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Way Of The Elders: West African Spirituality & Tradition Adama Doumbia, Naomi Doumbia
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Contemporary West African culture harbors rich and meaningful spiritual traditions. Yet, there are few written records of West Africa's major beliefs, rituals, and ceremonies. \i The Way of the Elders\i0 co-authored by a West African native raised in the Mande tradition offers rare and authentic insight into the spirituality of West Africa, and particularly the Mande culture. \par \par This spiritual guidebook explains fundamental beliefs, such as reverence for the One Spirit, that permeate tribal life. Offerings, charms, herbal healing, shamans and their functions, the importance of wildlife, and the four elements of nature are discussed in detail. The second half of the book is devoted to sacred living and focuses on village life, sacred music and dance, pregnancy, birth, childhood initiation, marriage, death, and funerals. \par }...
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Unified Software Engineering with Java Georges G. Merx, Ronald J. Norman
Today’s programmers need more than just Java software programming skills – they need to understand object-oriented design, software quality assurance, and software project management. In this unique text, the fundamentals of Java programming are presented in the context of object-oriented software engineering and a Unified-Process-based software development methodology. A Introduces Java syntax and structure from a complete, object-oriented life-cycle view of the software design and development process.A Covers all aspects of software engineering, including project design, development, and management - from initial concepts to deployment - with a strong emphasis on illustrative examples and real-life applications. A For software development professionals who are looking for a methodical......
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Intermediate Accounting 3e Updated Edition with Coach CD, NetTutor, PowerWeb, and Alternate Exercises & Problems Manual J. David Spiceland, James Sepe, Lawrence A. Tomassini
Intermediate Accounting, 3e, by Spiceland/Sepe/Tomassini will gain support in traditional and technology-driven accounting departments, especially those looking for a more concise, decision-making text that reinforces challenging concepts via CD-RO The revision of this text is based around a "Learning System." The revision of this "Learning System" was built on improving the clarity of the chapters, emphasizing more decision-making in order to prepare students for the changes taking place on the CPxam, acknowledging the diversity of students and their learning styles by creating supplemental materials to assure the success of every student, and creating a consistent text and supplemental package for both students and instructor's giving us the bestssible intermediate text on the market. Returning to the Third edition is the award winning "Coach" CD-ROM. The Coach CD-ROM is a multimedia product integrating audio and video clips, animated illustrations, cases, and alternative......
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Make It Happen: The Hip-Hop Generation Guide to Success Kevin Liles, Samantha Marshall
Kevin Liles rose from intern to president of Def Jam Records in only nine years. Today, at age thirty-seven, he is executive vice president of the Warner Music Group and has helped discover and direct the careers of stars such as Jay-Z and Ludacris. "Every real success story in hip hop comes down to the same thing: someone who finds the will, focus and drive to achieve," Liles writes in Make It Happen: The Hip-Hop Generation Guide to Success "It doesn't matter if you are male or female. It doesn't matter what race or religion you are. It doesn't matter what hustle you choose." What does matter, Liles says, is that you fight against the odds to realize a dream and be the......
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Cluster-Based Industrial Development: An East Asian Model Tetsushi Sonobe, Keijiro Otsuka
Despite its utmost importance, the issue of industrial development has been largely neglected in the literature for the last few decades. The authors have conducted comparative case studies between Chinese and Japanese industries....
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Way Of The Elders: West African Spirituality & Tradition. Adama Doumbia, Naomi Doumbia . Книги.
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