The Timid Corporation : Why Business is Terrified of Taking Risk

Benjamin Hunt

  The Timid Corporation : Why Business is Terrified of Taking Risk  Benjamin Hunt  'This book provides a much needed critical intervention in the governance and risk management mania that has characterised corporate regulation in the past ten years. Benjamin Hunt challenges us to reinterpret the mantras of brand management, customer focus, stakeholder dialogue, shareholder value and many more as products of an anxious society populated by defensive corporations, fearful of markets and led by empty political systems. The Timid Corporation is refreshingly provocative, and offers atimely reminder of the paradox of corporate regulation in the post-Enron world which can never restore trust. This book is essential reading for managers, politicians and academics concerned with the consequences of a culture of corporate risk aversion for genuine innovation. 'This book provides a much needed critical intervention in the governance and risk management mania that has characterised corporate regulation in the past ten years. Benjamin Hunt challenges us to reinterpret the mantras of brand management, customer focus, stakeholder dialogue, shareholder value and many more as products of an anxious society populated by defensive corporations, fearful of markets and led by empty political systems. The Timid Corporation is refreshingly provocative, and offers atimely reminder of the paradox of corporate regulation in the post-Enron world which can never restore trust. This book is essential reading for managers, politicians and academics concerned with the consequences of a culture of corporate risk aversion for genuine innovation." Michael Power, P.D. Leake Professor of Accounting, and Co-Director, ESRC Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation, London School of Economics...

Venture Capital Investing: The Complete Handbook for Investing in Private Businesses for Outstanding Profits

David Gladstone, Laura Gladstone

  Venture Capital Investing: The Complete Handbook for Investing in Private Businesses for Outstanding Profits  David Gladstone, Laura Gladstone  Financial Times Prentice Hall.   In his classic bestseller Venture Capital Handbook, leading venture capitalist David Gladstone showed thousands of companies how to get funding and work with early stage investors. Now, in his revision of the classic, Venture Capital Investing, he looks at venture capital through the eyes of the investor. Gladstone shows all of you VC investors and angels exactly how to weed through scores of business proposals and find the gem that will deliver outstanding returns, especially in these soft economic times. You will learn what to look for in a business proposition; how to assess entrepreneurs and their management teams; how to evaluate financial statements, market niches, competitive environments, and product innovations; how to investigate a business that's already operating; and how to build effective partnerships with existing portfolio companies.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Financial Times Prentice Hall. In his classic bestseller Venture Capital Handbook, leading venture capitalist David Gladstone showed thousands of companies how to get funding and work with early stage investors. Now, in his revision of the classic, Venture Capital Investing, he looks at venture capital through the eyes of the investor. Gladstone shows all of you VC investors and angels exactly how to weed through scores of business proposals and find the gem that will deliver outstanding returns, especially in these soft economic times. You will learn what to look for in a business proposition; how to assess entrepreneurs and their management teams; how to evaluate financial statements, market niches, competitive environments, and product innovations; how to investigate a business that's already operating; and how to build effective partnerships with existing portfolio companies....

International Business Information: How to Find It, How to Use It

Ruth A. Pagell, Michael Haperin, Michael Halperin

  International Business Information: How to Find It, How to Use It  Ruth A. Pagell, Michael Haperin, Michael Halperin  This newly updated and expanded edition of an Oryx bestseller, by award-winning authors Ruth A. Pagell and Michael Halperin, is the only reference work available that guides business researchers and librarians to the most valuable sources for informationon international business and shows how to interpret and use the data provided. The authors also describe business practices in various regions and countries, the basics of international trade and finance, international business organizations, and relevant political departments and agencies. An extensive number of exhibits and tables are featured, and the book's appendixes include glossaries, checklists for evaluating sources, and sample disclosure documents.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This newly updated and expanded edition of an Oryx bestseller, by award-winning authors Ruth A. Pagell and Michael Halperin, is the only reference work available that guides business researchers and librarians to the most valuable sources for informationon international business and shows how to interpret and use the data provided. The authors also describe business practices in various regions and countries, the basics of international trade and finance, international business organizations, and relevant political departments and agencies. An extensive number of exhibits and tables are featured, and the book's appendixes include glossaries, checklists for evaluating sources, and sample disclosure documents....

Technology, Culture, and Competitiveness: Change and the World Political Economy (Technology & Global Political Economy)

Michael Talalay, Chris Farrands, Roger Tooze

  Technology, Culture, and Competitiveness: Change and the World Political Economy (Technology & Global Political Economy)  Michael Talalay, Chris Farrands, Roger Tooze  The first volume in a major series, Technology, Culture and Competitiveness will be an essential read for all those who need to deal with the causes and consequences of rapid technological change in an increasingly globalized world, whether they be government policy-makers, managers of multi-national corporations, commentators on the international scene or specialists in and students of international politics, economics and business studies. The authors discuss three related areas: how we think about technology and international relations/international political economy; in what sense technology is a fundamental component of national competitive advantage and what national, local and corporate policy should be in light of this; and what the relationship is between technological innovation and global and political economics change. Technology is discussed not just in an instrumental sense-- as a tool of power and an object of policy--but equally in a transcendental sense--as a key...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The first volume in a major series, Technology, Culture and Competitiveness will be an essential read for all those who need to deal with the causes and consequences of rapid technological change in an increasingly globalized world, whether they be government policy-makers, managers of multi-national corporations, commentators on the international scene or specialists in and students of international politics, economics and business studies. The authors discuss three related areas: how we think about technology and international relations/international political economy; in what sense technology is a fundamental component of national competitive advantage and what national, local and corporate policy should be in light of this; and what the relationship is between technological innovation and global and political economics change. Technology is discussed not just in an instrumental sense-- as a tool of power and an object of policy--but equally in a transcendental sense--as a key......

The Contract and Fee-Setting Guide for Consultants and Professionals

Howard L. Shenson

  The Contract and Fee-Setting Guide for Consultants and Professionals  Howard L. Shenson  Expert advice on how to strike a fair deal and command a fair price The Contract and Fee-Setting Guide for Consultants & Professionals No matter how knowledgeable you are in your field No matter how great your track record No matter how expert your advice or impressive your credentials you jeopardize your client base if you do not instill every phase of your practice?from proposal-writing to final reporting?with a consummate professionalism. And for sharp clients, the first clear signs of such a savvy professionalism are the ability to develop a well-wrought and compelling proposal, set fees at a fair market price and offer credible, straightforward contracts that protect both you and your client. This book teaches you, in a few days, what it traditionally took people half a lifetime to learn through trial and error. In writing it, the author drew on his more than twenty years as a business consultant, lecturer, and author to offer you tips on...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Expert advice on how to strike a fair deal and command a fair price The Contract and Fee-Setting Guide for Consultants & Professionals No matter how knowledgeable you are in your field No matter how great your track record No matter how expert your advice or impressive your credentials you jeopardize your client base if you do not instill every phase of your practice?from proposal-writing to final reporting?with a consummate professionalism. And for sharp clients, the first clear signs of such a savvy professionalism are the ability to develop a well-wrought and compelling proposal, set fees at a fair market price and offer credible, straightforward contracts that protect both you and your client. This book teaches you, in a few days, what it traditionally took people half a lifetime to learn through trial and error. In writing it, the author drew on his more than twenty years as a business consultant, lecturer, and author to offer you tips on......

<<<  Human Relations Management in Young, Growing Companies : A Manual for ...             Курс финансового менеджмента. В. В. Ковалев >>>

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The Timid Corporation : Why Business is Terrified of Taking Risk. Benjamin Hunt . Книги.

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