Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis, Second Edition

John K. Taylor, Cheryl Cihon

  Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis, Second Edition  John K. Taylor, Cheryl Cihon  Today, researchers in every area of applied science have access to the statistical techniques and technology they need to analyze data. All they need is practical guidance on using those techniques. This new edition provides straightforward discussion of basic statistical techniques and computer analysis. The purpose, structure, and principles remain the same as the successful first edition, but the treatment now includes updates in every chapter, additional topics such as proportions, time-to-event and time series date, and critical values. Most importantly, the author now incorporates an introduction to MINITAB Statistical Software and uses it in examples throughout the book.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Today, researchers in every area of applied science have access to the statistical techniques and technology they need to analyze data. All they need is practical guidance on using those techniques. This new edition provides straightforward discussion of basic statistical techniques and computer analysis. The purpose, structure, and principles remain the same as the successful first edition, but the treatment now includes updates in every chapter, additional topics such as proportions, time-to-event and time series date, and critical values. Most importantly, the author now incorporates an introduction to MINITAB Statistical Software and uses it in examples throughout the book....

Hierarchical Modelling for the Environmental Sciences: Statistical Methods and Applications

  Hierarchical Modelling for the Environmental Sciences: Statistical Methods and Applications  New statistical tools are changing the ways in which scientists analyze and interpret data and models. Many of these are emerging as a result of the wide availability of inexpensive, high speed computational power. In particular, hierarchical Bayes and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods for analysis provide consistent framework for inference and prediction where information is heterogeneous and uncertain, processes are complex, and responses depend on scale. Nowhere are these methods more promising than in the environmental sciences. Models have developed rapidly, and there is now a requirement for a clear exposition of the methodology through to application for a range of environmental challenges. * Jointly edited by a leading ecologist and statistician, with contributions from recognized experts in the field * Introduces environmental scientists to modern statistical computation techniques * Provides a non-technical overview of hierarchical Bayes and Markov Chain Monte Carlo...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин New statistical tools are changing the ways in which scientists analyze and interpret data and models. Many of these are emerging as a result of the wide availability of inexpensive, high speed computational power. In particular, hierarchical Bayes and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods for analysis provide consistent framework for inference and prediction where information is heterogeneous and uncertain, processes are complex, and responses depend on scale. Nowhere are these methods more promising than in the environmental sciences. Models have developed rapidly, and there is now a requirement for a clear exposition of the methodology through to application for a range of environmental challenges. * Jointly edited by a leading ecologist and statistician, with contributions from recognized experts in the field * Introduces environmental scientists to modern statistical computation techniques * Provides a non-technical overview of hierarchical Bayes and Markov Chain Monte Carlo......

Swag 2: Rock Posters of the '90s and Beyond

Spencer Drate, Judith Salavetz

  Swag 2: Rock Posters of the '90s and Beyond  Spencer Drate, Judith Salavetz  Crackling with sexual tension, comic flourishes, macabre drama, and science fiction clichA©s, rock posters are as vibrant and varied as the music they celebrate-and more popular today than ever. With imagery that ranges from eye-popping and crassly outraous to subtle and esoteric, these graphic manifestos of rock rebellion have matured into a full-blown phenomenon, four decades after the first great wave of rock art roared out of San Francisco in the 1960s. In Swag 2: Rock Posters of the '90s a Beyond , noted designers Spencer Drate and Judith Salavetz have collected a fascinating assortment of images created by 50 of the most important poster artists working today-from 1960s pioneers such as Jim Phillips to gifted painters to graphic designtudios as diverse as Patent Pending Industries and Asterik Studio. The foreword, coauthored by poster artists Nels Jacobson and Dirk Fowler, provides a fitting introduction to this colorful world where rock posters reign supreme. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Crackling with sexual tension, comic flourishes, macabre drama, and science fiction clichA©s, rock posters are as vibrant and varied as the music they celebrate-and more popular today than ever. With imagery that ranges from eye-popping and crassly outraous to subtle and esoteric, these graphic manifestos of rock rebellion have matured into a full-blown phenomenon, four decades after the first great wave of rock art roared out of San Francisco in the 1960s. In Swag 2: Rock Posters of the '90s a Beyond , noted designers Spencer Drate and Judith Salavetz have collected a fascinating assortment of images created by 50 of the most important poster artists working today-from 1960s pioneers such as Jim Phillips to gifted painters to graphic designtudios as diverse as Patent Pending Industries and Asterik Studio. The foreword, coauthored by poster artists Nels Jacobson and Dirk Fowler, provides a fitting introduction to this colorful world where rock posters reign supreme. ......

Легенды, предания, бывальщины

  Легенды, предания, бывальщины  Современник.   Классическая библиотека Современник. Классическая библиотека "Современника". Сборник знакомит читателя с народной несказочной прозой, основное место и нем занимают предания, записанные в разное время в разных областях России. Тематика их разнообразна: предания о заселении края, о предках-родоначальниках, об аборигенах, о богатырях и силачах, о разбойниках, о борьбе с внешними врагами, о конкретных исторических лицах. Былички и легенды (о лешем, водяной, домовом, овиннике, ригачнике и т.д.) передают языческие и христианские верования народа, трансформировавшиеся в поэтический вымысел. Вступительная статья и историко-этнографический комментарий помогут самому широкому читателю составить целостное представление об этих малоизвестных жанрах русского фольклора....

Opera Coaching: Professional Techniques and Considerations

Alan Montgomery

  Opera Coaching: Professional Techniques and Considerations  Alan Montgomery  Opera Coaching is the first practical guide for pianists, singers, and opera producers to this important--and often neglected--career. The opera coach is a teacher who helps singers not only meet the physical and vocal demands of a score, but--like the dramatic coach--shapes their entire performance. The opera coach must have a wide knowledge, from a full understanding of human physiognomy and the human voice, to the many languages used in Western vocal music, to the entire expanse of the opera repertoire, from its roots in 17th century sung drama through today's most modern compositions. Opera Coaching covers all of these topics and more, making it the ideal resource for anyone interested in this fascinating career.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Opera Coaching is the first practical guide for pianists, singers, and opera producers to this important--and often neglected--career. The opera coach is a teacher who helps singers not only meet the physical and vocal demands of a score, but--like the dramatic coach--shapes their entire performance. The opera coach must have a wide knowledge, from a full understanding of human physiognomy and the human voice, to the many languages used in Western vocal music, to the entire expanse of the opera repertoire, from its roots in 17th century sung drama through today's most modern compositions. Opera Coaching covers all of these topics and more, making it the ideal resource for anyone interested in this fascinating career....

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Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis, Second Edition. John K. Taylor, Cheryl Cihon . Книги.

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