
Wiliam Roberts

  Pestilence  Wiliam Roberts  Book DescriptionIn the 14th century, the Black Plague threatened to destroy Western civilization. This is the backdrop for the two interlocking stories of Pestilence: the saga of a young Arab out to avenge his family by assassinating the king of France, and a small town in rural Wales - a fulcrum of poverty and ignorance. In a bizarre journey deep into the Boschian landscape of medieval Europe, Salah Ibn al Khatib encounters whores, rogues, clergymen, and kings; however, something ominous dogs his every footstep - the plague. Lust, violence, disease, and despair are the elements of this historical fantasy written with the flair of Salman Rushdie. Pestilence, originally written in Welsh, reverberates with the deeper conflict between the West and Islam, turning on its head the notion that Europe once stood as the world's bastion of civilization.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn the 14th century, the Black Plague threatened to destroy Western civilization. This is the backdrop for the two interlocking stories of Pestilence: the saga of a young Arab out to avenge his family by assassinating the king of France, and a small town in rural Wales - a fulcrum of poverty and ignorance. In a bizarre journey deep into the Boschian landscape of medieval Europe, Salah Ibn al Khatib encounters whores, rogues, clergymen, and kings; however, something ominous dogs his every footstep - the plague. Lust, violence, disease, and despair are the elements of this historical fantasy written with the flair of Salman Rushdie. Pestilence, originally written in Welsh, reverberates with the deeper conflict between the West and Islam, turning on its head the notion that Europe once stood as the world's bastion of civilization....

Health Smart: Diabetes Personal Care Organizer

Muriel MacFarlane

  Health Smart: Diabetes Personal Care Organizer  Muriel MacFarlane  Book DescriptionThe day-to-day diabetes guidebook. This practical guide cuts through the medical jargon to focus on the important information needed to manage diabetes. The text, charts, tables, and journal section will help readers communicate with doctors, test and track blood sugar levels, administer insulin injections, plan healthy meals, and much more.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe day-to-day diabetes guidebook. This practical guide cuts through the medical jargon to focus on the important information needed to manage diabetes. The text, charts, tables, and journal section will help readers communicate with doctors, test and track blood sugar levels, administer insulin injections, plan healthy meals, and much more....

The Good Gut Guide: Help for Ibs, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Diverticulitis, Food Allergies, Other Gut Problems

Stephanie Zinser

  The Good Gut Guide: Help for Ibs, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Diverticulitis, Food Allergies, Other Gut Problems  Stephanie Zinser  Book DescriptionThe most comprehensive self-help book ever written for sufferers of poor intestinal health. Written by a sufferer of ulcerative colitis and journalist who has been speaking out about such painful and common conditions, this book provides advice on how to cope with IBS, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory gut disorders. Millions of people suffer from lower gut disorders, which can be extremely painful and embarrassing. In Book DescriptionThe most comprehensive self-help book ever written for sufferers of poor intestinal health. Written by a sufferer of ulcerative colitis and journalist who has been speaking out about such painful and common conditions, this book provides advice on how to cope with IBS, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory gut disorders. Millions of people suffer from lower gut disorders, which can be extremely painful and embarrassing. In "The Good Gut Guide", Stephanie Zinser confrontsthese often ignored problems, with chapters on: irritable bowel syndrome; ulcerative colitis; Crohn's disease; coeliac disease; diverticulosis; haemorrhoids; and bowel cancer. This comprehensive book is not only a medical resource, but also aims to give support on all elements of life as a sufferer of inflammatory gut disorders. The psychological effect of these debilitating and embarrassing illnesses is considered, with advice on how to cope with depression, hospitals and sexual......

The Wild Creatures

Sam D'Allesandro

  The Wild Creatures  Sam D'Allesandro  Book DescriptionThe collected works of Sam D?Allesandro, a precocious young voice whose voice was silenced at 31. It includes all of his published stories, including the out-of-print cult classic The Zombie Pit, as well as unpublished stories found among his papers years after his death by his editor, the poet and novelist Kevin Killian. The Wild Creatures explores a strange terrain of urban legend, the power of sexual obsession, and the thin line where the too-cool becomes the too-hot. It is clearwhy Sam D?Allesandro?s focused, vivid writing remains the stuff of legend.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe collected works of Sam D?Allesandro, a precocious young voice whose voice was silenced at 31. It includes all of his published stories, including the out-of-print cult classic The Zombie Pit, as well as unpublished stories found among his papers years after his death by his editor, the poet and novelist Kevin Killian. The Wild Creatures explores a strange terrain of urban legend, the power of sexual obsession, and the thin line where the too-cool becomes the too-hot. It is clearwhy Sam D?Allesandro?s focused, vivid writing remains the stuff of legend....

Elfriede's Cat: Notes of a High School Literature Teacher : Notes of a High School Literature Teacher

George Roberts

  Elfriede's Cat: Notes of a High School Literature Teacher : Notes of a High School Literature Teacher  George Roberts  Book DescriptionDesigned to enhance public discourse about education, to honor the work teachers are doing every day in their classrooms, and to honor students.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDesigned to enhance public discourse about education, to honor the work teachers are doing every day in their classrooms, and to honor students....

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Pestilence. Wiliam Roberts . Книги.

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