The Economic Interpretation of History

James E. Thorold Rogers

  The Economic Interpretation of History  James E. Thorold Rogers  Contents include: The Economical Side of History, Legislation on Labour and its Effects, The Cultivation of Land by Owners and Occupiers, The Social Effect of Religious Movements, Diplomacy and Trade, The Character of Early Taxation, Distribution of Wealth in England at Different Epochs, The History of Agricultural Rents in England, Metallic Currencies, Paper Currencies, The Origin and Progress of English Pauperism, Historical Effects of High and Low Prices, Domestic Manufactures, The Guild and Apprentice System, The Rise and Progress of the Colonial Trade, Laissez Faire: Its Origin and History, The History of the Protectionist Movement in England, The Interpretation of Export and Import Tables, The Estate of the Crown, and the Doctrine of Resumption, Public Debts, The Theory of Modern Taxation, The Object and Character of Local Taxation in England, The Policy of Government in Undertaking Service and Supply, and an index. These lectures were delivered in Worcester College Hall,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Contents include: The Economical Side of History, Legislation on Labour and its Effects, The Cultivation of Land by Owners and Occupiers, The Social Effect of Religious Movements, Diplomacy and Trade, The Character of Early Taxation, Distribution of Wealth in England at Different Epochs, The History of Agricultural Rents in England, Metallic Currencies, Paper Currencies, The Origin and Progress of English Pauperism, Historical Effects of High and Low Prices, Domestic Manufactures, The Guild and Apprentice System, The Rise and Progress of the Colonial Trade, Laissez Faire: Its Origin and History, The History of the Protectionist Movement in England, The Interpretation of Export and Import Tables, The Estate of the Crown, and the Doctrine of Resumption, Public Debts, The Theory of Modern Taxation, The Object and Character of Local Taxation in England, The Policy of Government in Undertaking Service and Supply, and an index. These lectures were delivered in Worcester College Hall,......

Inflation Patterns and Monetary Policy: Lessons for the European Central Bank

Johannes M. Groeneveld

  Inflation Patterns and Monetary Policy: Lessons for the European Central Bank  Johannes M. Groeneveld  The preparation for European Monetary Union and the significant drop in inflation characterize the 1990s for European monetary policy makers. In the near future, the European Central Bank will be given the responsibility to fight inflation in the euro area. This timely book analyzes technical, empirical and international monetary policy considerations relevant to the European Central Bank in choosing an appropriate monetary strategy for achieving price stability. The dynamics of inflation and the choice of a monetary strategy are the binding ingredients of this book. To identify the most effective policy for the European Central Bank, the author uses the experiences of a number of industrialized countries, namely, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium and France, The United States, Canada and New Zealand. It is concluded that monetary targeting would be most effective in fighting inflation. The author also examines in detail the success of economic convergence in Europe and the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The preparation for European Monetary Union and the significant drop in inflation characterize the 1990s for European monetary policy makers. In the near future, the European Central Bank will be given the responsibility to fight inflation in the euro area. This timely book analyzes technical, empirical and international monetary policy considerations relevant to the European Central Bank in choosing an appropriate monetary strategy for achieving price stability. The dynamics of inflation and the choice of a monetary strategy are the binding ingredients of this book. To identify the most effective policy for the European Central Bank, the author uses the experiences of a number of industrialized countries, namely, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium and France, The United States, Canada and New Zealand. It is concluded that monetary targeting would be most effective in fighting inflation. The author also examines in detail the success of economic convergence in Europe and the......

Spoiled Silk: The Red Mayor and the Great Paterson Textile Strike

George W. Shea, George William Shea

  Spoiled Silk: The Red Mayor and the Great Paterson Textile Strike  George W. Shea, George William Shea  Spoiled Silk is the story of two immigrants from the Rhineland, William Brueckmann and his wife Katherine, who started a new life in America?s first industrial city, Paterson NJ, nourishing a vision of their adopted country that was never to be. Committed to a socialist dream, they struggled to improve the lot of their fellow immigrants and, at the same time, to raise a family in the midst of the turbulence that surrounded them. Their efforts contributed in the long run to improve working conditions in American mills, but their dream of a socialist American was never to be realized. It was in 1913 that the workers in the Paterson textile mills, having learned that a new kind of loom would put many of them out of work went on strike against themill owners. In desperation, they called in Big Bill Haywood and the Wobblies of the I. W. W. to help them. The Paterson authorities moved quickly to crush the strike by forbidding the strikers to hold public meetings. Alone among...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Spoiled Silk is the story of two immigrants from the Rhineland, William Brueckmann and his wife Katherine, who started a new life in America?s first industrial city, Paterson NJ, nourishing a vision of their adopted country that was never to be. Committed to a socialist dream, they struggled to improve the lot of their fellow immigrants and, at the same time, to raise a family in the midst of the turbulence that surrounded them. Their efforts contributed in the long run to improve working conditions in American mills, but their dream of a socialist American was never to be realized. It was in 1913 that the workers in the Paterson textile mills, having learned that a new kind of loom would put many of them out of work went on strike against themill owners. In desperation, they called in Big Bill Haywood and the Wobblies of the I. W. W. to help them. The Paterson authorities moved quickly to crush the strike by forbidding the strikers to hold public meetings. Alone among......

Simplifying the Complicated in Real Estate & Appraising

Robert V. Anderson

  Simplifying the Complicated in Real Estate & Appraising  Robert V. Anderson  What do past failures teach us about future projects? This book digs into the reasons behind the unprecedented real estate panic of the mid-1970s. It reveals why projects failed, what kinds of ventures suffered most and what management tactics were at the root of most project failures.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин What do past failures teach us about future projects? This book digs into the reasons behind the unprecedented real estate panic of the mid-1970s. It reveals why projects failed, what kinds of ventures suffered most and what management tactics were at the root of most project failures....

Socially Responsible IT Management

  Socially Responsible IT Management  Socially Responsible IT Management shows IT professionals how to overcome the social crisis that has resulted from the wide-spread use of information technology. By responsibly managing security threats, protecting individual privacy, reducing hazardous waste, and minimizing other negative effects on IT staff and computer users, as well as ordinary citizens around the world, IT professionals can benefit the society at large and reap rewards for their own organizations as well. Scandals at Enron, Andersen, Sotheby's and Christie's, Merrill Lynch, and Tyco are fueling a crisis of confidence in business. Regulators, voters, investors, customers, and employees are demanding that businesses be more socially responsible. Rhetoric is not enough, all organizations need to demonstrate that they are living up to social expectations. Erbschloe shows managers how to take charge of key aspects of their IT operations and follow a morally, ethically, and legally correct path to success. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Socially Responsible IT Management shows IT professionals how to overcome the social crisis that has resulted from the wide-spread use of information technology. By responsibly managing security threats, protecting individual privacy, reducing hazardous waste, and minimizing other negative effects on IT staff and computer users, as well as ordinary citizens around the world, IT professionals can benefit the society at large and reap rewards for their own organizations as well. Scandals at Enron, Andersen, Sotheby's and Christie's, Merrill Lynch, and Tyco are fueling a crisis of confidence in business. Regulators, voters, investors, customers, and employees are demanding that businesses be more socially responsible. Rhetoric is not enough, all organizations need to demonstrate that they are living up to social expectations. Erbschloe shows managers how to take charge of key aspects of their IT operations and follow a morally, ethically, and legally correct path to success. ......

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The Economic Interpretation of History. James E. Thorold Rogers . Книги.

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