Transforming Foreign Aid: United States Assistance in the 21st Century

Carol Lancaster

  Transforming Foreign Aid: United States Assistance in the 21st Century  Carol Lancaster  The phenomenon of foreign aid began at the end of World War II and has survived the Cold War. How should the United States now spend its foreign aid to support its interests and values in the new century? In this study, Carol Lancaster takes a fresh lookat all US foreign aid programs and asks whether their purposes, organization and management are appropriate to US interests and values in the world of the 21st century. Lancaster finds that US aid in the new century, if it is to be an effective tool of US foreign policy, needs to be transformed. Its purposes need to be refocused and its organization and management brought into line with those purposes. Those purposes include support for peace-making, addressing transnational issues, providing for humane concerns and responding to humanitarian emergencies. Traditional programs aimed at promoting development, democracy and economic and political transitions in former socialist countries will not disappear but they will have less...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The phenomenon of foreign aid began at the end of World War II and has survived the Cold War. How should the United States now spend its foreign aid to support its interests and values in the new century? In this study, Carol Lancaster takes a fresh lookat all US foreign aid programs and asks whether their purposes, organization and management are appropriate to US interests and values in the world of the 21st century. Lancaster finds that US aid in the new century, if it is to be an effective tool of US foreign policy, needs to be transformed. Its purposes need to be refocused and its organization and management brought into line with those purposes. Those purposes include support for peace-making, addressing transnational issues, providing for humane concerns and responding to humanitarian emergencies. Traditional programs aimed at promoting development, democracy and economic and political transitions in former socialist countries will not disappear but they will have less......

A 21st Century of Maximum Civilization or Chaotic-Anarchy and Epidemics

Angeliki Burriel

  A 21st Century of Maximum Civilization or Chaotic-Anarchy and Epidemics  Angeliki Burriel  There are two diametrically different wolds on earth. One is well defined by the high quality of life resulting from wealth and a high living standard, the other the exact opposite. The two run in parallel, the latter dreaming of the former, but the former rarely thinking of the latter. In these two so different worlds people view their problems and those of others through their individual cognitive map. Those lucky to live well view the problems of the others, the unlucky, as non-consequential to them. Disease, hunger, crime, drug abuse, strife and death from misery and war are the problems of those others becoming of consequence to the lucky only when they are not easily bypassed. Even then, the lucky think of the unlucky as that they are themselves the causes of their troubling misery. In past centuries the latter was resulting from their inferiority as people and races. Today misery is a problem caused by their backwardness, lack of education, corruption and! lack of ability to...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин There are two diametrically different wolds on earth. One is well defined by the high quality of life resulting from wealth and a high living standard, the other the exact opposite. The two run in parallel, the latter dreaming of the former, but the former rarely thinking of the latter. In these two so different worlds people view their problems and those of others through their individual cognitive map. Those lucky to live well view the problems of the others, the unlucky, as non-consequential to them. Disease, hunger, crime, drug abuse, strife and death from misery and war are the problems of those others becoming of consequence to the lucky only when they are not easily bypassed. Even then, the lucky think of the unlucky as that they are themselves the causes of their troubling misery. In past centuries the latter was resulting from their inferiority as people and races. Today misery is a problem caused by their backwardness, lack of education, corruption and! lack of ability to......

Management Buy-Outs and Venture Capital : Into the Next Millennium

Mike Wright, Centre for Management Buy-Out Research, Ken Robbie

  Management Buy-Outs and Venture Capital : Into the Next Millennium  Mike Wright, Centre for Management Buy-Out Research, Ken Robbie  This book presents up-to-date evidence on the issues facing financiers and intermediaries involved in venture capital and management buy-outs. It provides a comprehensive review of existing literature and an analysis of international trends in marketdevelopment as well as a global comparison of the major issues. It addresses venture capital at the industry/market and firm level and provides full coverage on both informal and formal venture capitalists, management buy-outs, and competing and complementary sources of finance including bank finance and trade credit. The contributors also discuss issues not widely covered in the existing literature on the nature of venture capitalist-investee relationships and the revelation of knowledge, the costs of information searches, the development of appropriate forms of managerial and financial control systems, the role of the entrepreneur and bargaining models of contract negotiation. It uses case study examples from the US,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book presents up-to-date evidence on the issues facing financiers and intermediaries involved in venture capital and management buy-outs. It provides a comprehensive review of existing literature and an analysis of international trends in marketdevelopment as well as a global comparison of the major issues. It addresses venture capital at the industry/market and firm level and provides full coverage on both informal and formal venture capitalists, management buy-outs, and competing and complementary sources of finance including bank finance and trade credit. The contributors also discuss issues not widely covered in the existing literature on the nature of venture capitalist-investee relationships and the revelation of knowledge, the costs of information searches, the development of appropriate forms of managerial and financial control systems, the role of the entrepreneur and bargaining models of contract negotiation. It uses case study examples from the US,......

Data Mining in Finance: Advances in Relational and Hybrid Methods (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 547)

Boris Kovalerchuk, Evgenii Vityaev

  Data Mining in Finance: Advances in Relational and Hybrid Methods (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 547)  Boris Kovalerchuk, Evgenii Vityaev  Data Mining in Finance presents a comprehensive overview of major algorithmic approaches to predictive data mining, including statistical, neural networks, ruled-based, decision-tree, and fuzzy-logic methods, and then examines the suitability of these approaches to financial data mining. The book focuses specifically on relational data mining (RDM), which is a learning method able to learn more expressive rules than other symbolic approaches. RDM is thus better suited for financial mining, because it is able to make greater use of underlying domain knowledge. Relational data mining also has a better ability to explain the discovered rules -- an ability critical for avoiding spurious patterns which inevitably arise when the number of variables examined isvery large. The earlier algorithms for relational data mining, also known as inductive logic programming (ILP), suffer from a relative computational inefficiency and have rather limited tools for processing numerical data. Data Mining...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Data Mining in Finance presents a comprehensive overview of major algorithmic approaches to predictive data mining, including statistical, neural networks, ruled-based, decision-tree, and fuzzy-logic methods, and then examines the suitability of these approaches to financial data mining. The book focuses specifically on relational data mining (RDM), which is a learning method able to learn more expressive rules than other symbolic approaches. RDM is thus better suited for financial mining, because it is able to make greater use of underlying domain knowledge. Relational data mining also has a better ability to explain the discovered rules -- an ability critical for avoiding spurious patterns which inevitably arise when the number of variables examined isvery large. The earlier algorithms for relational data mining, also known as inductive logic programming (ILP), suffer from a relative computational inefficiency and have rather limited tools for processing numerical data. Data Mining......

The Patterson Principles of Selling

Jeffrey Gitomer

  The Patterson Principles of Selling  Jeffrey Gitomer  "Progress is the result of thought." ?from the Think! booklet, 1911 What prevents you from achievement? How many distractions steal your time? What are the five most influential sales books you have read? What books are in your sales library? Ever get a great idea? Ever not follow through with it? What principles of sales do you live by? Do you even have any? What does the word "probable" mean to you? How does "probable" affect your attitude? What do the words "Boot Camp" conjure up in your mind? How sales-physically-fit are you, really? Answers to these questions and more, inside. All you have to do to get them is purchase this book. (and don?t forget to ask for a receipt)...

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Transforming Foreign Aid: United States Assistance in the 21st Century. Carol Lancaster . Книги.

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