International Consumption Comparisons

E. A. Selvanathan, S. Selvanathan

  International Consumption Comparisons  E. A. Selvanathan, S. Selvanathan  This book presents an analysis of consumption patterns in the OECD (rich) and LDC (poor) countries using recent data (1950?1998) and econometric methodology for a number of broadly aggregated consumer goods. The income elasticity estimates for the 46 countries and 9 commodity groups are tabulated. The reliability of these elasticity estimates, and also the demand theory hypotheses, are investigated using simulation techniques.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book presents an analysis of consumption patterns in the OECD (rich) and LDC (poor) countries using recent data (1950?1998) and econometric methodology for a number of broadly aggregated consumer goods. The income elasticity estimates for the 46 countries and 9 commodity groups are tabulated. The reliability of these elasticity estimates, and also the demand theory hypotheses, are investigated using simulation techniques....

Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World

Eduardo Galeano, Mark Fried, Jose Guadalupe Posada

  Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World  Eduardo Galeano, Mark Fried, Jose Guadalupe Posada  In a series of mock lesson plans and a In a series of mock lesson plans and a "program of study" Galeano provides an eloquent, passionate, funny and shocking expose of First World privileges and assumptions. From a master class in "The Impunity of Power" to a seminar on "The Sacred Car"—with tips along the way on "How to Resist Useless Vices" and a declaration of the "The Right to Rave"—he surveys a world unevenly divided between abundance and deprivation, carnival and torture, power and helplessness. We have accepted a "reality" we should reject, he writes, one where poverty kills, people are hungry, machines are more precious than humans, and children work from dark to dark. In the North, we are fed on a diet of artificial need and all made the same by thingswe own; the South is the galley slave enabling our greed....

The Fast Track Course on How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal

Stephen Blake Mettee

  The Fast Track Course on How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal  Stephen Blake Mettee  The hard, cold fact about getting a book published is that without something close to divine intervention an author is going to have to write a sales piece, called a book proposal, that will attract the attention of an editor or an agent. In fact, at most publishers, this sales piece is going to have to hold up under the scrutiny of a committee made up of a bevy of editors and a pod of sales and marketing people. With The Fast-Track Course on How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal, Mettee, a seasoned book editor and publisher, cuts to the chase and provides simple, detailed instruction that allows anyone to write a professional book proposal and hear an editor say Yes! According to Mettee, the first rule is: Do no harm. Too many authors don't pay enoughattention to the small things like spelling and grammar and manuscript format that are needed to make their book proposals appear professional. They may have a great idea for a book and be eminently qualified to write it but they...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The hard, cold fact about getting a book published is that without something close to divine intervention an author is going to have to write a sales piece, called a book proposal, that will attract the attention of an editor or an agent. In fact, at most publishers, this sales piece is going to have to hold up under the scrutiny of a committee made up of a bevy of editors and a pod of sales and marketing people. With The Fast-Track Course on How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal, Mettee, a seasoned book editor and publisher, cuts to the chase and provides simple, detailed instruction that allows anyone to write a professional book proposal and hear an editor say Yes! According to Mettee, the first rule is: Do no harm. Too many authors don't pay enoughattention to the small things like spelling and grammar and manuscript format that are needed to make their book proposals appear professional. They may have a great idea for a book and be eminently qualified to write it but they......

Guidebook for Directors of Nonprofit Corporations

George W. Overton, Jeannie Carmedelle Frey

  Guidebook for Directors of Nonprofit Corporations  George W. Overton, Jeannie Carmedelle Frey  A new edition of the ABA's most popular title, this guidebook is designed for directors and prospective directors of all types of nonprofit corporations. The Guidebook written in plain-English commentary, addresses general legal principles and corporategovernance issues to provide nonprofit directors with a comprehensive understanding of their roles.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A new edition of the ABA's most popular title, this guidebook is designed for directors and prospective directors of all types of nonprofit corporations. The Guidebook written in plain-English commentary, addresses general legal principles and corporategovernance issues to provide nonprofit directors with a comprehensive understanding of their roles....

Leading Marketers: Industry Leaders Share Their Knowledge on the Future of Marketing, Advertising and Building Successful Brands

Aspatore Books Staff,, Stephen Jones, T. Michael Glenn, Karen Edwards, Michael Linton, Jody Bilney, John Hayes, Richard Rivers, Richard Costello

  Leading Marketers: Industry Leaders Share Their Knowledge on the Future of Marketing, Advertising and Building Successful Brands  Aspatore Books Staff,, Stephen Jones, T. Michael Glenn, Karen Edwards, Michael Linton, Jody Bilney, John Hayes, Richard Rivers, Richard Costello  Aspatore Books.   Leading Marketers Series.   Connecting with consumer needs, Staying consumer focused, Building an internet mega-brand, Making sure the consumer has a seat at the table, Building a powerful marketing engine, How brands and marketing are evolving together, Marlboro Friday: branding a product, Providing choice, Turning a brand into a national pastime.   This book features chief marketing officer level executives from The Coca-Cola Company, General Electric, FedEx, American Express, Yahoo!, Best Buy, Verizon, Unilever and Major League Baseball. These visionary marketers share their knowledge on the art of building and growing a brand, best marketing for your money, the golden rules of marketing, the everlasting effects of the Internet and technology, public relations, advertising, the future of marketing and other important topics. An unparalleled look inside the world of marketing makes for exciting and highly interesting reading for CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, and every marketing, advertising and public relations professional at any level.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Aspatore Books. Leading Marketers Series. Connecting with consumer needs, Staying consumer focused, Building an internet mega-brand, Making sure the consumer has a seat at the table, Building a powerful marketing engine, How brands and marketing are evolving together, Marlboro Friday: branding a product, Providing choice, Turning a brand into a national pastime. This book features chief marketing officer level executives from The Coca-Cola Company, General Electric, FedEx, American Express, Yahoo!, Best Buy, Verizon, Unilever and Major League Baseball. These visionary marketers share their knowledge on the art of building and growing a brand, best marketing for your money, the golden rules of marketing, the everlasting effects of the Internet and technology, public relations, advertising, the future of marketing and other important topics. An unparalleled look inside the world of marketing makes for exciting and highly interesting reading for CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, and every marketing, advertising and public relations professional at any level....

<<<  Роман как держава. Милорад Павич             Зеленое небо, бело-голубое крыло. Олег Винокуров >>>

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International Consumption Comparisons. E. A. Selvanathan, S. Selvanathan . Книги.

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