Jeffrey Eugenides

  Thomas Demand  Roxana Marcoci, Thomas Demand, Jeffrey Eugenides  German artist Thomas Demand occupies a singular position in the world of photography. Initially he took up photography to record his ephemeral paper constructions, but in 1993 he turned the tables by making constructions in order to photograph them. Demand begins by translating a preexisting image, usually culled from the media, into a life-size model he makes out of colored paper and cardboard. He recreates a room, a parking lot, a staircase, a landscape--then he photographs the model and destroys it. Demand's photographs appear at once compellingly real and strangely artificial. Since their subjects--handcrafted facsimiles of both architectural spaces and natural environments--are themselves built in the image of other images, the photographs are three times removed from the scenes they seek to depict. Combining craftsmanship and conceptualism in equal parts, Demand pushes the medium of photography toward uncharted frontiers. Given the cinematic quality of many of his photographs,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин German artist Thomas Demand occupies a singular position in the world of photography. Initially he took up photography to record his ephemeral paper constructions, but in 1993 he turned the tables by making constructions in order to photograph them. Demand begins by translating a preexisting image, usually culled from the media, into a life-size model he makes out of colored paper and cardboard. He recreates a room, a parking lot, a staircase, a landscape--then he photographs the model and destroys it. Demand's photographs appear at once compellingly real and strangely artificial. Since their subjects--handcrafted facsimiles of both architectural spaces and natural environments--are themselves built in the image of other images, the photographs are three times removed from the scenes they seek to depict. Combining craftsmanship and conceptualism in equal parts, Demand pushes the medium of photography toward uncharted frontiers. Given the cinematic quality of many of his photographs,......

Art Fundamentals and CC CD-ROM v3.0 (MP)

Otto Ocvirk, Robert E. Stinson, Philip R Wigg, Robert O Bone, David L Cayton

  Art Fundamentals and CC CD-ROM v3.0 (MP)  Otto Ocvirk, Robert E. Stinson, Philip R Wigg, Robert O Bone, David L Cayton  The original text that set the standard for introduction to art courses across the country, Art Fundamentals has guided generations of students through the essential elements of art as well as the rich and varied history of their uses. The tenth edition expands the wealth of related study materials available to students and faculty by offering a student CD-ROM, Core Concepts in Art , packaged free with every new copy of the text, as well as a comprehensive text-specific Online Learning Center; together these materials reinforce the principles and elements of design with practical exercises, self-guided tutorials, interactive examples, and suggested student projects.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The original text that set the standard for introduction to art courses across the country, Art Fundamentals has guided generations of students through the essential elements of art as well as the rich and varied history of their uses. The tenth edition expands the wealth of related study materials available to students and faculty by offering a student CD-ROM, Core Concepts in Art , packaged free with every new copy of the text, as well as a comprehensive text-specific Online Learning Center; together these materials reinforce the principles and elements of design with practical exercises, self-guided tutorials, interactive examples, and suggested student projects....

Planetary Vol. 3: Leaving the 20th Century

  Planetary Vol. 3: Leaving the 20th Century  Warren Ellis  Warren Ellis  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Warren Ellis...

Когда я стану королевой

Вибеке Арильдсен

  Когда я стану королевой  Вибеке Арильдсен  МИК.   Роман Вибеки Арильдсен МИК. Роман Вибеки Арильдсен "Когда я стану королевой" обращен в первую очередь к молодежи. Книга повествует всего лишь об одном годе из жизни датской королевы Софии - от сватовства короля Фредерика и до ее собственного коронования. В книге живо, с юмором и одновременно трогательно рассказывается о том, как с точки зрения современного человека, могла себя чувствовать девочка-подросток перед лицом серьезных взрослых обстоятельств. Брак Фредерика и Софии считается самым счастливым династическим браком в датской истории. Король явно любил в свою королеву. София платила ему ответным чувством. И это, несмотря на большую разницу в возрасте: 38 и 14 лет. Кроме того, автор с удовольствием описывает культуру быта, нравы той эпохи. Подробно переданы детали одежды, предметы обихода. Колоритно переданы разгульные застолья с обилием изысканных блюд. Чувствуется, что писательница подробно изучала все описываемые ею детали, а также документы, письма, в том числе самой Софии Мекленбургской....

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Manufacturing Discontent: The Trap of Individualism in Corporate Society. Michael Perelman . Книги.

Тобольск, Первоуральск, Березники, Магнитогорск, Стерлитамак, Рязань, Батайск, Новочебоксарск, Новокуйбышевск, Рязань, Орехово-Зуево, Барнаул, Новосибирск, Балашиха, Новокуйбышевск, Воронеж, Магнитогорск, Ноябрьск, Владивосток, Владикавказ, Братск, Кострома, Магнитогорск, Стерлитамак, Октябрьский, Саратов, Нижнекамск, СергиевПосад, Новокузнецк, Миасс,
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