72 Secrets for Successful Business Golf

Suzanne Woo

  72 Secrets for Successful Business Golf  Suzanne Woo  SuccessWorks Publishing.   Whether an experienced or novice business golfer, you'll learn secrets to build and deepen your professional relationship and increase revenues. Use this book to achieve greater success when playing golf and conducting off-course business. These secrets have transformed both beginners and experienced players into confident and sophisticated business golfers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин SuccessWorks Publishing. Whether an experienced or novice business golfer, you'll learn secrets to build and deepen your professional relationship and increase revenues. Use this book to achieve greater success when playing golf and conducting off-course business. These secrets have transformed both beginners and experienced players into confident and sophisticated business golfers....

Bonus-Malus Systems in Automobile Insurance (Cancer Biology and Medicine)

Jean Lemaire

  Bonus-Malus Systems in Automobile Insurance (Cancer Biology and Medicine)  Jean Lemaire  Most insurers around the world have introduced some form of merit-rating in automobile third party liability insurance. Such systems, penalizing at-fault accidents by premium surcharges and rewarding claim-free years by discounts, are called bonus-malus systems (BMS) in Europe and Asia. With the current deregulation trends that concern most insurance markets around the world, many companies will need to develop their own BMS. The main objective of the book is to provide them models to design BMS that meet their objectives. Part I of the book contains an overall presentation of the pros and cons of merit-rating, a case study and a review of the different probability distributions that can be used to model the number of claims in an automobile portfolio.In Part II, 30 systems from 22 different countries, are evaluated and ranked according to their `toughness' towards policyholders. Four tools are created to evaluate that toughness and provide a tentative classification of all systems....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Most insurers around the world have introduced some form of merit-rating in automobile third party liability insurance. Such systems, penalizing at-fault accidents by premium surcharges and rewarding claim-free years by discounts, are called bonus-malus systems (BMS) in Europe and Asia. With the current deregulation trends that concern most insurance markets around the world, many companies will need to develop their own BMS. The main objective of the book is to provide them models to design BMS that meet their objectives. Part I of the book contains an overall presentation of the pros and cons of merit-rating, a case study and a review of the different probability distributions that can be used to model the number of claims in an automobile portfolio.In Part II, 30 systems from 22 different countries, are evaluated and ranked according to their `toughness' towards policyholders. Four tools are created to evaluate that toughness and provide a tentative classification of all systems.......

Product Liability Litigation

Mark A. Kinzie, Christine F. Hart

  Product Liability Litigation  Mark A. Kinzie, Christine F. Hart  Product Liability Litigation provides a comprehensive study of product liability with instruction in the litigation practices that prepare the products lawsuit for trial. It addresses such issues as the use and understanding of written discovery, document preparation, depositions, expert witnesses, product identification and testing, case management orders, and the trial itself. This text covers litigation preparation and theory, primarily in the form of case law interpretation by legal scholars and the use of restatements. The assignments and illustrative case studies presented in Product Liability Litigation provides a comprehensive study of product liability with instruction in the litigation practices that prepare the products lawsuit for trial. It addresses such issues as the use and understanding of written discovery, document preparation, depositions, expert witnesses, product identification and testing, case management orders, and the trial itself. This text covers litigation preparation and theory, primarily in the form of case law interpretation by legal scholars and the use of restatements. The assignments and illustrative case studies presented in "Product Liability" foster critical thinking and problem solving skills....

Gregory's Cases and Materials on Unincorporated Business Associations Including Agency and Partnership, 2d (American Casebook Series®)

William A. Gregory, Thomas R. Hurst

  Gregory's Cases and Materials on Unincorporated Business Associations Including Agency and Partnership, 2d (American Casebook Series®)  William A. Gregory, Thomas R. Hurst  Designed for students not receiving an adequate foundation in fundamental concepts of agency via the Designed for students not receiving an adequate foundation in fundamental concepts of agency via the "pervasive method" of teaching these concepts in contracts, torts, corporations, and other courses. Noteworthy features include special emphasis on the law of partnership and limited partnership, in recognition of the increasing significance of the partnership since passage of the Tax Reform Act of 1986; separate sections include dealing with partnership civil procedure and bankruptcy. Extensive discussion of significant changes made by the Revised Uniform Partnership Act, as amended in August 1993....

Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision

Richard Hartley, Andrew Zisserman

  Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision  Richard Hartley, Andrew Zisserman  Cambridge University Press.   A basic problem in computer vision is to understand the structure of a real world scene. This book covers relevant geometric principles and how to represent objects algebraically so they can be computed and applied. Recent major developments in the theory and practice of scene reconstruction are described in detail in a unified framework. Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman provide comprehensive background material and explain how to apply the methods and implement the algorithms. First Edition HB (2000): 0-521-62304-9  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cambridge University Press. A basic problem in computer vision is to understand the structure of a real world scene. This book covers relevant geometric principles and how to represent objects algebraically so they can be computed and applied. Recent major developments in the theory and practice of scene reconstruction are described in detail in a unified framework. Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman provide comprehensive background material and explain how to apply the methods and implement the algorithms. First Edition HB (2000): 0-521-62304-9...

<<<  The Economic Interpretation of History. James ...             Реставрация капитализма в СССР. Вилли Диккут >>>

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72 Secrets for Successful Business Golf. Suzanne Woo . Книги.

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