Bolivia (Oxfam Country Profiles)

Marcela Lopez Levy

  Bolivia (Oxfam Country Profiles)  Marcela Lopez Levy  More rural people live below the poverty line in Bolivia than in any other country in the world. While the country's rich natural resources are controlled and exploited by a privileged minority, the indigenous majority struggle to subsist on the poorest soils, or migrate to swell the teeming shanty towns that surround the cities. Disempowered and marginalised for centuries, the indigenous elements of this culturally diverse nation are now uniting to claim the right to be heard and to be included in the political process. This Profile examines the phenomenon of the campaign for 'popular participation', which aspires to create a more equal society, one in which the poorest will be protected from the rigours of economic 'stabilisation' measures, and the economic potential of the nation can be realised for the benefit of all.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин More rural people live below the poverty line in Bolivia than in any other country in the world. While the country's rich natural resources are controlled and exploited by a privileged minority, the indigenous majority struggle to subsist on the poorest soils, or migrate to swell the teeming shanty towns that surround the cities. Disempowered and marginalised for centuries, the indigenous elements of this culturally diverse nation are now uniting to claim the right to be heard and to be included in the political process. This Profile examines the phenomenon of the campaign for 'popular participation', which aspires to create a more equal society, one in which the poorest will be protected from the rigours of economic 'stabilisation' measures, and the economic potential of the nation can be realised for the benefit of all....

Negotiating Citizenship: Migrant Women in Canada and the Global System

Daiva K. Stasiulis, Abigail B. Bakan

  Negotiating Citizenship: Migrant Women in Canada and the Global System  Daiva K. Stasiulis, Abigail B. Bakan  Negotiating Citizenship explores the growing inequalities associated with nation-based citizenship from the perspective of migrant women workers who have made their way from impoverished Third World countries to work in Canada in the caregiving industries of domestic service and nursing. The study demonstrates the impact of the global political economy, public and private gatekeeping mechanisms, and racialized and gendered stereotypes on the contested relationship between citizen-employers and non-citizen female migrant workers in Canada.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Negotiating Citizenship explores the growing inequalities associated with nation-based citizenship from the perspective of migrant women workers who have made their way from impoverished Third World countries to work in Canada in the caregiving industries of domestic service and nursing. The study demonstrates the impact of the global political economy, public and private gatekeeping mechanisms, and racialized and gendered stereotypes on the contested relationship between citizen-employers and non-citizen female migrant workers in Canada....

Corporate Sin : Leaderless Leadership and Dissonant Workers

James R. Fisher Jr.

  Corporate Sin : Leaderless Leadership and Dissonant Workers  James R. Fisher Jr.  Corporate Sin deals with the mortal sin of anachronistic leadership and atavistic followership. Leaders don't lead. Followers don't follow. Because they don't know how in the present work climate. Consequently, it is a standoff with precious time, money, energy, and resources wasted at the expense of productive work. Leadership seems to be limited by a penchant for critical thinking, which is the prison of what is already known. Followers are frustrated with leadership at a time when leadership is required of them. Given this situation, leadership resorts to emergency measures or panic tactics, and calls them Corporate Sin deals with the mortal sin of anachronistic leadership and atavistic followership. Leaders don't lead. Followers don't follow. Because they don't know how in the present work climate. Consequently, it is a standoff with precious time, money, energy, and resources wasted at the expense of productive work. Leadership seems to be limited by a penchant for critical thinking, which is the prison of what is already known. Followers are frustrated with leadership at a time when leadership is required of them. Given this situation, leadership resorts to emergency measures or panic tactics, and calls them "strategies." Meanwhile, followers act as if the corporation owes them a living, behaving as if spoiled brats, waiting to be rescued. It isa case of the leadership unable to relinquish the role of surrogate parent to workers as dependent children. Fifty years of this counterdependency is a luxury no organization can any longer afford. Rather than deal with this......

Marketing Stripped Bare: An Insider's Guide to the Secret Rules

Patrick Forsyth

  Marketing Stripped Bare: An Insider's Guide to the Secret Rules  Patrick Forsyth  Marketing is a big subject. It's complex and often misunderstood. If we accept that every organization has customers or clients -- a public to serve -- then there has to be marketing. Without marketing your public won't be aware of your service or products and you won't have a market. Without a market you won't have a business. For those of us who aren't privy to the intriguing and baffling world of marketing, Patrick Forsyth exposes its inner workings in this enlightening and entertaining guide. Marketing is a big subject. It's complex and often misunderstood. If we accept that every organization has customers or clients -- a public to serve -- then there has to be marketing. Without marketing your public won't be aware of your service or products and you won't have a market. Without a market you won't have a business. For those of us who aren't privy to the intriguing and baffling world of marketing, Patrick Forsyth exposes its inner workings in this enlightening and entertaining guide. "Marketing Stripped Bare" is unlike other books that promise to explain the marketing process. You won't find dry theoretical models here. Nor will you be bamboozled with trendy business-speak. And it will put any misconceptions firmly to rights. You'll realize that marketing isn't the sole preserve of the creative, lateral-thinking mavericks, nor of the number crunching IT brigade. By stripping marketing down to its bare essentials you learn: * How marketing works; *......

Texas Real Estate: Principles and Practices

Samuel Derobertis

  Texas Real Estate: Principles and Practices  Samuel Derobertis  Readable, accurate and complete, this basic introductory text introduces the beginner to the principles and practices of real estate. The concise format makes the text content easy for Instructors to cover in allotted course time. The text also covers all necessary requirements from the Texas Real Estate License Act. Examples are used to make the material most understandable and practice exams assist test preparation.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Readable, accurate and complete, this basic introductory text introduces the beginner to the principles and practices of real estate. The concise format makes the text content easy for Instructors to cover in allotted course time. The text also covers all necessary requirements from the Texas Real Estate License Act. Examples are used to make the material most understandable and practice exams assist test preparation....

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Bolivia (Oxfam Country Profiles). Marcela Lopez Levy . Книги.

Благовещенск, Тобольск, Нижний Тагил, Грозный, Нефтекамск, Рубцовск, Одинцово, Междуреченск, Арзамас, Волгоград, Тобольск, Черкесск, Барнаул, Назрань, Прокопьевск, Пермь, Королёв, Армавир, Хабаровск, Мытищи,
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