Мужской стриптиз

Ирина Лобановская

  Мужской стриптиз  Ирина Лобановская  Центрполиграф.   Женские истории.   Мужской стриптиз, После третьего звонка.   У Андрея необычная профессия - он стриптизер в элитном ночном клубе. Он красив, богат, обласкан женским вниманием. Но счастлив ли он? Этот роскошный мужчина скрывает израненную душу за напускной циничностью. Встреча с Лизой, так не похожей на девушек, что приходят полюбоваться его танцем, может все изменить. Однако Андрей и Лиза такие разные - смогут ли они сберечь зарождающееся чувство?..  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Центрполиграф. Женские истории. Мужской стриптиз, После третьего звонка. У Андрея необычная профессия - он стриптизер в элитном ночном клубе. Он красив, богат, обласкан женским вниманием. Но счастлив ли он? Этот роскошный мужчина скрывает израненную душу за напускной циничностью. Встреча с Лизой, так не похожей на девушек, что приходят полюбоваться его танцем, может все изменить. Однако Андрей и Лиза такие разные - смогут ли они сберечь зарождающееся чувство?.....

Шолом Алейхем. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 1

Шолом Алейхем

  Шолом Алейхем. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 1  Шолом Алейхем  Художественная литература. Москва.   Шолом Алейхем. Собрание сочинений.   Шолом Алейхем. Собрание сочинений. Том 1.   Издание 1988 года. Сохранность отличная. Переводы с еврейского М. Лещинской, Я. Слонима, Л. Юдкевича и др. Вступительная статья и примечания М. Беленького. В первый том Собрания сочинений выдающегося еврейского писателя Шолом-Алейхема (1859-1916) вошли его романы: Художественная литература. Москва. Шолом Алейхем. Собрание сочинений. Шолом Алейхем. Собрание сочинений. Том 1. Издание 1988 года. Сохранность отличная. Переводы с еврейского М. Лещинской, Я. Слонима, Л. Юдкевича и др. Вступительная статья и примечания М. Беленького. В первый том Собрания сочинений выдающегося еврейского писателя Шолом-Алейхема (1859-1916) вошли его романы: "Сендер Бланк", "Стемпеню", "Иоселе-соловей", а также новеллы....

Work It, Girl! : Productive and Fun Tips for the Hip Working Chick

Wendy Burt, Erin Kindberg

  Work It, Girl! : Productive and Fun Tips for the Hip Working Chick  Wendy Burt, Erin Kindberg  A witty guide for women in the workplace From waitresses to Wall Street brokers, as more and more women join the workforce, there is one truth about work they didn't expect and can't escape--it's often boring or overwhelming or sometimes both at once! As a result, career gals today are in desperate need of advice on how to make their jobs more fun, efficient, and satisfying. The helpful, humorous hints packed into Work It, Girl! show them how to do just that. Divided intominichapters--each covering a single tip--this quick, clever read follows the course of a career chick's workday, from safe on-the-road makeup application to postwork massage and manicure. Inventive and irreverent workday survival strategies cover a range of issues, including navigating office stereotypes, lobbying for better vending machine treats, and working off mid-afternoon blahs with the ultimate desk butt crunch. An essential cubicle companion for every working woman who needs...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A witty guide for women in the workplace From waitresses to Wall Street brokers, as more and more women join the workforce, there is one truth about work they didn't expect and can't escape--it's often boring or overwhelming or sometimes both at once! As a result, career gals today are in desperate need of advice on how to make their jobs more fun, efficient, and satisfying. The helpful, humorous hints packed into Work It, Girl! show them how to do just that. Divided intominichapters--each covering a single tip--this quick, clever read follows the course of a career chick's workday, from safe on-the-road makeup application to postwork massage and manicure. Inventive and irreverent workday survival strategies cover a range of issues, including navigating office stereotypes, lobbying for better vending machine treats, and working off mid-afternoon blahs with the ultimate desk butt crunch. An essential cubicle companion for every working woman who needs......

Structural Adjustment

Daniel Schydlowsky

  Structural Adjustment  Daniel Schydlowsky  Structural adjustment has become the Structural adjustment has become the "orthodox" economic policy in developing countries. International financial institutions and the governments of the less developed countries play the major roles in determining the success of this restructuring. International institutions, through structural adjustment loans (SALs), provide both impetus and guidance to developing countries. The governments must provide a process of stabilization to precede structural adjustment, if it is to succeed. Economists and scholars in developmental, regional, and financial economics will find this work a fine addition to their research and collections....

Fish, Markets, and Fishermen: The Economics of Overfishing

Suzanne Iudicello, Michael Weber, Robert Wieland, Center for Marine Conservation

  Fish, Markets, and Fishermen: The Economics of Overfishing  Suzanne Iudicello, Michael Weber, Robert Wieland, Center for Marine Conservation  A significant number of the world's ocean fisheries are depleted, and some have collapsed, from overfishing. Although many of the same fishermen who are causing these declines stand to suffer the most from them, they continue to overfish. Why is this happening? What can be done to solve the problem. The authors of Fish, Markets, and Fishermen argue that the reasons are primarily economic, and that overfishing is an inevitable consequence of the current sets of incentives facing ocean fishermen. Thisvolume illuminates these incentives as they operate both in the aggregate and at the level of day-to-day decision-making by vessel skippers. The authors provide a primer on fish population biology and the economics of fisheries under various access regimes, and use that information in analyzing policies for managing fisheries. The book: provides a concise statistical overview of the world's fisheries documents the decline of fisheries worldwide gives the reader a clear...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A significant number of the world's ocean fisheries are depleted, and some have collapsed, from overfishing. Although many of the same fishermen who are causing these declines stand to suffer the most from them, they continue to overfish. Why is this happening? What can be done to solve the problem. The authors of Fish, Markets, and Fishermen argue that the reasons are primarily economic, and that overfishing is an inevitable consequence of the current sets of incentives facing ocean fishermen. Thisvolume illuminates these incentives as they operate both in the aggregate and at the level of day-to-day decision-making by vessel skippers. The authors provide a primer on fish population biology and the economics of fisheries under various access regimes, and use that information in analyzing policies for managing fisheries. The book: provides a concise statistical overview of the world's fisheries documents the decline of fisheries worldwide gives the reader a clear......

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Мужской стриптиз. Ирина Лобановская . Книги.

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