Transforming the Dream: Ecologism and the Shaping of an Alternative American Vision

Charles Sokol Bednar

  Transforming the Dream: Ecologism and the Shaping of an Alternative American Vision  Charles Sokol Bednar  Book DescriptionExplores the underlying assumptions of environmental studies and the need for a new paradigm for understanding our world.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionExplores the underlying assumptions of environmental studies and the need for a new paradigm for understanding our world....

Taxing the Hard-to-Tax: Lessons from Theory and Practice, Volume 268 (Contributions to Economic Analysis)

J. Alm

  Taxing the Hard-to-Tax: Lessons from Theory and Practice, Volume 268 (Contributions to Economic Analysis)  J. Alm  Book DescriptionThe goal of this edited volume is to take a hard, objective look at the many different aspects of taxing the hard-to-tax, as well as the many different approaches that have been employed around the world. In the developed and developing world, taxing certain kinds of activities, sectors, or individuals - the so-called Book DescriptionThe goal of this edited volume is to take a hard, objective look at the many different aspects of taxing the hard-to-tax, as well as the many different approaches that have been employed around the world. In the developed and developing world, taxing certain kinds of activities, sectors, or individuals - the so-called "hard-to-tax" - is a challenge for governments. In the past, the practical side of this issue has received some attention, mainly from those working in the trenches of tax administration. There has also been some analytical work on such things as "presumptive" taxation, as well as some empirical work on measuring the hard-to-tax. However, the lessons from all of this work have been very unevenly disseminated, and there are clearly many unresolved issues. With the steady advance of such things as globalization, internet commerce, and tax shelters, the issues in taxing the hard-to-tax will become even more pressing....

Plunkett's Apparel and Textiles Industry Almanac: Your Complete Guide to All Facets of the Apparel and Textiles Business from Design to Manufacturing to ... Apparel & Textiles Industry Almanac)

Jack W. Plunkett

  Plunkett's Apparel and Textiles Industry Almanac: Your Complete Guide to All Facets of the Apparel and Textiles Business from Design to Manufacturing to ... Apparel & Textiles Industry Almanac)  Jack W. Plunkett  Book DescriptionThe apparel and textiles industry involves complex relationships that are constantly evolving. This carefully-researched book covers exciting trends in apparel and textile supply chains, manufacturing, design, women?s fashions, men's fashions, children's fashions, shoes, accessories, retailing, distribution, technologies and fabrics of all types. It includes a thorough market analysis as well as our highly respected trends analysis. You?ll find a complete overview, industry analysis and market research report in one superb, value-priced package. It contains thousands of contacts for business and industry leaders, industry associations, Internet sites and other resources. This book also includes statistical tables, an industryglossary and thorough indexes. The corporate profiles section of the book includes our proprietary, in-depth profiles of the 350 leading companies in all facets of the apparel and textiles industry. Purchasers of either the book or PDF...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe apparel and textiles industry involves complex relationships that are constantly evolving. This carefully-researched book covers exciting trends in apparel and textile supply chains, manufacturing, design, women?s fashions, men's fashions, children's fashions, shoes, accessories, retailing, distribution, technologies and fabrics of all types. It includes a thorough market analysis as well as our highly respected trends analysis. You?ll find a complete overview, industry analysis and market research report in one superb, value-priced package. It contains thousands of contacts for business and industry leaders, industry associations, Internet sites and other resources. This book also includes statistical tables, an industryglossary and thorough indexes. The corporate profiles section of the book includes our proprietary, in-depth profiles of the 350 leading companies in all facets of the apparel and textiles industry. Purchasers of either the book or PDF......

Mortal Fear

Scott Ciencin

  Mortal Fear  Scott Ciencin  Simon Spotlight Entertainment.   Buffy the Vampire Slayer.   Control Issues Buffy Summers is being run ragged all over Sunnydale these days. Working from clues some mysterious power is providing her with, the Slayer's chasing down different baddies to gather pieces of a soul sword before it can be reassembled and fall into the wrong hands. While she resents following someone else's orders, at the same time it is oddly comforting to her to have a clear goal, and someone else making all the plans. Without Giles around, and with her relationships a mess, Buffy's at a point in her life where she could use some direction. Her friends are also searching for control in their lives, looking for areas they can excel in -- without magick or destruction. Xander and Willow figure there has to be a better way to get by, to get ahead for a change. But just when it seems as if their dreams are coming true, both are felled by a strange virus that has been sweeping through Sunnydale -- and thus Simon Spotlight Entertainment. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Control Issues Buffy Summers is being run ragged all over Sunnydale these days. Working from clues some mysterious power is providing her with, the Slayer's chasing down different baddies to gather pieces of a soul sword before it can be reassembled and fall into the wrong hands. While she resents following someone else's orders, at the same time it is oddly comforting to her to have a clear goal, and someone else making all the plans. Without Giles around, and with her relationships a mess, Buffy's at a point in her life where she could use some direction. Her friends are also searching for control in their lives, looking for areas they can excel in -- without magick or destruction. Xander and Willow figure there has to be a better way to get by, to get ahead for a change. But just when it seems as if their dreams are coming true, both are felled by a strange virus that has been sweeping through Sunnydale -- and thus "poisoning" the food supply......

Wizardess Born

Lucia Bibolini

  Wizardess Born  Lucia Bibolini  PublishAmerica.   Wizardess Born (first volume of Wizardess Trilogy) is a tale of magic and adventure, a blend of Western fantasy lore and Eastern mysticism for both the young and the not-so-young adult. Born at the joining of Prithvi's two moons, Avaishyais teased for being vague and slow. Little do people realise that she wields the greatest magic Prithvi has seen in generations! Only her cat Moordy and her friend Shuvinya know about her unusual abilities. However, the secret is revealed when the three friends are drawn into a dramatic quest to save the peaceful kingdom of Tansaan from the Ravinians and their leader, Ravin. Besides Shuvinya and Moordy, the gods have chosen another three companions to aid the young wizardess: Vaarteiss, a dreamy minstrel; Taiksh, a trainee warrior; and Mikshalya, a playful Piskel. Each of the six unlikely heroes will discover hidden strengths as they prepare to meet their destiny.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин PublishAmerica. Wizardess Born (first volume of Wizardess Trilogy) is a tale of magic and adventure, a blend of Western fantasy lore and Eastern mysticism for both the young and the not-so-young adult. Born at the joining of Prithvi's two moons, Avaishyais teased for being vague and slow. Little do people realise that she wields the greatest magic Prithvi has seen in generations! Only her cat Moordy and her friend Shuvinya know about her unusual abilities. However, the secret is revealed when the three friends are drawn into a dramatic quest to save the peaceful kingdom of Tansaan from the Ravinians and their leader, Ravin. Besides Shuvinya and Moordy, the gods have chosen another three companions to aid the young wizardess: Vaarteiss, a dreamy minstrel; Taiksh, a trainee warrior; and Mikshalya, a playful Piskel. Each of the six unlikely heroes will discover hidden strengths as they prepare to meet their destiny....

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Transforming the Dream: Ecologism and the Shaping of an Alternative American Vision. Charles Sokol Bednar . Книги.

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