Мой путь к животным

Хайнц Зильман

  Мой путь к животным  Хайнц Зильман  Мир.   Мой путь к животным.   Издание 1978 года. Сохранность хорошая. В книге Мир. Мой путь к животным. Издание 1978 года. Сохранность хорошая. В книге "Мой путь к животным", первой из серии "Дикая манящая природа", рассказывается о становлении исследователя-натуралиста, о поисках интересных сюжетов, героями которых являются животные. Научная подготовка автора в сочетании с широтой выбора объектов, простота и лаконичность изложения, многочисленные уникальные фотографии позволяют читателю глубже проникнуть в мир животных....

История моего современника. В четырех томах. Том 1-2

В. Г. Короленко

  История моего современника. В четырех томах. Том 1-2  В. Г. Короленко  Художественная литература. Ленинградское отделение.   История моего современника. В четырех томах. Том 1-2.   Издание 1976 года. Сохранность хорошая. Художественная литература. Ленинградское отделение. История моего современника. В четырех томах. Том 1-2. Издание 1976 года. Сохранность хорошая. "История моего современника" В. Г. Короленко (1853-1921) - итоговая книга писателя, в которой отразились социально-политические и нравственные искания его поколения. В ней В. Г. Короленко выступает как художник, публицист, общественный деятель. Тома 1-2 рассказывает о детстве героя, его ученических и студенческих годах, первых общественных выступлениях и ссылках. Вступительная статья и примечания Б. Аверина....

Women's Work in Rural China: Change and Continuity in an Era of Reform (Cambridge Modern China Series)

Tamara Jacka

  Women's Work in Rural China: Change and Continuity in an Era of Reform (Cambridge Modern China Series)  Tamara Jacka  Since 1978, reform policies introduced in rural China have had a profound impact on women's work and gender divisions of labor. This book provides detailed information on the shifts in women's work patterns that have occurred. It explains how and why these shifts have come about, and how they relate to other aspects of women's position in society. While other aspects of reform in rural China have been analyzed extensively, this is one of very few, and to date the most comprehensive, studies of the effects of reform on rural women.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Since 1978, reform policies introduced in rural China have had a profound impact on women's work and gender divisions of labor. This book provides detailed information on the shifts in women's work patterns that have occurred. It explains how and why these shifts have come about, and how they relate to other aspects of women's position in society. While other aspects of reform in rural China have been analyzed extensively, this is one of very few, and to date the most comprehensive, studies of the effects of reform on rural women....

Welfare Titans: How Lloyd George & Gordon Brown Compare & Other Essays on Welfare Reform

Frank Field

  Welfare Titans: How Lloyd George & Gordon Brown Compare & Other Essays on Welfare Reform  Frank Field  There are few people better qualified to write on welfare than Frank Field. He has studied the issue for many years, and served as minister for Welfare Reform after the 1997 election. He brings both practical experience and historical perspective to bearon the problem. In this collection of essays he argues that we cannot continue as we are. The rights-based, centrally-funded, government-controlled welfare state we now operate is expensive, unresponsive, and the cause of what Frank Field describes as There are few people better qualified to write on welfare than Frank Field. He has studied the issue for many years, and served as minister for Welfare Reform after the 1997 election. He brings both practical experience and historical perspective to bearon the problem. In this collection of essays he argues that we cannot continue as we are. The rights-based, centrally-funded, government-controlled welfare state we now operate is expensive, unresponsive, and the cause of what Frank Field describes as "aform of permanent serfdom." In spite of this, New Labour remains wedded to the "ration-book" model, appropriate for the post-war years when our present system was being set up, but out of touch with the modern world of increased consumer choice. Frank Field describes the present policies as "the last throw in politics of central control." In the brilliant essay which gives this book its title, Frank Field compares Lloyd George and Gordon Brown as "titans of welfare reform." Both......

Ethics of the International Monetary Systems

Samuel Sarri

  Ethics of the International Monetary Systems  Samuel Sarri  Ethics of the International Monetary Systems follows the attempts to establish a form of control over international monetary systems from the Gold Standard system to the floating exchange rates of today. Since the inception of these systems, economists have criticized them as fundamentally unfair to countries that have not adopted the strict market rigors of Western-style capitalism. Samuel Sarri presents an ethical approach to evaluating the history of economic theory. Then he puts forth a new approach to international monetary systems that involves grouping similar countries and cultures in trading blocs called Ethics of the International Monetary Systems follows the attempts to establish a form of control over international monetary systems from the Gold Standard system to the floating exchange rates of today. Since the inception of these systems, economists have criticized them as fundamentally unfair to countries that have not adopted the strict market rigors of Western-style capitalism. Samuel Sarri presents an ethical approach to evaluating the history of economic theory. Then he puts forth a new approach to international monetary systems that involves grouping similar countries and cultures in trading blocs called "regional competitive cooperatives" that fairly compete with one another, while boosting global development and respecting heterogeneous, regional value-systems and axiologies. He uses the successes of International Free Trade Agreements and the monetary union of Europe as a guide. Sarri's system aspires to achieve the classical ideals of global financial and monetary......

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Мой путь к животным. Хайнц Зильман . Книги.

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