Human Relations Management in Young, Growing Companies : A Manual for Entrepreneurs and Executives

Marvin Snider

  Human Relations Management in Young, Growing Companies : A Manual for Entrepreneurs and Executives  Marvin Snider  Often lost in the study of people management is the crucial skill of relationships management. It is not simply the study of how to help people Often lost in the study of people management is the crucial skill of relationships management. It is not simply the study of how to help people "get along," nor is it the same as managing compensation, for example, but it is infinitely more volatile, complex, and difficult to do. Snider sees it as the key to success in new and growing organizations of almost any kind (he refers to these relationships as "partnerships") and in his challenging new book proves that in any high-growth company, people really are partners. He explores the dynamics of such groups, their social and psychological aspects, and shows how to use the concepts that emerge from these understandings to manage a real-world enterprise. What happens if it fails? Snider, a clinical psychologist with experience in couples therapy, shows that the dissolution of a business can be likened to the breakup of a marriage and "managed" the same way. This book is engrossing, essential reading for entrepreneur-executives in all......

eBusiness & Workplace Re-design

Paul J. Jackson, Reima Suomi

  eBusiness & Workplace Re-design  Paul J. Jackson, Reima Suomi  As the growth in teleworking, 'virtual teams', and 'virtual enterprises' has shown, the economic landscape is increasingly characterized by an ability to work across spatial and organizational boundaries. Only with this redesign of working methods and business processes can the promise of the digital age be delivered. This book draws upon an international, multi-disciplinary team of contributors to present the most recent academic research on the subject of e-commerce.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин As the growth in teleworking, 'virtual teams', and 'virtual enterprises' has shown, the economic landscape is increasingly characterized by an ability to work across spatial and organizational boundaries. Only with this redesign of working methods and business processes can the promise of the digital age be delivered. This book draws upon an international, multi-disciplinary team of contributors to present the most recent academic research on the subject of e-commerce....

Rethinking Public Relations : The Spin and the Substance (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies)

Kevin Moloney

  Rethinking Public Relations : The Spin and the Substance (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies)  Kevin Moloney  PR is a huge UK industry with up to 50,000 jobs, a poor reputation yet a pervasive influence on politics and markets. Historically, it has been mostly weak propaganda and market boosterism, yet it escapes sustained academic scrutiny. PR needs reform because it will not go away, and because it continues to grow. It must become reasoned persuasion. Until that happens via voicing more competitive group intermediation and internal reform, it stands convicted as charged: contributing to communicative inequality in liberal, democratic, market democracies.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин PR is a huge UK industry with up to 50,000 jobs, a poor reputation yet a pervasive influence on politics and markets. Historically, it has been mostly weak propaganda and market boosterism, yet it escapes sustained academic scrutiny. PR needs reform because it will not go away, and because it continues to grow. It must become reasoned persuasion. Until that happens via voicing more competitive group intermediation and internal reform, it stands convicted as charged: contributing to communicative inequality in liberal, democratic, market democracies....

Milady's Guide to Lymph Drainage Massage

Ramona Moody French

  Milady's Guide to Lymph Drainage Massage  Ramona Moody French  Book Description Lymph drainage massage is a technique utilized by estheticians and massage therapists to provide relief from edema, an accumulation of fluids in the tissues that causes swelling. This book provides a scientifically accurate explanation of the lymphatic system, the theory behind lymph drainage massage, and explains when it should be performed. The book also explains the application of lymph drainage massage to the needs of well clients, rather than focusing on pathology, since most massage therapists and estheticians will not be treating lymph edema disease in their work.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Lymph drainage massage is a technique utilized by estheticians and massage therapists to provide relief from edema, an accumulation of fluids in the tissues that causes swelling. This book provides a scientifically accurate explanation of the lymphatic system, the theory behind lymph drainage massage, and explains when it should be performed. The book also explains the application of lymph drainage massage to the needs of well clients, rather than focusing on pathology, since most massage therapists and estheticians will not be treating lymph edema disease in their work....

Trade Liberalization in Aviation Services: Can the Doha Round Free Flight? (AEI Studies on Services Trade Negotiations)

Brian Hindley

  Trade Liberalization in Aviation Services: Can the Doha Round Free Flight? (AEI Studies on Services Trade Negotiations)  Brian Hindley  International air transport is governed by guidelines established in 1944, when war-torn European states blocked American proposals for open international aviation; a system that allowed protection of national carriers was adopted. In this new century, it is time to revisit the laws governing international aviation. In this study, Brian Hindley discusses the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the possibility of new international aviation rules. Traffic rights?which carriers can fly where?are the necessary core of any agreement, but they are expressly exempted from the disciplines of the GATS. This creates a unique opportunity for the industry to craft agreements outside the WTO, and thenpotentially negotiate special provisions for itself within the WTO. But problems remain. The dispute-settlement process continues to frustrate many carriers, especially U.S. airlines, and it does not seem likely that WTO...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин International air transport is governed by guidelines established in 1944, when war-torn European states blocked American proposals for open international aviation; a system that allowed protection of national carriers was adopted. In this new century, it is time to revisit the laws governing international aviation. In this study, Brian Hindley discusses the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the possibility of new international aviation rules. Traffic rights?which carriers can fly where?are the necessary core of any agreement, but they are expressly exempted from the disciplines of the GATS. This creates a unique opportunity for the industry to craft agreements outside the WTO, and thenpotentially negotiate special provisions for itself within the WTO. But problems remain. The dispute-settlement process continues to frustrate many carriers, especially U.S. airlines, and it does not seem likely that WTO......

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Human Relations Management in Young, Growing Companies : A Manual for Entrepreneurs and Executives. Marvin Snider . Книги.

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