Щупальца воровского спрута

Владимир Шитов

  Щупальца воровского спрута  Владимир Шитов  АСТ, Люкс.   Случилось невозможное. Нарушен главный из АСТ, Люкс. Случилось невозможное. Нарушен главный из "законов" криминала. Хранитель воровского общака Крот сбежал, прихватив с собой деньги группировки! "Крестный отец", легендарный воровской авторитет по прозвищу Кремень, должен не только отыскать и жестоко покарать предателя, но и за несколько месяцев восстановить утраченное многомиллионное состояние. Охота начинается!...

Песни с той стороны

Владимир Лавров

  Песни с той стороны  Владимир Лавров  Журнал Журнал "Нева". В новую книгу стихов Владимира Лаврова вошли произведения, написанные за последние годы. Этот корпус стихов достаточно полно отражает творчество автора, выявляя как трагизм мировосприятия, так и склонность к словесной игре. Являясь органическим продолжением двух предыдущих сборников стихов, новая книга указывает на возросший творческий потенциал этого очень интересного поэта....

Water Resource Economics And Policy: An Introduction

W. Douglass Shaw

  Water Resource Economics And Policy: An Introduction  W. Douglass Shaw  Book DescriptionEconomic issues arise in almost every water policy context. Water is of most concern when scarce, but physical scarcity is often overcome as human beings move water from place to place, sometimes creating monumental structures. The role that cost and economic value play in water resource allocation is implicit, but often poorly understood. This comprehensive volume clarifies the role of economics and offers material that can be applied to water resource allocation problems around the world. Topics covered include: groundwater, floods and droughts, in situ uses of water and institutions and law.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionEconomic issues arise in almost every water policy context. Water is of most concern when scarce, but physical scarcity is often overcome as human beings move water from place to place, sometimes creating monumental structures. The role that cost and economic value play in water resource allocation is implicit, but often poorly understood. This comprehensive volume clarifies the role of economics and offers material that can be applied to water resource allocation problems around the world. Topics covered include: groundwater, floods and droughts, in situ uses of water and institutions and law....

Anticipating Tomorrow : Living And Making A Living In The 21st Century

Martin J. Blickstein

  Anticipating Tomorrow : Living And Making A Living In The 21st Century  Martin J. Blickstein  Book DescriptionTechnology will change our lives radically. Obsolescence will rapidly become a more pressing dilemma than malfunction. That will produce great uncertainty. We will need to decide between buying and leasing. Will our jobs be secure? Will our education be up to date? Will our politics reflect the times? Indeed, will we even be able to depend on religion for stability? Anticipating Tomorrow provides non-technical setting on much of the technical paraphernalia which is emerging and altering familiar patterns so dramatically--from jobs, to communities, to entertainment, to religion, and to retirement. The material presented will contribute insights and strategies to endure in the new era. It is a catalog of new options rather than a list of new commandments. It emphasizes the ascendant feature of this century is impermanence while stressing durable planning. Anticipate Tomorrow details viable choices which prevent the Age of Information from becoming...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionTechnology will change our lives radically. Obsolescence will rapidly become a more pressing dilemma than malfunction. That will produce great uncertainty. We will need to decide between buying and leasing. Will our jobs be secure? Will our education be up to date? Will our politics reflect the times? Indeed, will we even be able to depend on religion for stability? Anticipating Tomorrow provides non-technical setting on much of the technical paraphernalia which is emerging and altering familiar patterns so dramatically--from jobs, to communities, to entertainment, to religion, and to retirement. The material presented will contribute insights and strategies to endure in the new era. It is a catalog of new options rather than a list of new commandments. It emphasizes the ascendant feature of this century is impermanence while stressing durable planning. Anticipate Tomorrow details viable choices which prevent the Age of Information from becoming......

The Limits of Money : Three Perceptions of Our Most Comprehensive Value System

Simon Goudsmit

  The Limits of Money : Three Perceptions of Our Most Comprehensive Value System  Simon Goudsmit  Book Description The Limits of Money examines money as a historical phenomenon and speculates on its future possibilities and limitations. The volume opens with a concise history of monetary systems and then examines how the advent of numbers transformed money into the main determinant of fiscal value. Simon Goudsmit concludes by looking at the tension between the power of financial incentives and the civic structures and behaviors needed to maintain Western democracy. The Limits of Money is an intriguing and much-needed study of the role of money in daily life and human societies.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The Limits of Money examines money as a historical phenomenon and speculates on its future possibilities and limitations. The volume opens with a concise history of monetary systems and then examines how the advent of numbers transformed money into the main determinant of fiscal value. Simon Goudsmit concludes by looking at the tension between the power of financial incentives and the civic structures and behaviors needed to maintain Western democracy. The Limits of Money is an intriguing and much-needed study of the role of money in daily life and human societies....

<<<  Ян Флеминг. В четырех томах. Том 3. Ян Флеминг             Стратегия захвата. Е. Гуляковский >>>

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Щупальца воровского спрута. Владимир Шитов . Книги.

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