Выпьем чарку и споем

  Выпьем чарку и споем  Эксмо.   На протяжении многих веков человечество в полной мере оценило вино - это замечательное, пьянящее и даже роковое зелье, помогающее людям избавиться от печали и обрести мир, радость и веселье в душе. В сборник Эксмо. На протяжении многих веков человечество в полной мере оценило вино - это замечательное, пьянящее и даже роковое зелье, помогающее людям избавиться от печали и обрести мир, радость и веселье в душе. В сборник "Выпьем чарку и споем" вошли стихи поэтов всего мира, начиная с древнегреческих шутливых эпиграмм и до сегодняшних дней....

Wages, Welfare Costs and Inflation in Classical Athens

William T. Loomis

  Wages, Welfare Costs and Inflation in Classical Athens  William T. Loomis  William T. Loomis examines all surviving Athenian wages, salaries, welfare payments and other labor costs to determine what people really were paid for various kinds of work and allowances. These determinations, in turn, enable the author to cast a new and authoritative light on three controversial questions: Was there a William T. Loomis examines all surviving Athenian wages, salaries, welfare payments and other labor costs to determine what people really were paid for various kinds of work and allowances. These determinations, in turn, enable the author to cast a new and authoritative light on three controversial questions: Was there a "standard wage" in Athens? Were there periods of inflation and deflation? Did Athenians have an "embedded" or a "market" economy? Individual chapters critically examine each surviving wage or other payment in thirteen job categories, including public office holders; soldiers and sailors; priests, oracles, and seers; overseers, architects, and other salaried construction personnel; and prostitutes and pimps. Three additional chapters then consider whether there was a "standard wage," inflation and deflation in Athens, and the implications of these conclusions for the hotly debated question about the nature of the Athenian economy. This......

The Performance Appraisal Question and Answer Book: A Survival Guide for Managers

Richard C. Grote, Dick Grote

  The Performance Appraisal Question and Answer Book: A Survival Guide for Managers  Richard C. Grote, Dick Grote  Most managers hate conducting performance appraisal discussions. What's worse, few feel confident in their ability to accurately assess the performance of a subordinate. In The Performance Appraisal Question and Answer Book , expert Dick Grote answers over 100 of the most common -- and most difficult -- questions about this vitally important but often misunderstood and misused tool, including: * How should I react when an employee starts crying during the appraisal discussion . . . or gets mad at me? * Which is more important -- the results the person achieved or the way she went about doing the job? * Is there such a thing as a perfect performance appraisal form? Many of the answers include a Hot Tip or Red Flag: a note to the reader making a particularly insightful suggestion. This book helps supervisors and HR professionals ease the pain of performance appraisal and use the process effectively.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Most managers hate conducting performance appraisal discussions. What's worse, few feel confident in their ability to accurately assess the performance of a subordinate. In The Performance Appraisal Question and Answer Book , expert Dick Grote answers over 100 of the most common -- and most difficult -- questions about this vitally important but often misunderstood and misused tool, including: * How should I react when an employee starts crying during the appraisal discussion . . . or gets mad at me? * Which is more important -- the results the person achieved or the way she went about doing the job? * Is there such a thing as a perfect performance appraisal form? Many of the answers include a Hot Tip or Red Flag: a note to the reader making a particularly insightful suggestion. This book helps supervisors and HR professionals ease the pain of performance appraisal and use the process effectively....

Finding an Academic Job (Graduate Survival Skills)

Karen M. Sowers-Hoag, Dianne F. Harrison

  Finding an Academic Job (Graduate Survival Skills)  Karen M. Sowers-Hoag, Dianne F. Harrison  This volume explores a range of issues surrounding the process of finding employment in academic settings. It includes surveying the market, preparation of credentials, marketing onself, hunting for a job, negotiating an offer, and issues arising in dual-career partnerships.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume explores a range of issues surrounding the process of finding employment in academic settings. It includes surveying the market, preparation of credentials, marketing onself, hunting for a job, negotiating an offer, and issues arising in dual-career partnerships....

Salon Client Care: How to Maximize Your Potential for Success

J. Elaine Spear

  Salon Client Care: How to Maximize Your Potential for Success  J. Elaine Spear  This new book is a comprehensive guide to customer service and client care for the salon industry. Readers learn how to build and retain a strong customer base, communicate effectively with clients, and generate an ideal salon ambiance. Complete with statistics, tips on computer software for salon use, and suggestions for staff maintenance, this resource contains all of the essential information on how to operate a successful salon. Just some of what you will learn includes: -How to store and access key information about your clients -How to build your client base and keep them coming back -How to select the most valuable, easy-to-use software programs for salon marketing -How to smoothly and effectively implement change in your salon  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This new book is a comprehensive guide to customer service and client care for the salon industry. Readers learn how to build and retain a strong customer base, communicate effectively with clients, and generate an ideal salon ambiance. Complete with statistics, tips on computer software for salon use, and suggestions for staff maintenance, this resource contains all of the essential information on how to operate a successful salon. Just some of what you will learn includes: -How to store and access key information about your clients -How to build your client base and keep them coming back -How to select the most valuable, easy-to-use software programs for salon marketing -How to smoothly and effectively implement change in your salon...

<<<  Заблуждения протекционизма.              Курс финансового менеджмента. В. В. Ковалев >>>

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