Роман как держава

Милорад Павич

  Роман как держава  Милорад Павич  Зебра Е.   Я был самым нечитаемым писателем своей страны до 1984 года, когда вдруг за один день превратился в самого читаемого. Я написал первый роман в виде словаря, второй - в виде кроссворда, третий - в виде клепсидры и четвертый как пособие по гаданию на картах таро. Пятый был астрологическим справочником для непосвященных. Я старался как можно меньше мешать моим романам. Я думаю, что роман, как и рак, живет за счет своих метастазов и питается ими. С течением времени я все меньше чувствую себя писателем написанных мною книг, и все больше - писателем других, будущих, которые, скорее всего, никогда не будут написаны.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Зебра Е. Я был самым нечитаемым писателем своей страны до 1984 года, когда вдруг за один день превратился в самого читаемого. Я написал первый роман в виде словаря, второй - в виде кроссворда, третий - в виде клепсидры и четвертый как пособие по гаданию на картах таро. Пятый был астрологическим справочником для непосвященных. Я старался как можно меньше мешать моим романам. Я думаю, что роман, как и рак, живет за счет своих метастазов и питается ими. С течением времени я все меньше чувствую себя писателем написанных мною книг, и все больше - писателем других, будущих, которые, скорее всего, никогда не будут написаны....

The International Monetary System

Peter B. Kenen, Fabrizio Saccomanni, Francesco Papadia

  The International Monetary System  Peter B. Kenen, Fabrizio Saccomanni, Francesco Papadia  This book is a collection of essays on the international monetary system written by some of the most authoritative economists and policymakers. All the fundamental components of the international monetary system are critically examined and some suggestions are presented for its probable, or desired, evolution. The emphasis is on the present situation, but the book provides the necessary background to understand recent episodes of tension in international monetary and financial markets.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is a collection of essays on the international monetary system written by some of the most authoritative economists and policymakers. All the fundamental components of the international monetary system are critically examined and some suggestions are presented for its probable, or desired, evolution. The emphasis is on the present situation, but the book provides the necessary background to understand recent episodes of tension in international monetary and financial markets....

Work Careers : A Developmental Perspective (J-B SIOP Frontiers Series)

Daniel C. Feldman

  Work Careers : A Developmental Perspective (J-B SIOP Frontiers Series)  Daniel C. Feldman  Work Careers brings together a stellar panel of experts from the fields of industrial and organizational psychology, counseling and clinical psychology, social psychology, organizational behavior, and human resource management. This volume offers a comprehensive exploration of how an individual's career unfolds from early childhood through retirement. Based on the most recent findings and current research, the volume also focuses on changes in the societal and organizational contexts of career development and reveals how context shapes and constrains individual career decisions.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Work Careers brings together a stellar panel of experts from the fields of industrial and organizational psychology, counseling and clinical psychology, social psychology, organizational behavior, and human resource management. This volume offers a comprehensive exploration of how an individual's career unfolds from early childhood through retirement. Based on the most recent findings and current research, the volume also focuses on changes in the societal and organizational contexts of career development and reveals how context shapes and constrains individual career decisions....

Get More Referrals Now! The Four Cornerstones That Turn Business Relationships Into Gold

Bill Cates, Bill Cates

  Get More Referrals Now! The Four Cornerstones That Turn Business Relationships Into Gold  Bill Cates, Bill Cates  Sales legend Bill Cates uses his experience and expert knowledge to show sales professionals how to work smarter (not harder) by employing Sales legend Bill Cates uses his experience and expert knowledge to show sales professionals how to work smarter (not harder) by employing "The Four Cornerstones of Referrals" --relationship building and customer service, creating referral alliances and networks, prospecting, and targeting niche markets. Using Cates's easy-to-master referral-based selling techniques, readers: Work less and earn more by getting existing customers to work for them generating high-quality referrals Turnevery business contact into a relationship and every relationship into a sales success story...


Elyse Barbell Rudolf, Diane J. Rosenthal

  JOB HUNTING SKILLS BOOK 2: THE JOB SEARCH  Elyse Barbell Rudolf, Diane J. Rosenthal  Vital job hunting direction for students and adult learners who need to imporve their basic skils and find a job.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Vital job hunting direction for students and adult learners who need to imporve their basic skils and find a job....

<<<  Бог. Вселенная. Смысл. Игорь Богин             Зеленое небо, бело-голубое крыло. Олег Винокуров >>>

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Роман как держава. Милорад Павич . Книги.

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