Creating a Lean Culutre: Tools to Sustain Lean Conversions

David Mann

  Creating a Lean Culutre: Tools to Sustain Lean Conversions  David Mann  Book DescriptionLean production has been proven unbeatable in organizing production operations, yet the majority of attempts to implement lean end in disappointing results. The critical factor so often overlooked is that lean implementation requires day-to-day, hour-by-hour management practices and skills that leaders in conventional batch-and-queue environments are neither familiar nor comfortable with. Creating a Lean Culture helps lean leaders succeed in their personal batch-to-lean transformation. It provides a practical guide to implementing the missing links needed to sustain a lean implementation. Mann provides critical guidance on developing and using the key elements of a lean management system, including: leader standard work, visual controls, daily accountability processes, maintaining a process focus, managing key HR issues, and much more. In addition, a questionnaire is included to help assess current management practices and monitor progress. Highlights:...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionLean production has been proven unbeatable in organizing production operations, yet the majority of attempts to implement lean end in disappointing results. The critical factor so often overlooked is that lean implementation requires day-to-day, hour-by-hour management practices and skills that leaders in conventional batch-and-queue environments are neither familiar nor comfortable with. Creating a Lean Culture helps lean leaders succeed in their personal batch-to-lean transformation. It provides a practical guide to implementing the missing links needed to sustain a lean implementation. Mann provides critical guidance on developing and using the key elements of a lean management system, including: leader standard work, visual controls, daily accountability processes, maintaining a process focus, managing key HR issues, and much more. In addition, a questionnaire is included to help assess current management practices and monitor progress. Highlights:......

In Search Of Retirement Security: The Changing Mix Of Social Insurance, Employee Benefits, And Individual Responsibility (Conference of the National Academy of Social Insurance)

Roland Barksdale-Hall

  In Search Of Retirement Security: The Changing Mix Of Social Insurance, Employee Benefits, And Individual Responsibility (Conference of the National Academy of Social Insurance)  Roland Barksdale-Hall  Book DescriptionSince World War II, Social Security and employer-based pension plans have become the foundations of an economic security that enables older Americans to retire with dignity and financial independence. Social insurance and tax advantaged retirement benefits currently face a number of challenges, however. The upcoming retirement of the baby boomers will swell the ranks of the retired, which are estimated to double by 2020, straining the Social Security and Medicare programs. Employers are struggling to keep their pension funds afloat, while fewer and fewer companies are offering traditional pension plans. Americans are living longer than ever before, which means they draw benefits longer, taxing the system. In Search of Retirement Security considers these challenges and provides fresh perspectives on the changing responsibilities of individuals, employers, and government in ensuring the continued dignity and independence of retirees.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionSince World War II, Social Security and employer-based pension plans have become the foundations of an economic security that enables older Americans to retire with dignity and financial independence. Social insurance and tax advantaged retirement benefits currently face a number of challenges, however. The upcoming retirement of the baby boomers will swell the ranks of the retired, which are estimated to double by 2020, straining the Social Security and Medicare programs. Employers are struggling to keep their pension funds afloat, while fewer and fewer companies are offering traditional pension plans. Americans are living longer than ever before, which means they draw benefits longer, taxing the system. In Search of Retirement Security considers these challenges and provides fresh perspectives on the changing responsibilities of individuals, employers, and government in ensuring the continued dignity and independence of retirees....

Recreation in the Renaissance : Attitudes Towards Leisure and Pastimes in European Culture, 1350-1700 (Early Modern History)

Alessandro Arcangeli

  Recreation in the Renaissance : Attitudes Towards Leisure and Pastimes in European Culture, 1350-1700 (Early Modern History)  Alessandro Arcangeli  Book Description In Renaissance Europe, when 'leisure classes' used social gathering to define civility and the commercialization of leisure was beginning, the human need for recreation became a cultural topos. This book explores the vocabulary of play and games; the spectrum of leisure activities, often gender-specific or appropriate to particular social groups; the medical discourse on the preservation of health, where amusements were assessed as physical exercise; the moral approach to play; legaltreatises on gambling; and the visual representation of leisure.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description In Renaissance Europe, when 'leisure classes' used social gathering to define civility and the commercialization of leisure was beginning, the human need for recreation became a cultural topos. This book explores the vocabulary of play and games; the spectrum of leisure activities, often gender-specific or appropriate to particular social groups; the medical discourse on the preservation of health, where amusements were assessed as physical exercise; the moral approach to play; legaltreatises on gambling; and the visual representation of leisure....

Krazy & Ignatz, The Dailies. Vol 1. 1918 -1919

George Herriman

  Krazy & Ignatz, The Dailies. Vol 1. 1918 -1919  George Herriman  Book DescriptionThe daily adventures of Krazy Kat from the early days of the classic newspaper strip by George Herriman with an introduction by noted cartoon historian Bill Blackbeard. A rare opportunity to see this gem of the early days of newspaper cartoons from the pen of one of the acknowledged masters of the genre.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe daily adventures of Krazy Kat from the early days of the classic newspaper strip by George Herriman with an introduction by noted cartoon historian Bill Blackbeard. A rare opportunity to see this gem of the early days of newspaper cartoons from the pen of one of the acknowledged masters of the genre....

William Klein: Paris + Klein

William Klein

  William Klein: Paris + Klein  William Klein  Book DescriptionWilliam Klein always dreamed of living in Paris, like Henry Miller, Gertrude Stein, and other like-minded artists and writers. In 1948, stationed by the United States Army in Paris, he stayed--and fled his family and America to become a painter. He quickly found another family and recognition for his talent. Today, one is tempted, like critic Anthony Lane, to say that he is Book DescriptionWilliam Klein always dreamed of living in Paris, like Henry Miller, Gertrude Stein, and other like-minded artists and writers. In 1948, stationed by the United States Army in Paris, he stayed--and fled his family and America to become a painter. He quickly found another family and recognition for his talent. Today, one is tempted, like critic Anthony Lane, to say that he is " the American in Paris." PARIS + KLEIN gathers together hundreds of photographs shot by Klein from thetime he first picked up a camera in the 1960s until he put it down, momentarily, to put together this book. In his signature color and black-and-white compositions, jostled to the brim with more information than a single camera lens was ever expected to take in, we find: men in the street, celebrities, demonstrations, fashion, the police, politics, races, the metro, soccer, death. . .The whole life of a capital seen through the lively, acidic, melancholic, humorous, ironical, and......

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Creating a Lean Culutre: Tools to Sustain Lean Conversions. David Mann . Книги.

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